This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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Wruckers room

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Communists in Congress Today? Probing the Roots of 'McCarthyism'

this is my response to this article:

ya but have you read the book where Diane Feinstein's family as she is a Rosenberg sold the US's nuclear secrets to Russia. Have you red Venona on how many foreign KGB units where paying our high officials. Have you read today the normal what you would call red scare goes on everyday in our espionage branches. As a matter of fact once a year they still have the so called red scare tactic congressional meeting on anti american's or what you call espionage agents darlings. Give me a break. Joe McCarthy saved you from an era of non political association, non religious association and for the most part non freedom of speech. I hate people who just read the rich liberal leftist that got in trouble for trying to sell out our economy and cognitional warfare bases to the communist. If you look today we see the same thing happening except we do not see any Joe doing a more dominace one month investigation instead the of the normal one week we still have each year.

For example, today the US liberal leftist CEO's sell out more US jobs to the Communist SOE's. Which Joe brought in leftist rich'st that where trying to enslave Russians to the Communist SOE's. We see the left and right that is right today and the right doing it. So you should be thankfull that Joe stood up and at least stopped the right during that area. As today as you can see by the OWS marching that even the right today given in to Communist State Owned Enterprise and enslavement by the Communist parties of the world. Then you see the liberal media institutions. During that area Soviet's where not allowed to have religious, politics or even free speech. So Joe was really pissed off that the liberal leftist would sell out our cognitional media that we created to stop the German Socialist to the Soviets. Joe McCarthy saved free speech and the American way by stopping Soviet take over of our economy like we see the Communist Chinese doing today just destroying places like Detroit, LA, Chicago and most major areas where you can see by the heritage maps that big cities have sold their business to Communist Chinese SOE enslavement camps. While if you look further at the heart and soul of the right being lost to liberal leftist viewpoints of major SOE enslavement camps. You see today AMC was just sold out to the Communist Chinese party. Where now they own 353 cognitional bases in the US. Where they can choice to create cognitional social mass viewpoints against freedom through small connecting the dots games that we used in Soviet Russia and we protected our cognitional media and yes Joe McCarthy for all you that do not read everything on the matte started a rock n roll underground cognitional attack against the Soviet's non allowance of freedom. Which as per a CIA report that came out Joe's McCarthy's rock n roll smuggling cognitional attacks on the Soviets where the main reason for destroying the Soviet Union allowing small countries to be free and allowing for many political parties to be affiliated with each other in debate for lead and peaceful battle. Today we see the Communist Party of China who destroy's freedom of Speech just like the Soviets did, does not allow expression of movie ideas against the one single political party nor the idea of communism. Has basically just literally taken over the worlds media cognitional mass social outlets. Where they can now control our espionage as per Venona and Joe's words. He stated that our media and Hollywood are how we pay our top espionage agents in the public so as not to cause draw. So we can't have the Soviets owning any major part of our liberal media so that they can destroy our ability to direct US espionage agents thespians. So as to be able to control our ability to play our light shows in our social masses. 

Today however, thanks to this idea of a red scare. We see we are losing in the world of Democracy. Even the so call win for the Democracy underground in the middle east is a failure as the people voted in are more fascist and communist than the Communist governments. 

It upsets me when folks speak on Senator Joe McCarthy and they know nothing and they just get all upset and say do not talk to me about that guy he attacked freedom of speech. No he did not he saved it. As if it was not for him stopping the major espionage attacks by the communist party or as per communist constitutions the state of Soviet espionage branches. Which was what they where doing. As you can believe in Karl's Marx but not be a communist. But international parties where shown to be part of the Russian world white supremacy where they controlled ever single communist party. Much like we see today in the international communist party. Where the Chinese supremacist now control the international arms of the local communist parties. The worst part was that folks are not in-depth enough to understand espionage. Where things like allowing in the Confucius Chinese religion into the US schools. The Chinese will not allow in our philosophy or spiritual life into their grammar schools. So please with this red scare stuff you are ignorant to freedom and you are a threat to your own so called liberal ideas. Abraham Lincoln Republican, Slave states Democrats, Mr Luther King Republican, KKK where Democrats, Joe McCarthy Republican, those who attacked their own guardian of freedom where Democrats. 

I do not like folks that use emotion to argue. Strong hard cold facts. This light show is an example of how us espionage agents try and control ideas of world supremacy. US agents work for Democracy Communist always work for one racist extremist country. Russia, China, North Korean etc. They feel like they are doing it for multiculturalism but they are not they are just pawns in a very oppressive regimes games. The party that just set precedent so that political elitist can now force you into an industry or tax you if you do not buy their services or goods. Democrats those trying to stop that idea of governance and create a different way of not allowing political elitist to force you into industries or be a criminal if you do not pay the heavy tax. Democrats. 

Rider I

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Letter to ICE.

If ICE stops picking up illegal immigrants with no Federal law id on legal status. Then the clandestine units will stop helping the Democratic party with regards to street subversive groups. War is war, and reality is reality, if they pull legal Federal funds, clandestine which is not controlled by either Republican or Democrat pulls on the Democrats for helping the Mexican military push drugs, sex slaves, and labor slaves into the USA. Plain and simple eye for an eye. Please keep helping Arizona properly deal with illegal's.

We saw the Democratic Party once use slavery of world citizens to enhance their parties economics and supremacy. Today again we see the majority of sweat shops, and laws being made to protect coyotes and sex slave traders at the boarder are again being favored by the Democrats. From a family with one dead man and one half foot in the grave and one foot out. I am telling you we will also pull federal funds from the Democrats as per clandestine rule of law when we die to protect this country not a foreign Mexican Military initiated for Democratic en-slaver enhancement of their political supremacy.

Erich Holder allows a well known Racist Black Panther who preaches the death of latin and white children. To walk with regards to a racist hate crime of voter intimidation. So I am sorry, sometimes you must see your counter agency and realize they will pull help too. This idea of politics allowing politicians to destroy the US for political supremecy by pulling agents help should not happen. Agents should stay strong and follow the laws. As a Clandestine agency if a Democrat is threatened or close to being harmed in our grids we have to operate and remove. As do you if you get the call of duty to remove an foreign military's annexation and insurrectionist move. We can see the 500,000 march that claimed that the US was not even US territory to prove that. In which they claimed it for a Mexican Military and Soviet intelligence old created idea of Aztlan.  The clandestine agency does not do politics it does US law. What is law, Federal black and white is law.

Rider I

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


my thoughts are the Supreme Court struck down ability of local states to enforce federal law with local officers. The issue I will show is the idea that states can't enforce Federal laws is like saying that all other laws that are enforced by local are now also inabled to be enforced, bank robbery, taxes, financial crimes, criminals across boarders, state to state crime, international crimals. etc. This is the area I believe that the Supreme court did not sufficient logically battle on. As one could make the case if the FBI which was made to be a intergral single operation to stop bank robbery is the only one that can stop bank robbery enforce it or make laws about it. Then all local state and country bank robbery laws are also invalid as per this cases striking of ability of local enforcement laws.

Why can't the whole world just come and go as they please and take jobs without any legal process to allow us to use them as proper citizens.

