This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Catholic Populace and Muslim Populace v Communist Populace.

They are only 80 million Communist In China, 11 Million in Cuba, Loas has about 1 million in the party, North Korea has 22, million they have great brain washing tactics there every single house almost jerks off in front of Picture of Kim. Then rest of world probable has about 2 million in communist party factions. So then we have 116 million Communist. While the Catholic world population is exactly as per world western legal documents of seeking religious affiliation by ancient great standards of catholic library collections, is 6 billion. So all I have to do is gain a leadership position in my knew faith as a Knight and I will crush the communist fascist that do not like Democracy. ha

Then all I have to do is speak with the Muslim knights about the last atheist strong holds of no spiritual ownership for one's own deeds. To work together like the cold war against the Commy. oh yes we win, soon world Religious Democracies world wide. oh yaaa. Muslim have 1 billion, that makes 7 billion against 116 million. We vote them out like that, no more Commy strong holds only fair leftist and rightist Democracies world wide.

Rider I

Sam Webb and Mitt Romney

Both of these individuals have major power houses in Michigan. Both of these individuals want socialized industries like health care. Both of these individuals are tied to the same ideological perspective. Which is communism. Mitt Romney when Governor of Massachusetts created the first socialized industry since the social security act of Teddy Roosevelt. Thus we can see that there might be a need to dig into the contacts between the Communist Party of Michigan and Mitt Romney. Therefore and thus I sure hope after this Presidential election we see an actual real Republican who does not believe in socializing a new industry instead or privatizing and regulating like Republicans believe in.

Rider I
Sam Webb for those non anti communist Anatolian's. Sam Webb is the head of the main group that says each year they are a militarized organization of economic warfare threats to the US economic free market. That wishes to set up a communist just run by communal majorities economics and politics.  

Patriotic Ethical decision.

CISEN is a Mexican intelligence operation which runs pretty much the world's drug and other illicit trades. It offered me a during my time of a major operation I was working on to stop terrorist from gaining funds from a very powerful ancient American industry; $70,000 a year my own farm and as defensed area of my own growing or lab as possible with satellites, radar, missiles and jets. I said no as it is primarily invading the US to take it over not to balance it out. As 80% of all US immigration comes from CISEN operations that is not a Democracy move.

My own CIA and DOD have yet to come to me and offer me anything except for the basic when I am in trouble they will kill for me and they accept my Ex parte Quirin's for removal of soul assassination.

With African Communist Party of ANC playing such a big part in African American area,s with the Communist Chinese gaining so much room in western destruction and with Muslim mass immigration to our water ways for control in future. I have an ethical Democracy delima.

Currently today German has little to no conspiracies inside of the USA to help back the right. With no immigration of Europeans no massive industrial protections or investments in the USA not a single thing. So then my mind turns to would it be against my faith and belief in Democracy to allow recruiting by FIS to work for them? If I believe it would help balance out the local USA Democracy power and conspiracies. The Germans are under heavy Communist Chinese warfare attacks. So much so they just did a major Communist Party move in about 6,500 citizens of German. I know this as when you take a puritan colonial of oysters and you implement a foreign salt water or other than used to the oysters puke massively. The Germans are now under massive brain cognitional manipulation. Very similar to what the Communist Chinese do in China to their own citizens. That is why they puked so much in mass droves. As in Germany there are no Communist it is a puritan rightist side country. So my best bet would be to go there as I could thrive with no leftist oppression and easily see things like that happening.

Rider I

How to Use Wall Street Like a Piggy Bank

The analysis of the 1920's German Socialist stock attacks, the 1980's Soviet stock attack's, and the 2008 Communist Chinese stock attacks. All of which took out over todays price of 50 trillion and diverted that values to their centralist leftist countries by specific grid stock point attacks.

Who Was Running the Pensions and Retirement Boards during the crash

During the last crash of 2008. Which was an attack by the Communist Chinese Party with the Russian Espionage units. As per their news leaks by wikileak. Who stated they where attacking our stocks as per the Freddie Mae and Sallie Mac email leak from wikileaks from Russian Communist SVR agents to Communist Chinese MSS agents. During this time, however, what made it so easy for our biggest enemies which are usually extremist leftist countries that attack the US with proxy wars or massive espionage through sympathetic elements in the USA. We see that 96% of all civil workers pensions and retirement boards where run by the Democratic party.

The opposing view was 401k's. Where 90% of all 401k's are run by Republicans. If we look at who did better the Democratic pensions and retirements. Or the Republicans 401k investment plans. You will see that the 401's made it out almost untouched except for a few Democratic run ones that also went with the Democratic party investments. Which made it very easy for our enemies the Communist Chinese and Communist Russian elements to destroy our economy.

