Today, I live in an area that is majority latin heritage. As Southern California has taken the lead in latin immigration to an extreme. Today, in my city alone. I am a minority. As there are 250,000 latino's and only 150,000 European heritage. However, today I find more majority scholarships and funding in my community college. As I am not considered a minority. However, with majority immigration at over 80% latin to this country. While less than 8% are European. I find myself a minority today and in the future. While also, with the majority of latin's in my county high schools and grammar schools. I find educationally I am a minority. However, I have been looking for help for European heritage. As I am a European heritage. And I can't find any. I just keep finding latin scholarships, or non heritage scholarships that are predominately given to latino's. This then leads to the community genocide of a race of minorities. As in my community I can't get a job as I do not speak spanish. So if I look for extra scholarship help to help me with school I find none.
I was wondering if a program properly for areas of minorities should be devoted. Instead of this blanket approach. Which allows whole communities to squeeze out all other minorities. For the majority immigrant group. I believed if we did a proper communal bright line for minority rights. We could see a brighter more diverse community. Instead of these patches of heavy African's, Latin's and Whites, or Asians. For example, I am also American Indian very small portion and German and Scottish. As I am a multicultural entity myself. However, we do not see any scholarships in communities for those. Who are the true minority. As majority of ethnicity are fully bread one country or heritage lineage.
I find this is very unequal for future muticulturals, and European's. As the immigration rate stays 80% or above for the last 30 years to latin America and not any other part of the world.
Please help me and my future children. Who might be African and mut, Latin and mut but either way they will be a mut.
Rider I
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