"the United States, 8 U. S. C. §1182; requires aliens to register with the Federal Government and to carry proof of status, §§1304(e), 1306(a); imposes sanctions on employers who hire unauthorized workers, §1324a; and specifies which aliens may be removed and the procedures for doing so,
see §1227" pg 1

'Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), an agency within the Department of Homeland
Security, is responsible for identifying, apprehending, and removing
illegal aliens.  It also operates the Law Enforcement Support Center,
which provides immigration status information to federal, state, and
local officials around the clock.  P"

Areas they seem to use for bright lines for their logic.
1. Congress has exclusive governance over immigration. As per logic behind cites on pg 2. The then go to use a test word to show when congress leaves no room for others to regulate "pervasive" "no room to supplement" "confliction with federal law" "obstacle to execution of purpose and objectives to Congress" "“single integrated and all-embracing system" "“enforce additional  or auxiliary regulations.” "“curtail or complement" these two seem to be the battle ground swords they will use if the first test logics are not passed. As logically through 10th Amendment rights to enforce federal laws we are not looking here at an issue of federal saying you can't enforce locally federal laws. But it seems that way. So lets unwind it and see if they do try and say that or if they prove that the local law went above and beyond changed or made addition. 

Then the idea is if it is so the case that Arizona made additions to or auxilary to the idea of civil rights laws cases that will be fought on how one finds out if one is illegal as per local enforcement. I would say that immigration law states that if you immigrate here you have to speak english. That would give probable cause if you do not speak english you are probable an illegal. 

so we move to the federal law difference of employer is a criminal and illegal immigrant gets civil penalites. lets see if they speak on how illegal immigration itself is a misdeamonor and any laws abiding to acting as a co conspiraty to the felonious employer law makes the issue not any more a misdeamnor but if rewritten would make the illegal immigrant a felon as per co conspirators to a crime being committed by the employer. being thus part of that crime knowingly. To amend this part of the logical battle so it is not to amend or auxillary but just to use plain law. The statute should say, if you are an illegal immigrant and you are a co conspirator in the felonious act of employing an illegal immigrant you are thus tryable in a felonous conspiracy. around there. For example if I rob a bank and my buddy drives he is also part of that crime. not auxillary not complement just criminal law. 

"Congress decided it would
be inappropriate to impose criminal penalties on unauthorized employees." However did it decide that conspiracy laws or even. The law of helping a criminal ".....word logic is"

ya they go bonkers this makes no sense "As a general rule, it is not a crime for a
removable alien to remain in the United States" That is not true, illegal immigration is a felony, helping a felony is a crime, employing a immigrant is a crime, immigranting illegal is a crime. And therefore we have many criminal charges for them just being in the USA. Where the only way they can be here legally is if they are born as per the constitution. Which means things like learning english and fitting in so as not to break the law not committing offense like loitering, drug's, trash throwing. etc. That would be like saying I have robbed a bank. But because I robbed the bank that is not a general rule as me being a criminal. And if the FBI every puts to and two together I am not a criminal. The act of committing the crime makes one a criminal not not being caught. Federal codex then goes on to say if you wish to naturalize you must learn english. Then you would not have probable cause to have an officer warrantlessly arrest you.

Section 6 gives local more authority to arrest than Federal as they are not instructed to arrest. Which goes back to the falcious idea linking into a fallacy that it is not generaly a crime to be in the us illegally. That what this premise resides on. Again if a local police officer catches a bank robber with a ton of money in his car days after he committed the crime of bank robbery. Can the officer then show probable cause, as would an officer who found out a person in the US is not following Federal codex to naturalize by learning english. Let's say I go out in public in a well known criminal area. I wear dark clothes and a old man's mask. Plus I have a bag with a legion arrow on it. Then would local police knowing my description have probable cause years later to stop me. Thus symbols of a criminal should be defined in the law, I think language is the way we see bright line in immigration. Historically it was.

Then they move to no instruction by federal government. However, is federal law enough to be an instruction. Cause if not then the police could say that a lot of federal laws if not instructed by federal officers not my business.

"Federal law specifies limited circumstances in which state officers may perform an immigration officer’s functions" Which basically is any matter as per the law which this justice is writing very discriminatively towards liberal views. As he says that hte Federal government limits. Then pretty much gives the law that "federal law permits state officers to “cooperate with the Attorney General in the identification, apprehension,
detention, or removal of aliens not lawfully present in the United
States,” §1357(g)(10)(B)," In criminal law that is everything that one does in crime prevention. There is no limitation in Federal law. As id, apprehend, detain or remove not lawfully here means no limitation this is ridiculous. Basically the judge says Fedearl government limits local officials. But then says Federal allow as before I read this then asked is federal law enough of a direction. Then he answeres with yes I am a dumb arse and very discriminative. By logic makes no sense and I lie by saying it is limited then sight the law that gives unlimited power to local in immigraiton powers. Do we have to go through political upheavil to follow federal law. If a DOJ Attorney Justice is racist has shown prejudice with regards to prosecuting racist hate criminals that threaten white children. Then shows prejudice by fighting for a gangster who was shot after many numerous obvious gang symbols, pictures, under age tattoos, the area was robbed a week before twice, nobody in the gated community knew the teenage gangster, and then he was disresepctfull to the land owner and community elder by beating on the head. I do not think so I think that it is enough that it is federal law as a direction. The Federal government does not get to pick out what states it wishes to destory by not allowing federal law to be upheld.

Then the justice who made a fallacious premise of being in the states unlawfully as defined in Federal law. Which he sites the term but does not give the definition to disprove his basese fallacious premise he rests his conclusion on. Says "fact conflicts with federal immigration law" The premise that the whole case I now seem to see being strucred around is that being in the US is not generally illegal. DOes not properly deal with the Federal legal definition of unlawful and lawful immigrant.

On top of creating a stick man premise for a very powerful case. We now have a blatant lie. That says Federal law limits local law on immigration. Then he cites a law that says local may assist in all parts of immigration enforcement. The consent is the law being written. The Attorney General does not get to say who can enforce laws and who can't. As that would allow nominalized destruction of states. Let's say federal drug laws. A Republican Attorney General comes in and says Chicago can't enforce federal drug laws. All local drug laws that are above or beyond are illegal and as I say you can't enforce federal it all rests on less than 20 officers for the whole state. That is the same thing as the majority of drugs come from illegal immigration underground railroads.

The logic I am now guessing he is going to go with his stick man premise and his lie. Is that becuase the attorney general did not send a friendly memo saying please work with us on immigration. That Arizona may not follow federal directed law.

The limitations that are civil rights limitations on all crimes are used which are general across teh board limitations. Which is not a limitation it is just a rule. Valid ID given, race, color, national origin

Found status checks does not intefer with federal law's.

Speaks on importance of local and federal law working together on immigration.

Now to go to the Opinion. I like how he says The USA filed the suit. No it did not half of the US voted against President Obama. President Obama's administration filed this case.