With this logic and a proper non profit statistical research group to back up the stats and facts. I could see a serious refutation against the California idea of allowing the Democrats to create another economic board for them to control where they take 3% of all poor folks funds to invest. As they will do what leftist do and invest it in their leftist parties economic treasuries. Which are run by heavy elements and factions of communist and foreign easy subversion for the idea of destroying free markets and Democracy to implement communism. So the next time we see the elements and grid attacks of the economic warfare. We will see that the Democrats in California will not only be able to crash the pensions and retirements of civil workers and unions. But this time also all of the lower end workers who have allowed the Democratic held State Owned Enterprise board to invest their funds in heavy leftist ideas and think tanks. Which will do the same thing that we saw during the 1920's sympathy for the German Socialist stock market attack, and the 1980's Soviet Union stock market attack, then the 2008 Communist Chinese stock market attack.

It makes no sense to create a unit that was run by a party that allowed its own control of economic treasuries of the people to be almost destroyed and cause the majority of US cities to go bankrupt because of their issues with extremist leftist sympathetic economic warfare attacks. Where as compared to 401k's that did stupendously during the attack. As they where held by Republican investors and where invested in patriotic things like Federal Bonds, State Bonds, military bonds, international business, rightist countries like Germany and Canada. I do not see why we would allow the Democrats in California to own or control another economic board of the people's values.

Rider I
counter intelligence today we see the Communist Chinese influencing heavy leftist ownership of key grid points in the previous 401k strength areas, like Canadian Oil, German manufacturing and other areas that the 401k's made it through on the extremist leftist world party attacks on the stock market. Counter grid find how the 401k's did so well and analyze what the Communist Chinese MSS espionage are analyze and do not let them gain control of investments or ownership. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Optogenetics and Anti Americanism The Communist Chinese Brain Washing

The Communist Chinese have a way of hating the west that nobody understands. They know that the West is so free in Democracy, culture and media that no one single mass cognitional warfare light can really be created. Even when they come out and the President says that he is declaring culture war on the USA. Then a Communist Chinese Party literally that month goes and buys the US's biggest optogenetics base called AMC, a movie theater. Optogenetics is the basic science that the human synopses in the brain are controlled by light sequences. Thus if enough light or repetition of static, specific colors or direct coding of the brain. One can then implement areas of thought and storage of memory without one knowing. Which is similar to hacking a computer with a latent virus to later command a source code in the process server. The analogy of brain hacking and computer hacking come to a fine point in optogenetics.

These Optogenetics is what I was going to use to counter the Confucius religion that was allowed into our public grammar schools. However, the constitution stops Christianity and Catholism and even druidism. Yet they all have a same prophet, ideograms, prayers, alters churches, ministers and ancient laws proclaiming them all to be a religion. So I was going to use optogenetics in Communist Chinese marketing to gain control of the communist Chinese private schools and public grammar schools in pro Democracy areas. So I could implement a policy of Lockean study. Lockean is actually what they are selling Confucius as. Which is a philosophy with no prophet, ideograms, prayers, alters, or ministers. It is the study of basically how the West became a religious free market for all. However, during this time as I am very open with my projects. As I believed that if they had their philosophy in which is not a philosophy at all it meets all the US Supreme court laws of a religion. Then I could at least get a real philosophy culture into their grammar schools.

On the verge of my first nano cellular brain marketing. With a set of lights and colors as per the Lockean philosophy that connects with the brain heat waves that sees those colors when it is learning about it. Where I was going to just have a blanket color scheme go up and pay local people to hang out blankets of specific colors in areas where the school programmers lived and walked. Which is just marketing in the USA. The Communist Chinese MSS espionage agents, in all 8 districts of Communist China. Used their puppet's that where all set up in the exact same fashioned, unemployed, over drinking very symptomatic of the brain manipulation manual tracking books. To literally every single one, go into two schools in each district with a hammer and kill children and teachers with hammers. So as to bring in the military and espionage units. To create an exact grid of all public grammar school teachers and their wrought to work and daily lives. Where military soldiers guided with the MSS in step would walk every single public grammar school in Communist China to school or follow them in cars. To see the path waves of the possible marketing I planned for Lockean optogenetics.

This is just one example of how extreme the anti american party of the world. Which is the Communist Party. As America is pure Democracy and Capitalism. As Democracy can't work without individuals owning their own economies. As communal ownership of economy and power leaves out the smaller cultures from gaining any ground at all. Therefore, we then look at local more mass cognitional as the Communist Chinese party can briber and pay in mass droves as per state sanctioned made up funds with no attachment to gold or their deficit or consumption of their country. Just more or less a Chinese free fake money for Espionage agents. Which turns into real Western currency that draws major inflation. They can easily go to every optogenics element and buy it up.

This is where we see things like the AMC optogeneics base being monopolized to a racist business known as Dalian Wanda. Which goes around in Communist China and promotes Communist culture and destroys all heritage of real Chinese influence and power against the Communist Party of China. We could go in depth with a full optogenecs base grid that the Communist Chinese are after. However, that is for the the professionals like me to know and you to figure out. It is pretty easy, marketing companies, movie theaters, radio shows, even little Chinese ladies that have lived here since kids, with literally high powered light wands that can cause the brain to stop and clear memory for seconds to implement thought control through speech in one sentence or up to 30 seconds. Yes the MIB light wand is real and yes high powered lights do erase seconds of memories. If you ever see a bright light like your eyes have been pushed out of your head then see a Chinese lady or man near you or within 30 seconds of you. Yes you have just been spell bound for some thought control.

