Eric Holder’s People: New Black Panther Party – Fire Bomb White Babies in Nurseries and Kill Gays, Lesbians, White Women, The Old, Crippled…
On August - 16 - 2012

Just a reminder, Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel has called in NBPP friends Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam to help get the city’s crime and murder under control…
From The Blaze:
After news broke Wednesday of the New Black Panthers calling for the killing of white babies [...], more shocking audio from the group’s radio program has now surfaced. In the organization’s radio opening for August 13, they play a shocking segment from Khalid Muhammad, a former spokesman for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. In it, he advocates extreme violence against white people in general, and specifically gays, lesbians, babies, and women:
More @ The Blaze
But The Business Insider takes a ‘lilting’ and snarking tone with this story of violent threats from one group of people on several other groups of people…
The Black Panthers, a militant “black power” group from the 1960s, are regrouping and claim they want to murder as many Caucasian Americans as possible, according to this video on Breitbart.So, according to the writer this threat is laughable. Is that because he doesn’t take the threats seriously? Or because he doesn’t believe the NBPP has the desire, ways or means to carry out even a small action of this nature?
A handful of popular political pundits, like Michelle Malkin, the gang, and Glenn Beck’s crew at The Blaze, are attempting to stoke the flames of fear over the enthusiastic YouTube musings of a few individuals who’ve forgotten it’s no longer the ’60s. The pundits also took a turn toward race as they quickly, and predictably, accused Obama of ‘looking the other way.’
These are the same people who fiercely advocate for bombing Muslim countries willy nilly and say “10 percent of Muslims are terrorists,” but then get mad when a guy with a few screws loose is a bit more hawkish than them.
The host of Right-Wing blogs exploded recently following the epic rants by New Black Party elements calling for a militarization of their little club. Granted, his language was colorful.
I might be scared if I wasn’t too busy laughing.
Anyway, Shabazz should be thankful for the whitest of white people, Rupert Murdoch, who owns controlling stock in National Geographic. I wonder why Murdoch’s company would give press to a man calling for domestic terrorism.
That’s a story you won’t see Glenn Beck wasting his chalk on.
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And what would the writer be saying if this were the TEA Party … or even the KKK or a neo-Nazi group making racial threats of violence and mass murder? Are they “little clubs” as well?I seem to recall this little NBPP ‘club’ and their clubs four years ago on election day … And I am anticipating it WILL be worse come election day November 6.

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