Goes over provisions at hand.
Requirements to federal law that implies requirements to apply for alien registration is a misdeamnor. Should have wrote it as a conspiracy to commit the felonious act of working for a felony committing a felony by employing the illegal. or it could state that social security fraud of tax fraud is a major feloniious activity and such the illegal immigrant plays a big part in those the aciton of the fraudulent activity is such and such conspiracy crime as per federal law. The funny part is that this case is really just constritionist issues. The law that was constructed was horribel constructed. After reading this I would make a law making it a state law to violate all the federal laws that are violated when an illegal makes its way through America. Which is illegal. Employing an illegal is committing fraud tax and id, along with ading and abiding a felony the employer, lving in the community without knowing english violates immigration laws, while also violates state laws of id. Which is a misdeamnor in every state.

Immigrants aid and abide white collar employment criminal law. That is how it should be written. For the employment part of the statute. the difference here is basic. I can look for cocain, and I can partake in it. The aciton that is legal is the buying and selling. The idea that the emoployee who knows of the criminal white coloar crime is not committing a crime. Is like saying the person faciliting the area to hold the cocain is not committing a crime.

next then "Two
other provisions give specific arrest authority and inves-
tigative duties with respect to certain aliens to state and
local law enforcement officers." Which are granted by the statute the lire wrote after he said immigration law was limited. Then stated local officers may investigate as per federal law. unless of course Attorney general did not send them the happy note.
Then they go into the investigation privileges granted by Federal immigration laws to local officers to assist in investigations. “the officer has
probable cause to believe . . . has committed any public
offense that makes the person removable from the United
States.” §13–3883(A)(5)

"provides that offic­ers who conduct a stop, detention, or arrest must in some
circumstances make efforts to  verify the  person’s immi­gration status with the Federal Government" This should be basic id law. That is already in place. If they have a state id and it ties back to the data base the rest is obvious.

Then they say the typical Federal Supremacy Clause Federal has broad power.

They speak on Uniformed naturalization that gives probable cause based on language and identification laws.

Then it speaks on foreign governments nationals. treatment.

"Unlawful entry and unlawful
reentry into the country are  federal offenses.  §§1325,
1326. Once here, aliens are required to register with the
Federal Government and to carry proof of status on their
person. See §§1301–1306.  Failure to do so is a federal
misdemeanor.  §§1304(e), 1306(a).  Federal law also au­
thorizes States to deny noncitizens a range of public bene­
fits, §1622; and it imposes sanctions on employers who
hire unauthorized workers, §1324a."

here is my point again. If it is a federal misdemeanor not to carry id. Then basically if you do not have immigration papers. Which today is not papers it is a green card that is not even green anymore. Then the law just needs to be rewritten as per federal law. Unless of course they strike it down because federal law does not allow enforcement by local law. Which then I will say the lie which was then cited states they may assist. And the logic of every federal law from bank to tax, to local market laws is rests on local.

They then state that Congress had made laws on removal of aliens. inadmissible at the
time of entry, Which again destroys the whole cases premise as per the syllabus that generally being in the us unlawfully is not a crime.
"Re­moval is a civil, not criminal, matter." However showing his major lieing or discrimination in writings "Once here, aliens are required to register with the
Federal Government and to carry proof of status on their
person. See §§1301–1306.  Failure to do so is a federal
misdemeanor.  §§1304(e), 1306(a)." Removal is a criminal matter. As they are removed because they have no id no legal papers.
The process of removal stats with the misdeamnor charge of no id. So removal is a misdeamnor charge.

then they get into employment felony sympathiziation. Along with discreation based on something that should have been done whtn they entered which is "asylum and other discretionary relief allowing
them to remain in the country or at least to leave without
formal removal." Which is like stating that driving without a license is ok. Because I can do it after words. No that is a crime. And license are thought to be a major stopper to death and accidents.

Then they talk about families and jobs. No offense man but I can't get a job cause these employers would rahter not pay the taxes and proper federal taxes on employees. So I do not care. What about my family and the 30 million families in the US that are daily losing ability to pay for their babies. I can't go to Mexico and get a job or own a fancy ranch and leave my teenage kids there to tend to animals. They can. It is one thing I understand political asylum. As some latin countries are still at war. But not mexico better schools, better economy. Every country in the world has very strict immigration laws. I can't immigrate to any other country and get a job that makes $20 an hour or $15 an hour like most illegal's make. Cause of the felony crime of not having to pay the other fifty percent of the wages to taxes.

Mexico's immigration laws are so strict they have less than 1% of their economy is working immigrants. President Calderon complains about Mexican rights in the US. However, his immigration laws basically just throw them over the boarder or throw them away. They do not even get most of the time back to their original country. Just like Mexico's well know to escort criminal immigrants to US boarders and throw em across.

Then they speak on the idea of how returning some immigrants to their country of orign based on their records of crime is not allowed.

Then logic gets into why only federal should be allowed to do it. Which logically can in one sentence say you already spoke on the issue of working together. So this logical part for preempting a conclusive remark is not necessary. This whole logic of foreign countries is easily destroyed with the basic law of working together

Then they weight out basic presumption of costs and policing fed's and local. Where the court heavily just cites Federal agency exact numbers and shows discrimination with regards to state numbers. Which financially as per my research cost more than the Fed pays.

The show the red zones that are already being taken over by Mexican citizens that warn US citizens to stay off the land. As it is not their anymore.

Then we get into the issue of the case:
"The issue is whether, under preemption principles, federal law permits Arizona to imple­
ment the state-law provisions in dispute."

The issue is differnet from the premise. The Premise of course is what is laying down the conclusion. Which is that generally immigrant aliens living in the US is not a crime. That is false, 100% false premise. However, this premise is then linked to the sword which is the issue. That will provide already a conclusion for the premise.

It goes Supremacy Clause I am the fed. I did not send you the happy note so I can destroy your ability to enforce laws.

First one is
"“willful failure to complete or carry an
alien registration document . . . in violation of 8 United
States Code section 1304(e) or 1306(a).”  Ariz. Rev. Stat.
Ann. §11–1509(A) (West Supp. 2011).  In effect, §3 adds a
state-law penalty for conduct proscribed by federal law"

In reality it does not add that at all. As per earlier case building citations "Once here, aliens are required to register with the
Federal Government and to carry proof of status on their
person. See §§1301–1306.  Failure to do so is a federal
misdemeanor.  §§1304(e), 1306(a)." therefore, this old man is lieing or again showing discrimination or not editing his documents. They added nothing. The Federal law makes it a misdeamenor.

So already this paragraphs premise. Is that as per built up per indicators of anything that is added is not proper. Is again false and a lie. As per the first premise of major consequence to this paper.

So my premise now based on this next paragraph. Is that any law created in mirror to a federal law by local may not be enforced. As the Arizona law of id, is a federal law in mirror and was stricken down not able to be enforced by local.

Issue of paragraph "The United States contends that this state enforcement  mechanism intrudes on the field of alien registration" Intrusion being defined as stopping or hendering somehow. Which again this is going to be my exact premise. Which is that congress has made many federal laws that federal law enforces. However, thousands of federal laws construed just for federal are at local state levels and are paying billions to enforce themselves. This paragraph here destroy's all local and federal enforcement on federal laws. As per Eric Holders I did not send the happy note to you. So you can't enforce federal law in mirror.