Rider I

Friday, September 28, 2012

Calif. creates state-run private retirement plan

We just got out of state nightmare with Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac driving our mortgage industry to hell and back. Then all of the cities state pension civil workers plans are causing major city defaults as because of the reliance on those pensions accurements and you want to start another one. Social security for those that work is enough for an affordable living. It is around $1200 for those citizens that have paid into it. Which is more than enough to live in and own a retirement home that costs about $200 a month from my area and I live in a very expensive county. This is stupid and just another grid point for Democratic leaders to control more of the state's finances to enrich Democratic legislation matters. The state did horrible during the cyclical down turn. 401k's that are private companies did great as state leaders are political in their investments and 401k's are not. I think this is a Democratic plow to get more funds for their legislation wishes and to lean on the funds taken from the state citizens to do as they wish to empower their party more. I should know I worked LA, San Diego, OC, and San Francisco cases for civil worker pensions that the state Democratic leaders like Diane Feinstein husband where managing that crashed. Which I would never trust my funds to a leftist as their major conspiracy is to destroy the US free market for state owned enterprises to own everything so individuals own nothing. Which does things like the Soviet Union and then current Fiscal Pension crisis. Which was because of pure Democratic pension civil service state run bad decisions based on politics of the one sided party. As a Republican we worked very hard to stop the Democratic allowance of Pension fund destruction. Which the majority of them just walked away while cities crumbled based on the Democratic Pension fund party leaders placed in the seats investing in primarily Democratic companies like a specific Insurance company that had heavy ownership by Communist Party members who seemed to have tanked itself.

They take all the citizens funds that are invested and then enrich Democratic party members business with it. Pretty much from the cases I worked in the major county pension losses. So this new legislation is pretty much a Democratic party economic warfare treasury chest for them to force direct citizens funds. Which just like the new economic development unit which has no Democrats representation in it I am sure the new state owned collection of taxes to direct to investments for the Democratic party will do the same as the last Democratic party control of retirements funds. Invest in leftist conspiracies that in the long run wish to destroy the economy to create a communist empire. Which is what happened as per the legal case I worked in the pension investment areas.
And if you look at the current news media that is picking it up. It is the same journalist that are behind many articles that push the leftist conspiracy to destroy the economy to cause state one sided party order to take it over.
I actually worked the numbers and specific political leaders who invested in one sided Civil Worker retirements in pure heavy leftist owned businesses. Some even with direct ownership to the Communist Party of the USA. Which yearly gives out a military speech that says we are hear to destroy the US economy and replace it with a Communist economy.

Rider I

Example of Leftist Conspiracy, Diane Feinstein's husband tanked before this recession with no financial crisis and our economy was on a up swing. The Naval and Ports and Teamster Pensions he was controlling. Which cause them to go into major deficit. Which then caused all of their political and research teams to go into warfare to figure out that issue. While President Clinton was taken bribes from the Communist Chinese MSS espionage units as proven in court and congress to have the specific Naval ports that are Unionized workers working there and other Union contracts attacked. So they could weaken and redirect brain drain away from the invasion of the Ports for the extremist leftist country and party of the Communist Chinese. Which literally happend, Richard Plum tanked the pensions, caused brain drain direction, Bill used heavy political clout to shut the Unionized military ports down, then the same agent who bribed the Clinton directed the take over of the ports. For a company today that has been in the red and can't pay its overhead for the last ten years. But the Communist Chinese just keep subsidizing it. COSCO Ports. 

Tesla Arch hacking

The basic idea in hacking is that you have to a gateway through a portal in the process server. With Tesla Arch hacking you can buy pass the process gateway and go right to the grid of the mother board and then back hack without having to deal with any defenses that are primarily set on the process chip entrance areas of wire less or plug in. I have been able to prove through my guerrilla training that one can use lighting coded with sequences that can actually hack a plane or a drone. As a matter of fact I proved that our drone systems are weak and have no cyber defense systems sitting with the handlers. To retake signal loss warfare or hacking of the signal by Tesla Arch hacking. Which can be done with a simple hand held satellite communication device and a computer.

It works like this if you have a metal object that is enclosed around a process server. That process server has to attach to its nervous system. In which then you place a static arch to the metal object where the coded signal in the static charge is sent through the metal object not looking for the process server until it finds the nervous system first. Then after its coded sequence of arch hacking is done and it finds the nervous system. It can actually by pass the process server and just use the lines of communications from the process server to the necessary element of control like a radar, engine, missile grid, etc. This then shows that today's airplanes are not prepared for arch hacking. As the current lighting structure does not take into account the arch hacking principle. Which is that if there is an opening for a radar system to send out signals I can arch hack the metal plane then ripple righto the radar system and jump from the radar system to any line of communications. Even EMT prepared shock shells are not able to withstand the Tesla Arch Hacking algorithms. Coding static charges.

