6 MSS agents threaten free media 6 Communist Chinese Espionage agents sent back in body bags.
Communist Intelligence Agency threatens free media.
Chinese Regime Threatens Canadian Media President
TV President Gets Call From Chinese Spy [Video]
6 MSS agents have threatened me in the USA. I have called my military and each time 6 foreign espionage soldiers have been sent back in body bags for threatening free media.
Rider I
P.S. to letter on my cite.
They no longer speak to the Illuminati council. As I have come of age I direct all attacks. And if they threaten our heritage or lineage we kill. Plain and Simple V I King's are ordered as such legally and properly. We never threaten The Chinese media or business. But after the last year of threats and death's of the heritage of I. Yes death no more of this, 30 years now to become a Democracy and stop their genocidal party ways. We are not hear to genocide anybody. And we have found the key to survival for all. Which is Democracy, plain and simple no tribe can genocide another in Democracy. If the other tribes believe in Democracy.
My order is through Ex Parte Quirin to assisante the three MSS agents that ended up at the Brother of the Free Media Enterprise house. Then send them back in body bags to the MSS agent. This is not China nor Asia. This is Delgado and Mac House. If this would have been the KGB who threatened our media. Their body bags would have already been on a plane for Russia and probable dropped off in the backyard of the KGB agent who directed it. Unless those three defect turn in grids and ask for permission to live in the Democracy house. Which we can and have protected over 200,000 defectors with intel, billions in stolen cash and other myraid of pro Democracy actions. They are dead if they do not seek my families (Democracy) apologies through Defection and bring us a present of grid.
My weapon is Democracy and freedom and safety above all else from genocidal mono fascist parties.
Rider I
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