The real issue here is this a mirrored law. As per syllabus stated federal laws. That local can enforce mirrored federal law. However, they will turn this into a false premise lie. That it is first not mirrored, which it is as per my situations of the justices own citation. Then they will state that local can't enforce it without consent from federal. Which is also not true law written is law enough.

they get to a specific element of why it is a single all embracing elemtn. Which is because it deals with foreign relations. As a commerce clause power. But so do drugs, narcotics and major international cartels. Then again we get to additional where it states they can enforce mirrored laws.

Then the courts use a totally different issue of enforcing alien registation based on this issue of a simple id check. A whole agency compared to a mirrored law shows possible trusion. A simple law checking id's is not comparable. Intrusive has its own federal bright lines. Then get into the mirrored federal laws of forced following federal carry id and properly applying for id. The law of program creation and agency creation is a complete different law all together and the justice does not speak on that matter at all. He just grabs something that benefits his idea. But does not meet the requirements of analogical legal analysts. The creation of an agency takes major issues in law. The mirroring of a federal law to enforce id. Is a total different ball game with way less laws on the books and less constitutional intrusion. As a matter of fact. There is no intrusion if a local police officer asks for an id. As they do that anyway.

This whole paragraph is boobling itself. The idea that it states the local can enforce federal law so long as not added too. Then says yes its mirrored. Then strikes it down is very boobling here.

Here is what I have to say real application of federally mirrored laws is reality. Arizona already spends billions on enforcing illegal immigration. It has since birth.

Where Congress occupies an entire field. What congress state or local. Even then congress occupies a lot of entire fields, port security, local police, international cartel crimes also local police, gang federal crime intervention local police, bank robberies federal local police.

Here is the real issue. Can a federally mirrored law be enforced. Not an agency, just a simple law. The law says yes local can assist.

Another issue is can federal stop specific states from enforcing federal laws. cause Texas already Florida and California already arrest folks based on non id laws. They take you down and id you.

As a state can I enforce federal law.
According to this case you can. As long as there is nothing added or complementing. they can assist. Cause every single law that is local except for a few are also federal and where born like the immigration department for federal law enforcement offices. That is another issue, born of federal agencies and their enforcement that local enforce also with analogy to immigration.

"Field pre­emption reflects a congressional decision to foreclose any
state regulation in the area, even if it is parallel to fed-
eral standards.  See  Silkwood v.  Kerr-McGee Corp., 464
U. S. 238, 249 (1984)."

Now this is bad law. As When Republicans get in they saw the Democratic Fed attack their rights to properly deal with crime. They will respond and it will be just as devastating to political supremacy votes. This is what I thought was going to happen give Eric Holder the happy note power to destroy states by not allowing them to enforce their laws. As illegal immigration is illegal and conservatives are most of the time against illegalities.

Then it moves further

"Federal law makes a single sovereign responsible for
maintaining a comprehensive and unified system to keep
track of aliens within the Nation’s borders. "
They have also done that with criminals too. Which are all based on mirroed or parrell laws of the state.

"Even if a State may make violation of federal
law a crime in some instances, it cannot do so in a field
(like the field of alien registration) that has been occupied
by federal law.  See California v. Zook, 336 U. S. 725, 730–
731, 733 (1949); see also In re Loney, 134 U. S. 372, 375–
376 (1890) (States may not impose their own punishment
for perjury in federal courts)."

Occupied by federal law is the bright line.

"field preemption—that States  may not enter, in any respect, an area the Federal Government has reserved for itself."

thus reservation for self as per assistant and the area of how one knows when a local may assist in federal law.

so we narrow down the mirrored law to show color of difference. Where the ability to gain probation and eliminates pardons as the difference in paralleled laws. So we have cut down based on parellegramation of difference.

So then go and make the huge stride that says because someone can't gain probation or pardon. like other epidermic crimes. That it underscores field presumption. that is a huge jump. Today the majority of crime comes and goes over that boarder. 87% of all crimes are based on drugs that come from Mexico.

"Congress intended to
preclude States from “complement[ing] the federal law, or
enforc[ing] additional or auxiliary regulations.”  however, it does  not say they can't parrell or replicate it. It would be easier to say that. The Supreme Court strikes down the inconsistant part of the statute of with regards to probation and pardon. However, it states congress intended to preclude making laws that futher or make whole or auxilary. But do not preclude parelling or replication as per distinguished case law definitions.

Which is good as with a force in the Federal that does three times less in expenditures than local does with regards to enforcing immigration. That is obvious.
As per Hines "inconsistently with the purpose of Congress" is the actual test to see if they can strike this down. And it is not inconsistent with the purpose of congress. A small illegal populace who lives here may think it is. However, it is not. Parelle and complement are legally to different tests words as per cases set out to distinguish the two. So the community reads it as stopping the law or stricking it. However, the legal read as per legal definition of complement, additional or auxilary would show distinghushement from parell or replication. 

We can also use that paragraph to create state laws on voter identification. As Federal laws have voter identification laws too. 


We have an admission the previous statute replicates not complements. Different not interchangeable words in law.

This whole area is true as per from my readings. So I would rewrite and use ading and abiding laws felonies. As per tax fraud, id fraud, and felonious employment of illegal immigrants.

obstacle argument here.
ok this is different. Not really set up well in the intrologue.
This is easy. Already the Local US law enforcement arrests folks for not having id and jails them based on Federal misdeamnor law. So this practices is very old and goes on all the time. As a matter of fact it helps the removal process by being able to find illegal immigrants. So what obstacle. And again the majority of states already do this.

Obstacle is something that stops a law or enforcement or encroaches. I do not see how arresting illegal immigrants creates an obstacle. Unless that obstacle is to violate US boarder laws and allow illegal immigrants in. It may create a Democratic political supremacy obstacle but not a legal obstacle. 

Letter to President Obama and Senator McCain with regards to upgrading immigration humanity issues.

Dear President Obama and Senator McCain,

Today you are making great strides on the issue of immigration. I would like to make a policy suggestion. Currently today I believe that when folks are deported they may not receive the full benefit of the country they are returning too. Therefore, the US should look to helping them with that. This means when the US prepared to deport somebody. There should be a list of school scholarships, churches in the area, job placement centers, local temporary agencies in their country and a myriad of education material to help the deportee from becoming a recidivist number. I believe the administration should do a detailed report on what would help deportee's with their transition back to their country. So that the so called as per President Calderon civil humanity issues of dumping are better dealt with. Along with that. The US should also work with its counter parts like President Calderon to open up facilities near the deportation bases to better help re transition back into Mexican country populace. It is not fair to the US that we do so much for Mexican citizens. While Mexico leaves them out in the dirt literally when they are deported back. Leaving them no chance but to come back to the USA. Therefore, if the US was to create a collection of educational material and maps along with proper re transition pamphlets. While also pushing for Mexico to reconstruct its deportation inlet bases. Where job placement, churches, and school information is aboundent for the citizens of their country. We might be able to see a lesser recidivism rate of immigration. As most deportee's just immigrate back. As Mexico provides no civil humanity support for them. Leaving the US completely fitting the bill.