So what I did was I took an old cold war radio transistor hack that used the Tesla arch principle from telephone wires to radio copper wires in old computer hacking one of the first NSA hack. Then it created low level static in the speaker. So as to create a subconsciousness static point on the brain. As the Human being does not like static and it causes major irritation  After which I then applied that to wireless signals. Which the key was being able to grid nano seconds and causing static to erupt to get around basic process server defenses. Which you would have to know a plane or jets or otherwise electronic system by the centimeter  Then you can code in the static jump arch around it and move forward. While carrying the command.

In the Stealth technology. One actually uses the technology against itself in the arch hack to gain access to command modules. The coding process is indepth. But once it is done until the charge is found out about it is easily loaded like a piece of ammo into a hand held satellite. For EMT shields the actual counter electrical output is harnessed against itself to gain access. It is a very interesting process and one has to understand static Tesla type energy systems that can recreate energy without a power source just by a simple energy code. Which we have been able to decode the Tesla down to specific molecules of energy. Imagine splitting atoms of energy but instead of being able to direct them by energy coding.

Rider I

Google's policy on the New World Order's no Financing media during near votes.

Its is understandable. As the idea of who ever has the last amount of funds could do a spectacular light show and gain voters that would not have voted if time for non media reading and other issues was allowed. However, that means that the parties have to learn to cooperate  As I can tell you the majority of non profits are not going to follow that law either. So then you have the idea of those that break the law in the name of free speech against those who are following the law as it is law. So it leaves legal citizens are a hamper. However, a morality issue I can it as being. As for over 200 years we have allowed media outlets up until the last minute of the vote. It was just made this year. As the Democrats funding was projected to fall short. Which Democratic Party international connections used their friends to also follow suit to make it a more powerful suit. However, the guerrilla marketing by non profits and things like youtube will still be done illegally and the Democrats will still make a big the Republicans busting and calling police if they do it. So either way, the Democrats are coming in way far behind in the last minute run to media light show funds. As President Obama spent his time in the house working on service health issue and not balancing it with economic expansion issues that our economy needs.

Then you have the idea that the funders on both parties are in a new year law of voting media warfare. So the majority of them will not spend enough on guerrilla market shares for burnable outlets that can go under and actually take the fine or pay for the crime. I believe currently the Democrats are at about 50% less than the Republican current treasury holdings. As the Republicans have had a lot more individual donations. As last time Senator McCain's online presence and donations boxes where horrible as compared to President Obama. Which this time is actually collecting nightly workers couple dollars here and there more than the Democrats are.

The issue of morality is does it violate the sense of common culture in the USA. As in the USA the normal culture is freedom of speech. So one could say yes. When we have folks like rappers threatening police officers and Presidents on Rock concerts and CD's that millions listen to. Then you think that a last mintue media blitz is something that we should not be allowed to do. Is kind of a morality issue. As we do not block freedom of speech at all in this country. So much so it is almost ridiculous on how much top secret material you can just collect online about things. For example Duke had a whole class just based on Communist Chinese nuclear bunker and predicted to about 97% correctness based on specific online freedom of speech exactly where all the inheritances where and all the nuclear material is most likely stored for missiles. However, when one thinks about id at voter laws. We think of something that is security from crime. Where for the last 200 years we have been creating id laws in a progressive manner to make sure that our selfs are who are selfs are. Which was so long as it is not about freedom of speech. As the majority of our military and clandestine intelligence gathering comes from psydonamed collectors. But voting is like a gun or a battle. Where folks should in my opinion and belief as per progressive laws over the last 200 years to secure our minds persons and homes with id's of human beings for deterrence to have to serve time and it be on there thus taken away a lot of areas and paths if you get in trouble. The idea that might when the Republicans the fight this time. Is the specific mmmm idea that the donation page should take pennies, quarters any amount. As sometimes a Five dollar bill for a young hard working republican means a 99 cent fast food meal for the week but he can give his change. Which adds up.

Rider i
should have shaken my hand sir. All that secret moving big guy with a gun acting like he was something he was not then you and me and no hey or hello. mmmm should of offered me the clerk position in the new bureau for competition. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How Teddy Roosevelt delt with the US's ideal hands to stop the devils workshops.

During the 1920's German Socialist attack on the US agriculture and stock market. As per a myriad of historical books on the Socialist Party of Germany activities in the USA during that time period. There was a major amount of human beings I think around 20% of the USA was unemployed after that major agriculture and stock warfare attack. Teddy Roosevelt started major camps where if you wanted to get a unemployment check or help for welfare. You had to pitch in. The Ladies had to sow for the poor to get work experience, or watch the kids, and the guys had to go into the woods cut logs, build roads or patch existing buildings and business for free to help the area's look better to make the soul of the people feel better. This program allowed them enough time to look for jobs and a part time help for their pay from the country. Which he started basic welfare programs.

The rich and those who are lucky or are just down right honorary  Do not understand that the majority of humans are like lost folks. Most do not have a college degree yet alone even paid attention in high school. Now that's nobodies fault but their own. However, that does not mean that we should allow them to be a drain on society. Where they just sit around and do nothing and shoot at each other. Because the human condition as per sociological warfare and gridding will do that if they are poor and hungry and without mate or roof and boards.

