which is funny as I believe you are anti communist like me. As the biggest Communist in this country is a Service Union boss. Who illegal stole his own unions money, and from what Republican union trackers, and yes Unions are not communist, state he also illegally rigged the voting. To take lead. As that service industry boss. Has been a major push for legislation like the checking and savings, .com, mortgage and now health service industry. Which I have him pegged as a Han MSS espionage pawn.
- then like I usualy do in my reports I broke down into economic warfare reasons for biological attacks. Which primarily showed a cycle US service cycle taken us deeper and deeper into deficit each time we boom bust. Where our export industries are being stripped. Therefore, the new health service industry will again boom us while they strip us of our treasury influx as exports do. Which itself was my primary page length the genomic and migration patters a few pages.Ridereye 1 minute ago
- the fun study in that was transition via natural looking elements with human control. Using culling process, migration patterns and most likely satellite watching tracking of their birds and pig's crossing into Western lands. Which we tracked to the very satellite position over loads and birds migrating. But of course could not hack to see pictures.Ridereye 3 minutes ago
- I did some WHO research on the bird flu. As it came from Communist China's espionage holdings the MSS. It is really cool how many books they have on how to survive disease outbreaks if they get past point of control or domination. I did find the genomic viruses did come from the Avian bird flu and Swine Flu from MSS bio weapons areas in their rural lands. Perfect outbreaks before the Socialized medicine of Obama. So we could go into another service bell curve cycle to implode us instead exportnRidereye 6 minutes ago
- if you like zombies baby. You should study the Center for Disease Control real life book they wrote oh how to survive a zombie apocalypse. Just many other manuals they have in case a disease does go rampant and we can't air bomb the vaccine, or counter bubble the quarantine. The actual study they do is real any time somebody starts eating folks. It is a great study. That is why shelters kill animals.Ridereye 8 minutes ago
- good job moma. here is what papa would have done. I would have seen if there was an unusual amount of animals put down at the shelter as the zombie parasite usually breaks from there. Along with looking to see if the person had a voodoo, or druid background. To see if he was playing in old testament Black Math texts.Ridereye 12 minutes ago
- if I was the last man on this planet and it was me and you living in a pent house suite. Would you snuggle with me as we sniped zombies from bed.Ridereye 19 minutes ago
- good girl stinky butt. great job.Ridereye 22 minutes ago
- Cites for loving fun. dead head practice.1. Top 10 Zombie Parasites2. Israeli Scientists Researching “Zombie” Biological Weapon?3. Invasion Of The Mind-Controlling Zombie Parasites : NPR4. Zombie ParasiteThe list goes on. However, media does not portray it as an issue. As imagine living in New York with all that rat poo and bird poo everywhere. Nobody would live there. lol gritty in the city make me laugh darling. You come back to the west.Ridereye 32 minutes ago
- our ancient tribesman or druids, wismen, or witchdoctors. Used to eat bird poo. As it gave them a connection to the bird. It is one of the ways we started falconing and hawking. However, the brain bug in the poo causes major issues, like human zombification. A lot of druids eat human beings because of it. Birds parasites leave the bug in their poo the insect eats it and causes it to come to the bird. Thats on the discover channel the last part.Ridereye 37 minutes agohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZEB3PaJFNOw