Rider I

Monday, June 25, 2012

How the Democrats could better communicate to me.

How to do a better job communicating with me would be to show everyday in the media who in the party is working to get us more exports and combating Communist Chinese political competition for economic development. Today I planely see childish grammar school. The Democrats want to give folks things like free citizens status. Without patriotism forced like the rest of us. Forced health care. While I see the Republicans as selling out our jobs to Communism. Who they are supposed to not like via big government SOE ownership. I am tired of both of you failing to provide a treasury fresh surplus in our economy with major exports and daily foreign political economic expansion political movements. Furthermore, if you want to communicate better to me as an American Indian European. Please do not allow people in the DOJ to not here my DOJ representatives who seek to press charges on racist like the Black Panther voter intimidation. Where a European representative was forced to quit hostile because Lorretta King and Eric Holder would not press full charges on the man. Yet that man goes around preaching of killing white babies. Chose our shepards better. Along with that when the Administration picks a case to be political. Please do not pick a young racist gangster with underage tattoos and ties to a drug smuggling gang. Where the nightwatchmen, new in his area there had been two robberies in the last two weeks saw a minor out past curfew and went to see if the crime of curfew violation was also the crime of robbery. Then the latin man confronted the man as per citizens rights when a minor violates curfew to call their parents. Then the african teen gangster beats him upside the head. Had no respect for the elder male, then he was shot in defense of the latin mans life. As the young gangster had no respect for the elder community male. Along with that it was a fenced off inclosure and the young african gangster had nobody he knew in that fenced community. A white male and a latin male got beat down while they where forced to watch their white female friend be raped by africans. That was in the media. Did the administration communicate to me that we are going to combat gangs. No what you communicated to me was we are going to help young gangster like Trayvon feel like they can go out and rob places two or three times then beat somebody down. Instead of properly showing respect to an elder community male worried about the young minor violating curfew. Again, as a European male. Who also is part of a community watch program. When our neighborhood becomes violated more than once in a pattern.We all take it to make sure our minors know that they may not violate curfew. Curfew laws are allowed to be enforced by citizens. Better communication to me would also be a DOJ that instead of illegally via constitution fighting for civil rights via lawsuits. Actually did its jobs and showed it was fighting gangs and drugs. As the communicaton I get from Eric Holder is he thinks he can sue using the DOJ as an enforcement branch not a legislative civil rights branch for a law that does not exist. While also the Communication to me that Eric has done with regards to gathering only African Christian clerics to speak about how voter id laws would violate and discriminate upsets me. Not one European christian cleric was invited, and I find that very racist. The communication to me is that our administration cares more about civil rights fighting in the DOJ than it does actually combating crimes of voter fraud, violating of every state law that says you have to have an id if you leave your house, and that Eric holder is above the law. Where he can breach civil rights fighting to break the law of identification on every person when they leave their house. So if you want to communicate to me better show equality. And for the love of god the DOJ is not a civil rights fighting group and should not ever show such support for a racist gangster, not properly uphold my representation against racist hate crimes like voter intimidation by a African racist gangster who preaches killing white babies. if the Democrats want to communicate to me. Show equality not racist favoritism.

Rider I

Letter to Commerce department regarding failure on strategy of Shrimp case.

Issue regarding Legal ability to fight cases using mass media. Shrimp Case study of failure to use propagation. 

Today we are fighting an uphilld battle with regards to Communist China. Everybody knows they are heavily subsidizing their industries using the SASAC and major Sovereign Wealth funds. However, the battle then becomes the mass media easily ability to do research. This is because just like any legal case or judge or judge helpers. They look for the most relevant and easily accessible statistics and legal laws. I spent two hours looking for any public media outlet with regards to any graphs or conglomeration of experts on the shrimp case issue. So not only did the judges not find any reality of a push from the world populace. They did not also find any push from the US populace. 

When I used to work legal cases. We did not just fight stats in the law firm. We used heavy media, stats outputs, experts and even scholarship for reports on issues. So we could plaster the whole cognitional science with our thoughts. So it made it very easy for not only the judges to see our issues. But the fact that the cognitional whole was with us. As folks agreed with regards to statistics and legal works. This is something I see lacking in the Commerce department. The ability to fight Communist China by using scholarly research that is easily accessed with regards to intel, stats, and law. 

For example, lets take the next issue we have with Communist China, the cement industry. We see major subsidization of that industry by the Communist Chinese. So what I would do is find a college student and grant them a scholarship for a indepth research article. That is cheaper than our Department of Commerce attorneys to due plus a whole another avenue of logical battles. Then next up I would take a anti trust graduate professor and have them write a piece on how monopolizes using the heavy example of concrete affects the international market place. Then next I would use the media to show the statistics that the Department of Commerce had. So that we could see the research and so that many folks like the Rider I. Could with regards to patriotism follow order and start research on our own. As our leaders of shepards in the Commerce Department let us know way before hand we are going to battle. So we could place articles collections and experts easily in the eyes of the judges for the cases. This strategy is only the scratch of what a good legal analysts can do. You have failed horrible with regards to the WTO US China Shrimp case. Please do not do it again. Right your wrongs and properly fight and shepardsize for the US. If you need an outlien for the cement case on a legal analysts position. Please email me. I need a job. I fought in major international space cases, military cases, political legal cases and local police cases. Thank you do not fail us again. If you where to look into a Chinese search engine in Communist China. You would see their propagation department way out strategized yours for easy access to data on the logica battle field. 

Rider I

Logic grids, creation of grids, changing affects, counter logic grids, and then energizing at the right times. 

Letter to Equal Opportunity Agencies.

Today, I live in an area that is majority latin heritage. As Southern California has taken the lead in latin immigration to an extreme. Today, in my city alone. I am a minority. As there are 250,000 latino's and only 150,000 European heritage. However, today I find more majority scholarships and funding in my community college. As I am not considered a minority. However, with majority immigration at over 80% latin to this country. While less than 8% are European. I find myself a minority today and in the future. While also, with the majority of latin's in my county high schools and grammar schools. I find educationally I am a minority. However, I have been looking for help for European heritage. As I am a European heritage. And I can't find any. I just keep finding latin scholarships, or non heritage scholarships that are predominately given to latino's. This then leads to the community genocide of a race of minorities. As in my community I can't get a job as I do not speak spanish. So if I look for extra scholarship help to help me with school I find none.

I was wondering if a program properly for areas of minorities should be devoted. Instead of this blanket approach. Which allows whole communities to squeeze out all other minorities. For the majority immigrant group. I believed if we did a proper communal bright line for minority rights. We could see a brighter more diverse community. Instead of these patches of heavy African's, Latin's and Whites, or Asians. For example, I am also American Indian very small portion and German and Scottish. As I am a multicultural entity myself. However, we do not see any scholarships in communities for those. Who are the true minority. As majority of ethnicity are fully bread one country or heritage lineage.

I find this is very unequal for future muticulturals, and European's. As the immigration rate stays 80% or above for the last 30 years to latin America and not any other part of the world.

Please help me and my future children. Who might be African and mut, Latin and mut but either way they will be a mut.