The idea is simple. It is a program that does not subsidize trade or any businesses but just does basic maintaince on the USA. For example, when I was in Washington, DC doing my walk about to see how bad these 60's type folks with their weak era of leadership have allowed the US to get. I saw blocks upon blocks of shut down buildings manufacturing with just rows of men just laying there. This defeatest mindset that it is the District of Columbia that is the way it is is not true. The DC area used to be a bright lot of human beings with tons of work and a surplus of jobs for them to do. In case one employer did not like them.

Its bad in this country. There are whole neighborhoods, just like Detroit. Like some idea that the Car world producer of the world. No there are no jobs for car producers in the USA. It is just assemble. I think we have two or three car parts company compared to the hundreds of thousands that the USA during the 1980's and 90's used to have.

The idea is that folks do not care. The heart and soul of the USA is literally just laying around hoping the shops open back up to be busy and have something. Then if you are lucky you get some kind of government electronic soup kitchen ticket. Cause there is no jobs. ~ We have 17 million unemployed and less than 500,000 open jobs for the market. That is because we do not have fighters anymore. We have folks like President Obama who is more about his own personal wish and desire to rule in the new body and soul slave state that forces all human beings to be in the insurance industry, even if like Jahova witness the 1 million or so souls who do not believe in the medical industry there is no religious waver for their soul or body to get out of it.

The reality is that this country is to worried about hoty toty bull ish than its own people. In reality the main thing for politics should be pure competitive economics and keeping our economy going with jobs here. If that means creating a MalConey island for some head of the Corporation Association wanting to sell off US local jobs and move to the Soviet SOE's. Then so be it, its a National Security issue and economics is the basis for all wars.

For example Washington DC, they have buildings and lots of muscle and hands. There are whole countries in the world that need simple parts to be built for them. All the economists have to do is find out what basket meets with the skill and abilities and resources in that area. Then match them up find a way to provide local loans not foreign take over loans, and get young college business minded folks obtaining the loans and trying it out. It is really rucking simple man. I do not rucking understand it one rucking bit. If I did not have this major feeling inside of me all the time that holds me back from doing things. Which I can't shake it. I would just go out stand on a platform and start talking about who wants a job. Then once I had enough followers I would do that exactly. Go we got workers ok, they got needs ok, bank got loans ok, I know military will kill for me and my competitive fair competition in the world ok.  Lets do this.

Millions of folks could go back to work. If we had stronger economic leaders. I mean when is the last time any leader has shown political faith by literally walking around areas like DC or Chicago or Detroit and just showing the news look at this, look at those folks. This is darn stupid. Here is my political plan. I am going to find areas in this world that the US can compete in that the world needs. Then I am going to find college students who are interested in those areas. Thus then I am going to take the college kid to the bank and go get a loan, come with me kid, here is the market that you can sell to in the world. Hello Generals, I need you to make sure with our over 1,000 international bases that this mans economic trade will be ok. Come on now the US has the worlds biggest economic protection set of bases yet we do not use them at all for trade. Then I would tell the kid if anybody undercuts you your team of R&D says it is illegal or unfair you let me know and I will fight them for you. That easy. I would not take hoty toty rich folks who are old and more likely to just sell of their business to the Communist Chinese I will give you 60% more than its worth now. No the youth is where I would go. The kids who will at least be here until they are old and wealthy.

You take a one block structure find college kids get them loans find the international market get them contracts. Walk with their hands in your hand if necessary take them by the neck if need be. This country has forgotten the old world war II style elders. Who would literally kick your butt and grab your arm and walk you to where you should be and what you should be doing. Then with my help the kid would know that if he just ups and sells off the business to the foreign MSS attackers of our economic grids. I might literally kick his arse.

However, instead of doing the if you want help you have to be active and do something for your welfare check. But instead they just sit there and sell drugs cause its like baby pooing them. If they had to all get welfare and do work. They would rather be trying to build something than just sitting around lazy dazy like as it is true. And I do not care what any loud mouth attitude person is going to say. The Welfare people most of the time sit around as you can't look for a job 40 hours a week. There are not enough jobs I know I try. And if you leave it up the individual sometimes we are so depressed as a social being and so disconnected from the grid walking into a church of a place of help becomes a frightening experience.

I would be handing out ideas. going who wants to produce parts for water plumbing for Africa you ok good they need a couple million in contracts lets do that, who wants to produce giga bite cards with specific hidden areas for hiding internet block breakers for Communist Chinese you ok good, see easy.

Then I would carry a walking stick like the first Rough Ryder Teddy Roosevelt and say it was a walking stick but really it is a stick of I will kick your arse if you do not agree with me on economic issues of US dominance. Then if I do beat you I will call the Cowboy hats I place all over the DC grid and shut down doo rags that dooo nothing for their people but let them hang out in unemployed droves. Remove this dead man.