Rider I

Friday, June 22, 2012

Insurrection In the United States by Latin Local and Foreign Political Leaders. 

Us laws allowing latin insurrection
Groups preaching insurrection
Latin militaries particpating in narco and immigrant trafficking for insurrection
Lines of travel and how to detect bases of insurectionist
The many hundred thousand march of latin's praising insurrection
A list of professors that have declared latin insurrection is their native born right.
Reality that the majority of latin population are either Spanish or European from ancestorial invasion by Europeas and very few actual mayans or American indians still exist. 
List of military organizations in the US given aid to latin insurrection
The Soviet Union and Communist latin inssurectionist.
Latin Communist discrimation and inability to become United States and not latin
Comparison of European non racist as compared to majority of latin racist. 
Democrats pushing to allow insurrection. 
ideas I will think of more for a scoop. 
Economics and its play in insurrection
How local latin politicians, police unions, narco gangs, and foreign latin militaries work to push out other cultures and racist for complete voter take over and latin inssurection power bases
How if any other country like Saudi Arabia, Germany England where to have hundreds of thousands of citizens on US soil claiming it for them. We would have a major military action. 
How to legalize a major military action against the latin inssurection networks of foreign special latin racist military forces, narco trafficking, immigration trafficking, and local bases that protect the insurrectionist. legalities, strategies 
A push to reform immigration laws. Where if one ethnicity immigrates completely illegally. Then the US can't as per equality and charts allow them to gain legal immigration as it is not fair to the rest of the worlds ethnicities. 
Then show the blatant racism in our immigration networks of law towards latin supremecy. 
How to cross apply statistics maps and grids to pin point areas of latin inssurection. So as to better apply military operations to take down the civil war preparing and speaking networks. 
Immigration, narcotics, bases of belief in Aztlan and the leaders of the coyotes, mexican military presences based on so called working together on narco trafficking, latin police unions, history of corrupt politicians, network of undocumented political funds, major racist organizations like Mechan, Raza and Aztlan, as if it where Nazi's helping German insurreciotn we would do it. But because Latin america which has had more wars racist wards towards each other and more deaths than all of world war i and world war ii does its ok. 
Create a program for pin pointing insurrecition bases, based of the terrorist grid networks, that I then applied to espionage, take the espionage network of intel collection program cross apply with racist network programs and then re entry the ideas into a singular pattern to specificly pin point educators, politicians, local business, narco gangs, and hot spots for future travels so as to prepare journalist teams to start gridding and mapping each area and its illegel citizens so as to counter fight the insurrectionist through legal mapping. 
Explanation of how the insurrectionist do it. Based on Spanish Mexican wars and US citizens teaching them how to create grids by folks standing on corners and calling things in. Much similar to Muslim taxi cab drivers and their cell phones that are never off and always on multi call listening with a journalist writing down major things that are spoken about with their eyes in the taxi cabs. 
How i found out how racist networks like Muslims and raza work is because I dated their daughters as they hate their dad's for being such arsewholes with regards to civil war against hte country that their daughters so loved. I had their own daughters pull full video, copies and all on them. Which shows the whole way they operate and network and how to pin point both of them. The taxi cab thing was interesting Muslim female Americans pro American are hard arses. She actually got full camera from the start of the taxi day i grid to the end. Where she wanted to learn as a female taxi cab driver to be part of it. 
I can create grid stats to figure out shell mexican military companies on the boarder that watch the boarder, specific mexican intel and militayr baby boy blues and lady pinks, who operate in US and Mexican military for counter intel, politicians that are funded and paid by mexican military, explain how the US spends billions upon billions trying to secure it boarders. While the mexican military and intel spend billions upon billions securing shells through the boarders for their trillion dollar narco and insurrection war for more territory. I can specifically pick up where accountants are mathematicians that create counter stats and programs to run against the US. the whole thing. Sicne I used to get my arse kicked for Raza when I was a child going to school and German's non Nazi's pro church had to literally break some backs. I have been collecting. As I do not like racist and I do not see white racism as a problem at all in this country. As it really is squashed. 
As a matter off act I have some females that are US latin born pro American lady pinks about to come back with some intel on how the Mexican military plans to stop the US military from directing forces against its insurrection grids. If they make it back across. Very pretty girls great with the realize of their phermones and ability to drive men crazy. '

Jurisdictional issues that the insurrectionist will fight once I get the counter brain directive from the Mexican military so I can stop it. Which will then leave them only legal and political to stop our stopping of racist extremist immigration to the tone of 80% latin. In a content where the majority of races and latin are European heritage culture. As in old world war campaigns, that Spain, Itally, Vikinings, and others did where genocide males and bread through the females, leaving the majority of Latin America non native populace heritage links. With a very few mayan puritians and American indians. 

Jurisdictional issues are easily shown for DOD military to go back to cold war strategies against domestic inssurection. As then we had major Soviet and foreign military working with Latin miliatries to destroy the uSA. This is no difference today.W e see today two major Mexicao Military special forces operations running the two major drug cartels Sinoa and Zeta's. Every four years we see Mexican generals being arrested for immigration and drug trafficking. However, the intel agents that run the programs are never touched and still operating. Just using different tools. Thus juridisction is ours, and Berret's are called in. Green

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weapons of Statistics the Social Conscious Driver
"Chosen things become thus
based on statistical choices. 
Whether that is a personal statistical
choice, or it is a mass 
social conscious choice"

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fictional Logic of Mexican Immigrants 
"Mexican's use the drug wars 
and economy as a reason to
immigrate to the United States.
However, Mexico's has
a better economy and 
the United State's drug
epidemic is worse"

US economy v Mexican Economy
US economic growth v Mexican Economic growth
US competition to gain employment v Mexican comp
      immigration bigger populace of graduations, international hot spot for jobs requests
US drug epdimec v Mexican epidemic
US racism v MExican racism
US competition to gain employment v Mexican comp
real reasons for immigrating Aztlan Mexican special forces propoganda as the Mexican propoganda department primarily places fictional facts in front of young Mexican mothers specificall as per documents in the Pentagon that where hacked by Wikileaks.
Aztlan coyotes, and special forces mexican trillion dollar illegal trade that keeps their invasion war into the US going strong. without immigranst they have no mules.

Lawsuit against my local school for scholarship discrimination against White minorities.

Currently today where I live, latin's are the majority voting force. This accounts for the whole Southern Part of my state. Where in my city alone there are 250,000 latino's and only 125,000 europeans. Yet my local school hands out thousands of dollars to minorities. Yet, as a discriminated part of the populace in this community. As a European male not speaking a latin language can't get a job. I can't find any scholarships for European minorities or even European immigrannts.

This really sucks as a european male, first of all I do not have any rallying point at all, except my political party. Yet if I want to rally around a school group of European minorities in my area I can't. Which has always been scary for me as I am not part of brown pride and do not want to be part of white pride. However, groups like Mecha, or Latin Unions, are ok but there are no European Unions or White Civil rights groups for me. Which if I was in one I would be considered racist. Yet I am just scared for my life as I can't find a job, nor get the extra scholarship help that Latin Unions get from the government. I do not know I will search it out. See what I can start.