They give them the cheese when they have no job and they use welfare and food stamps. That is not allowed in the family where I live. You have to have a job to get the cheese. Different culture all together one does not get goodies if not working. That is what this country needs a teddy rough ryder. Walking with a stick making folks bow to the USA economic dominance. He had Cowboy hats on every corner of DC standing there watching lazy bums going you this way you that way, go to this camp, go to that camp you want food for the day shut down that free gravy train you going to work boys. The heart and soul of the country became that much stronger cause one man placed Boots literally on corners and stated if you want bread and soup it costs money. You are going to pitch in. Not anything that subsidizes things but basic things that cities need that are not affect free trade and are already over capasized with back lots of civil service work. For example DC has three feet of trash under bridges with about 100 African Americans sitting around in parks all day long during the work week.

For example, over the last two years i have received over $34,000 in unemployment and there is no way in my 12 years as an able body working adult I have payed in that much. So after what I have paid in I should be forced to go work 20 hours a week and look for a job 20 hours a week. On things like painting houses helping the elderly, things that the civil service community is way backed up on. For example imagine the justice department back log of cases if folks like me where forced to pitch in and help, or even any other state job. That we would have the same core principles and workers then those getting $1,800 a month to sit around had to do something. My state alone is in deficit because of state fiscal needs. We have about hundreds of thousands of able body men who could seriously cut back on the civil service costs by hundreds of millions if we where forced to go and work. Plus it makes a man feel good inside when he works for his meals and it is not just given, no matter what the lazy butts say about getting a hand out. So I do this and I value my time at $25 an hour for my research and thoughts. Which is funny as my last job only paid me in take home after taxes $1200 a month and I rode the bus five hours a day to try and get off the welfare. I took a $600 pay cut just to work. That is Swiss policy. If you lose your free market job you have to pitch in for the civil service market. Imagine schools, the overloaded classes. Then you could get your pay out of the forced unemployment insurance. After words you had a 6 month to a year in house civil service keep or gain new skills. Which is better than two years sit on your butt and drink and cry and lose your friends and sanity but kill lots of Communist Chinese terrorist with my pen and writings. There are not ghettos in Switzerland as everybody who gets welfare hates it as they have to paint help out with public toilets at parks, watch poor kids that are mad at being poor. And they get off it quickly. Yes they do have Africans there.

I was sitting there talking to this one guy and he was lucky to have a job. Then he told me he worked two jobs and barely made $2,000 a month on minimum wage. And I was sitting going I make $1800 a month to look for a job. I did not say anything though as I had to work mini's before. Another crutch I did not like but I am human. Was that you do not have to take the job unless it is in your industry and pay scale. I looked for a year for an $18 an hour job did not find one. I should have been looking for anything like I am now. Which is still impossible as there are over ~ 10 million job seekers as per labor statistics and less than 500,000 job openings annually. So that means 9.5 million to compete with. Then you have those migrant workers who drop it down about 100,000 job openings. Then you have the majority of jobs going to folks who have jobs as that is what employers like hiring fresh and ongoing. Which drops it about another 200,000 jobs so in all reality I am competing for less than 200,000 job openings. As per the statistical facts as the bleak nature of our leadership as a whole. Then for folks like me who are not national movers or international movers do to family issues of elderly and close ties to understanding to the streets of who I am. As some areas could not stand me and my research. While the rest of the country and the international community wants to move to where I live. But I still apply in boom towns like North Dakota and other areas.

Rider I

The Chinese Emperor's Conspiracy.

The world of Communism is a dark one shrowed in hate and culture and economic destructive ideas.For this idea of blank slating individual cultures and ownership's  The Chinese Emperor's lineage is not dead by any means but is the most secret royal society in the world. Even more secret than the multicultural Illuminati Blue Bloods Scottish roots conspiracy. As the Chinese Emperor is not part of the blue bloods. As he lies and says he does not exist. But we can prove otherwise. I know this as we have actually had to Ex Parte Quirin two of his lineages and specific refutation documents that came up where mailed directly from the Chinese Imperial home literally very upset. Which is the Palace. Along with that Chinese State Owned Movie's is directed by a secret group of the top Communist Party members. The future President just spent 11 days I believe with the Chinese Emperor learning about the Secret in depth. As all leading Communist Chinese Party members know of it. But do not meet the Chinese Emperor unless they are to become his political pawn. The Conspiracy to the Chinese Emperor is the Communist manifesto itself. Much like the Conspiracy to the Illuminati is Democracy tribal leadership through voting and no clan deaths.

The Chinese Emperor was very mad at the West has he had to surrender Hong Kong. "inferior to the European powers, China lost the war and surrendered Hong Kong by way of the Treaty of Nanking in August 1842" During this time the Chinese Emperor had very good industrial ties with a German who was very greedy. His name was Fridrich Engels. The Chinese Emperor made a major payment to Engels during this time. Which specific letters the German government later acquired then like most things during that Viking line was sent to the Catholic church, as the library is a holly vault and world ending results go down if the Church falls. In which the Chinese Emperor (CE) states he wants Engels to find a way to destroy the Western Culture of Democracy and Free Markets. The CE did this because he had just lost Hong Kong a major port to the Western Forces that where lead by England. Therefore, Engels found a man who hated his own culture and society as much as the Chinese Emperor. His name was Karl Marx. when "they had a brief encounter near the end of November 1842." In Which Engels then spent a good amount of the funds the Chinese Emperor had given him to help Karls Marx create the destructive manifesto of the west. Which would be used as the Chinese Emperor's cognitional weapon to destroy individual business owners, cultures and governments of the west. During this time as per the Emperor's cognitional desire to brain manipulate the west with a new massive conspiracy movement. The whole West made it illegal for any Chinese citizen to own any property or business if they had already not owned it before for those who illegally immigrated. Which was good policy and we have that policy today with Iranian's that illegally immigrate. As China was very similar to how North Korea is today. 

When the Church Found out that these two where conspiring to destroy the western Democracy and Religious views of ancient Western Cultures. They had both of them thrown out of Germany. In which the Church had major hits placed on their lives. However, England and a few other western countries that found out about this. Paid the debt of their heads and used Engel's as the industrial trade that the Chinese Emperor allowed and trusted Engels with to funnel opium. So as to create a genomic brain drain and economic lazyness in the economic grids. The Chinese Emperor then devoted his life to first destroying the closet European King which was Russia. During this time he knew he had to prepare for his own families royality secret's to be kept from the other Kings and Queens and Democracies so as to be able to be the quiet hand against the Western Religion and Culture of Democracy. The Chinese Emperor actually funded the massive revolt in Russia to destroy the European King. As 
"Chinese units were involved in virtually every front of the Russian Civil War." Which was the Bolshevkian revolt.  If you look at the majority of their parties trade and income during that time. It was from the same business that where rooted in the funds that Engle's and Marx's where receiving. Thus then the biggest western country nearest the Chinese Emperor was then puppeted to try and destroy the western ancient culture of tribal Democracy as Democracy allows for all to have power through vote. Where Communism forces an easy puppet grid so a Emperor could puppet a party. As there is no opposition power to stop his grids enrichment or power of accord and seal. 

The Proiry of Zion does not like this at all. As they believe in Jesus's teachings and his lineages grid of Democracy. They do not like how the Chinese Emperor is so vowed to secrecy and so studied with hate against Europeans and the culture of their ways. The Europeans are very out front and proud of their heritage and Kings and Queens. Except for those who have befallen the spell of the Chinese Emperor's destructive manifesto of our ancient ways. Now some say why force the Chinese Communist to become a Democracy. Well it is a war of will's. They have tried forever to destroy Democracy so they could literally take over the world. 

My grandfather I call GMac and was named GMac by his spy hunter troop for other spiritual lore which is also in the Catholic church (interesting study the Nazi Allied espionage battle for Mount Olympus Odin and the Greek God Councils technology). Had actually been a SS hunter during the world war against Hitler. He was stationed from day one of first loss of US ship behind Nazi party lines. One of the closing battles of espionage world was the search for Hitler. As the espionage units fighting each other did not know the battle was over. As they did not have lines of communication. But GMac found out as he had to steal some bullets and supplies from a military Lt. Gen. (it was given, but legally declared stolen material). They where searching the mountains for back drop controls of major booby traps or doors or other issues. When they found a cave that had just been left. Where major Chinese staples of food, reading and other Chinese things where left behind in a major mess. In his notes he states that usually if they leave a base a intel group will burn it, bury it or clean it. So he said they had just left when they arrived. However, they did not pursue as the machines they found where Tesla's rat brain manipulation machines but in human size capacities with antenna's and what would today be wireless like routers as per his drawings. He theorized as Hitler did have lots of mental illnesses. Which today as per cold war CIA v KGB brain manipulation wars open source tracking books; would be considered text book brain manipulation symptoms. He also took pills for this matter that where similar to that of the drugs that Tesla used to enhance the brain manipulation and control of the mouse project. 

The group from then on considered all Chinese citizen's to be a threat for brain manipulation and him and his team coined the word Nip, for brain manipulation. He then spent the rest of his life fighting against the KGB and always was searching out for the Chinese brain manipulators of Europeans. As his studies show he believed that the Chinese had Hitler genocide the majority of Europeans for a future capitalistic war that would direct major market bullying, as per Marx's direction in the destructive manifesto, where the West would not have a centralized core of citizens after the genocide of the major strength of their citizen core during the World War's. Then he believed during the Second World war. The Chinese Emperor brain manipulated people with Tesla's brain manipulation machines. Which where real and very active in military use during those wars. To get Japan to invade the Chinese Republic of China political party. As they where to closely tied to Democracy and multicultural Party voting system from the Emperor's racist views of his countries dominance and control of the market and economy. Which destroyed the Democracy of China when Japan invaded. And made it that much easier for the Chinese Emperor to use his paid for manifesto to destroy his own culture and country to easily direct the economy and mass might of the market bullying shares. That would someday allow his empire to dominate the world in trade. GMac places all of this projected ideas as per the bases of the spice trade economic warfare that the Chinese used during that time. 