The local good research jobs for paralegal you have to know spanish, all the government jobs seem to only hire Latin's or African's in my area. Yet I do not get any scholarships. These people who are the majority get all kinds of stuff. I need to know the bright line of minority. Is it state, county, area, community, world, what is it, As in the state the European community is almost the minority. While in my county I am a minority as the southern part of my state is all latin majority, in my community I am a minority, and in my community college I am a minority, along with my city, but tens of thousands of majority latin's.

its really upsetting to me when I read all these paralegal posts and they say spanish is needed. I mean I understand why. But as a minority I feel discriminated against. But business is business and the leftist are not in the business of propogating United States language which has been English for 200 years. So nothing I can do there are all these immigrants here that did not patriotize via language here. Which is cool glad they are hear but I just want to live.

I mean when you have majority populace in an area I really do not think they need special programs to help them. As they will win by numbers alone. Yet my school has latin illegal immigrant scholarships, no european illegal immigrant scholarships, or asian illegal immigrant scholarships, just latin, the campus has very racist murals of latin's without the european folks who fought with them and helped them on the mural, its upsetting I would like to see some more european cultural heritage stuff as a minority in my area. I have to almost a full city away just to find a place that is european.

I think the bright line should be the community. As it is a community college not a state college, or university, or a private college. Yet the college does not tend to its minorities. All of its majority tending to goes to the bigger numbers which are latin's and i do not feel sorry for as not only can they get help in mexico's schools for being poor like ours, but they take it from me. Scholarships are necessary for poor white children. Which in my community as they call trailer trash is very high. For example in my community alone there are more latin's who own homes than european's. With the majority of Europeans living in trailer parks or apartments.

They have all these scholarships but no european fund for white trailer park kids. Who are more impacted in the area with poverty than are the latin majorities who own a lot of property and only vote in latin political community leaders. They have four latin scholarships, two asian scholarships, but no heritage to be proud of scholarship for a German, a Scots, a Polish, a Sweed, any culture of my majority lineage is not represented as a minority. The majority in my community get more help for their cultures than do the minorities. As Asians and Europeans in this community and really Africa's are the biggest minority get way less help.

The meanest part of this issue. Is that the two illegal immigrant scholarships are not given to cultures that need it like African's or Asians or Balkan's. It always goes to latin illegal immigrants who are not a minority immigrant people in the US. The award should go to the minority in the immigrant populace. Which is not latin. The numbers alone gain them help to immigrate. As communities are set up for them to work and be enriched. While Balkan or African immigrants illegal in this community can't survive. Then again the illegal immigration award is not based on minority immigrants that need it. It is based on racism purely latin racism.Matter of fact I know two families that immigrated to the US who do not have visas that are from the Balkins. However, there is no area in this country for them to be all snuggled and taken care of. So they can't get jobs, and can't afford to go to school. Neither did their kids after graduating high school get any special minority helpe. Even though Balkan world citizens are more impovershed than latins and a much smaller community.

The awards should be based on minorities of the immigrants. As latins in my community can easily find a job if they are illegal. I know illegals who own homes and drive really nice cars. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Deletion of World Economic Seats of Europeans
"Today in the world we see a major 
issue with regards to Economics. 
The European world is allowing 
major immigration. However, 
the areas that are immigrating are 
not allowing counter immigration. 
This then has taken the economic
seats of Europeans in those areas"

Austin Colt
Journalist &
Investigative Blogger

Today's immigration laws are fascist towards European ethnicity's in the United States of America. While In the world we see a major epidemic trend for European countries to give up their economic seats to immigrants. However, we do not see that same trend in the immigrants home countries to allow European's to take their economic seats in equitable trade. This has lead to major European cultural citizen uprisings like OWS. Who where primarily made up of European youth. This is a major problem as each country is like a ship. Where there is a certain number of economic seats. Which can cause epidemic economic issues. If the ship is overfilled to the brim. Unless of course the countries job rate is expanding at a rate of percentage of immigration. Along with the unemployment levels of its citizens with regards to a normalized unemployment levels. Therefore if the economy does not expand at the proper rate. It will take losses to the domestic populaces economic seats.

The US economy is growing at a rate of 1.9 percent of the whole economy. ($149 billion each year)  With the US job rate growing at around 1% of the whole net populace yearly. (3.1 million jobs)  While the increasing trend of US immigration each year is about 3.6% of the US populace as a percentage of the current populace. (11.2 million immigrants yearly)
(3.62%) Therefore, the US populace as a whole is losing about 2.6% of its domestic economic seats to immigration. (8.1 million) This means that the current level of un-normalized unemployment will not get any better. As currently today, the US is in major deficit with an unemployment rate of 8.1%. (25.2 million unemployed) Where a normal rate for the US unemployment level is around 4-6%. (12.5 million through 18.7 million) This means that the 2% (6.2 million unemployed) of the un-normalized unemployment levels can see an increase of 3.6% (11.2 million yearly) lost economic seats each year. Until the growth of the US job sector out does the US immigration and current un-normalized employment levels. Which would mean we would need to be growing at a job growth rate of 2.6% (11.2 million) per immigration and 2% (6.2 million) as per un-normalized unemployment levels. Which means for the USA to not lose current European and native US economic seats we need to have 4.6% (17.4 million) job growth. Which after the first year of job growth and normalized unemployment levels. Then we would need to grow at a yearly rate of youth growth employment needs, plus immigration levels at a normalized level.

The US as a populace of European heritage, is seeing a yearly loss in economic seats (jobs) for their children. As shown through the labor of statistics of US youth unemployment  rate at 51% rate of all US native children Which would show evidence of why the majority of uprisings with regards to the current epidemic in economics was European children. Where they whooted themselves to be OWS. There is no another country in this world that is not European, that employs an immigration populace of Europeans at 16.4% of its populace. As the current percentage of immigrants in the United States work force is 16.4% of the US whole net civilian workforce. Which would mean at a steady growth rate of 3% increase each year in immigration. We would see immigration employment reach almost 50% of the heritage economic market in about 11 years. Which would mean our unemployment levels of Europeans in the US would reach third world levels if the US does not remedy the epidemic. Much like what we are seeing today in Afghanistan. Where their unemployment levels are at 40%.

The Europeans of this world need to take a look at their own immigration economics.
Currently the majority of immigrants coming to the USA are Mexicans. Which immigrate at the rate of  "62%" of all immigrants into the USA.  While the trend of birth rates is with the rising trend of immigrants and not its historical ancestors or any other country, ethnicity or migrant. As the inequality in US immigration has allowed "the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years[...]" to enter the US unfairly towards other cultures.

This is mainly because the quota system that kept the immigration populace at a equality of race in the USA was banned Which now allows any race to over immigrate to the US more than any other. Which the new laws actually place emphases on immigration pyramid schemes. As there is no quota per each origin. For example, latin immigrants make up 62%  of the US immigrant yearly populace. But there is no quota for Czech, Poland, Austria, Russia or any other European nation that wishes to come to the USA. As a matter of fact if we look at the equality of immigration. We see that the latin community has such inequalities  as, 40% of Southern California is now latin heritage. Which as allowed through inequality act of  immigration in the USA to basically allow the "The Hispanic population [to] now represents the largest ethnic group" in Southern California.

This alone is an epidemic of inequality of immigration. Where European Countries immigrants request millions of immigration allowances yearly into the USA. While the US government does not even equate to the latin immigration for any other ethnicity except, latin's. To see this is a broader perspective we must define "epidemic". As to be able to understand cultures civil rights to immigrate at a balanced level we must have a bright line. Much like over 195 world countries have bright boarders Therefore, Epidemic in product liability is defined as "Epidemic Failure" means an identical fault of 10% of the Products delivered" Epidemic as defined by the CDC is "7.7 percent of the total,"
Thus if we look at the immigration policy of the US. No matter how you look at it. It is epidemically favoring one country. Where Mexico has only 1% of its total populace as immigrants from anywhere; yet alone a predominant European area of nations.
When the world has over 195 countries and cultures it is an epidemic that 62% of our immigrants come from one country. While the current death of all US cultures and economic seats are dying due to just one countries immigration patterns. Also this fits under an epidemic of death of mortality of other's cultures over a prolonged period of time.

Today there is an issue. It is not necessarily about white or black but is about equality; being fair. The world is not fair to the European cultures. Most countries are like Mexico with less than 1% of its populace as an immigrant workers or populace. (the US is ~43% of the worlds top ten migrant countries populations)  However, the majority of European countries are like the US with 16% of its working populace as immigrants. This is not good for them. As their children, shown in the US, are around 50% unemployed. Their deficits get bigger, the economic seats for their native populaces shrink. While the majority of them are becoming closer and closer to third world economies. The European cultures need to take a look at their hearts. Go home and look at your child. Think your head that in 11 years that fifty percent of our childrens future economy could be just like Afghanistan's. A waste land due to bad management of economics. With warring factions over the few areas of economies that are still operating. The United States and world European citizens need to take a hard cold statistical look at fairness towards their cultures. As in other countries cultural bright lines their are hard cold statistical facts. Unless the United States starts growing at a job growth rate of 4.6% of its populace. Statistically it is not a fare cry to see that lack of job growth and epidemic immigration patterns might truly vastly destroy European economic seats in the world. Not only on paper but in real life.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Aztlan And The US Economy
"The United States became a  
great nation by annexing its lands.
The US invaded by illegal immigrants
then annexed the majority of its lands
to it. Today the United States allows
them the same immigrant chance 
to annex it back"

Aztlan cites on destruction via illegal immigration births
Mexico economy is fine, their drug wars are not worse than the African ghetto's deahts
US youth employment levels. 
those are some cites for this article
US annexing lands from Spain, Mexico, England, Russia, France etc how they did it cites
How Economic Implosioin of their Kings empires and illegal immigration allowed the US to annex and buy. Meaning the aras did not fight back when sold to us via illegal immigration.  
Yearly illegal immigrant numbers, total years it would take to vote out the US back to its empire states prioer to US annexiation.
Laws against allowing annexiation by illegals
Supreme Court cases,
Constitutional writings on immigration and reasons and theories behind it as per conscriptionist of constituon.
President Obama's political Connections to America's Most wanted and Aztlan's counter intellegence base with regards to child birthing and sex trafficking base. As the lady there is on a list of Aztlan Mexican special forces intellegence agents. They could not get the congressional vote for complete illegal immigration voting. So they went with the Aztlan just allow latin still partiotic to their nations children to be legalized instead of the constitutional you have to be born and raised here naturally or through the legal immigration to immgrate here. The base they are using has high connections to Aztlan a major trafficker in Latin patriot humans to the US for voting take over. Its a non profit. So instead of Aztlan working to make thier country stronger they work to destroy the US primarily. As the mexican military runs the narco trades and everybody knows it.
America's most wanted placed her base on the front cognitional evidence for illegal's that are not naturralized or patriotized via forced learning to become annexation weapons.
Mexico is unwilling to stop human trafficking as why would it care. Its biggest trillion dollar industry is the coca leaves, and they know Aztlan Special forces groups are winning the annexation non patriotized or naturalized vote against the US's land holdings.
I should know I work with hand in hand Mexican Special forces who hate Aztlan and what it is trying to do to their country by draining it of youth and education and they also hate the US's liberals who want to destroy boarders as it destroy's our very distinct cultures.
Mexican conservative special forces laugh when folks try and make Mexico look like a very bad drug epidemic war to allow more annexation weapons to cross in political violence. As the US has the worlds worst drug war epdimic of deaths each year. Along in DC the African Black Panther voter kill rate is higher than all of Afghanistan and mexico in one years time. that is just one area of the USA.
What the US leftist media does not like about Mexico is that the ones doing the voter kill rate down there are very pro Mexico and are 100% with the US on its non illegal immigration issues. The Aztlan special forces group who work hand and hand with leftist media are primarily working on the annexation weapons which is non patriotized non natrualized voter weapons. Which Obama is willing to allow. Leftist media will not do a primarily US drug epidemic. As Mexican conservative special forces will tell you that US citizens are more doped and kill more because of voter kill drug wars than any country in this world. But leftist media will not do a report on that as they are to worried about destroying the US to show their moms and dad's or their teachers who where conservative about their work that they can do it.

In all reality if we went on the biases that leftist media like Lia Lang from the Vanguard who is a leftist in hiding in a conservative media trying to direct for leftist. If we where to look at the stats of US drug epidemics and drug deaths and voter deaths all american's should really be running to Mexico.

Lets look at blind justice just facts here and weigh.
US jobs economy rate much worse than Mexico's.
US lands afforabilite much worse than mexici's
US drug war epidemics much worse than Mexico's

So then what does the Aztlan conspiracy have in blind justice without emotion just weighing the facts not seeing colors or hearing emotions just weigh stats. They have nothing but the conspiracy to destroy.

Alone in the city I live in in the USA there was more death kills than the major narco trafficking areas of Mexico. Yet nobody does a compliation of stats to that point on. How smart Mexican conservatives say ruck the USA I am staying here. More job opportunities less youth unemployment, better schools in Mexico and a rich vibrant culture of latin and spanish cultures.

Then if justice as to weigh the evidence as a blind non hearing non seeing institution ti would then feel its weigh through to the conspiracy to destroy boarders and cultures as leftist materialist wish to do.

Aztlan asks Presdident Obama to stop deportations

President Obama stops deportations of anchor children. Who if here illegally are obviously with parents that are here illegally. So when their parents get deported nobody will be here in the states for them. Which means they will have to re immigrate back to be with their children thus furthering Latin immigration pyramid schemes of 62% of US immigrants instead of a fair world wide cultural immigration pattern

why is this an issue it is called annexation and there are major foreign groups like Aztlan working to annex the US back to Latin countries.


lyrics of Aztlan's artist wanting to kill American's who helped them rid themselves of the Spanish king.,13190,SOF_0804_Mexico,00.html,13190,SOF_0804_Mexico,00.html,9171,474582,00.html,9171,1000098,00.html,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=2fd63b55b4611bd1&biw=1280&bih=705