The idea is that today the Chinese Emperor is more secretive and has more control over his own empire than ever. Via centralized committees that control everything through the state. Which is all together the basis of his desire to destroy Democracy and individual ownership for single power control in a modern world. This must call for a counter conspiracy to stop the market share bullying and State Owned Centralized invasions of economies illegally 
through unfair practices. 

Rider I

Ghost town strategies.

These are areas for foreign espionage agents to create active communities where they can blend in and operate. For example, Russia could come into Communist China in one major immigration move and take up a whole empty city with immigrants. As Africans immigrants have done through out Europe in cities that buildings where just emptied after the cold war race was over and millions of arms and high tech jobs where dissinvested as there was no longer a competition of minds of governance  Even though that is farther from the truth as the last battle still rages on against the Communist Party.

Explain further:
1. Blockaid of foreign boom town investors
2. Possible areas of high military underground bases as major city building in the middle of no where usually is.
3. Counter thought could be an immigration invasion.
4. Possible draw from the Chinese communist party to create a new Democracy city based on a new party for a strong hold for foreign Democracies to trade with. Foreign espionage could set that up.
5. We could industralize the Falun Gong or Tibetians with the empty cities by having them move there and setting up specific trade with the Falun Gong or Tibetian ownerships of production units.

The best strategy towards Communist Chinese lies about their economic books and blockaiding boom city investments and buildings to stop possible espionage underground bases. Is to do all the above, immigration invasion, draw out of the Chinese cities pro Democracy and pro spiritual leaders to set up business and set up a strong hold of pro Western Culture of Democracy and Religous citizens in the empty cities. This is a great way to strengthen chinese Democracy resolve and also produce willing and better workers with less dark heart espionage attacks as pure placement of trade with only non Communist Chinese. 

Johnny Lewis so sad he is gone.

He was an actor on one of my favorite shows. It is sad when somebody that has everything starts to go done the wrong path and allow his stupid arse to be followed by the opposition. Especially in a new industry of drug dealing. It was more than obvious the reason why he was getting caught and going made was because he was being tailed constantly. Yet, did he do the proper thing and stop and say I think I should get out of the seat as it is hot. No he kept going and did not want to stop. So do I think he went nuts, most likely, it is very easy to brain manipulate people when they are high on drugs. Especially if you are part of a clandestine motorcycle unit that makes millions for a club.

At his age and the ability to access fellow friends and club help. He should have sought the proper area of help and stopped the industrial push of the new chemical. Along with that now the whole thing is hot and most all other clubs can see right through what they are doing now. The opposing clubs are also enriched on the show too. Yet still why would somebody first beat down somebody who owed major funds, then go to do a stealth move of invasion to steal secrets for club enrichment. Can anyone say RICO idiots. How dumb the club is to allow the kid not to be sent off to the farm to let it blow over and cool off. To sad the proper grid and leadership was not directed on the youth and such a talented actor and espionage agent.

They did the proper low contact with the icon. As Icon's can't operate in the structure. As they will be followed by foreign agents. Especially the Communist Chinese. As they are hear to restructure the dark side of the pyramid and own every single industry of brain manipulation. Rules are rules they can't be broken. He should not have been dealing or enforcing. Even if he wanted to prove he could operate in black jacket non patch matters. As an Icon you take yourself out of the structure once you get in front of the screen. As it is very obvious and you will be caught as they follow you and are watching. Not saying the whole thing together is allowable. But in espionage you have the dark side of the pyramid and you have chemical intoxicants and reactors for populace movements. So obviously this is not the first time a club has used Iconic structure to make funds. Yet this is the first time they have actually had a icon not follow the rules. Most likely did to much of his own stuff and went nuts as he had no direction in life. As my friend had the same thing happen to him and he had no direction. He ended up in the hospital for suicide as he did not see any point to life. So I placed him on a path of spiritual research and help stop the illusion machine. Which is fun for folks like him as it gives him something that is a never ending project. And he is doing fine with his life. Still not gaining traction. But he is getting there.

Rider I
I warned everybody that the Communist Chinese MSS are hear to restructure and control the dark side of the pyramid. Nobody listens. They will influence grids in the pyramid with negative meghurtz and static attacks to drive folks insane and to suicide. Its like I said we need specific high tech investigators to go around and check on folks going luny. As it is must likely static grid attacks or even spell binding negative brain manipulation. Which can be made from as easily as a radio transistor or a cell from application from dark harvest. It is the same thing as you do not deal to fien's. If they can't show you a pay stub they do not get to have fun. Plain and simple rules are rules so grids last and do not faily. It is necessary for the US to have its own dark pyramid structures so as to not have the foreign espionage units like the KGB tried to do or the MSS are trying to do; taken it over. I am watching right now another hive being very closely watched by the MSS. Which is probable going to do something and they know we see them. So if they do it is in counter intelligence cloak. People need to watch out for each other with regards to brain manipulation.

Probable should give a speech to the crew on how sad it is that folks let folks go like that and do not force them to go to the mountains with a book and just detox under watch. Some Wyatt Earp detective is going to see past all of it and right through to the core as the family value rules where not followed. If they get tailed or caught they cool off by force. One spark like that can bring in mr RICO suave and then the next thing you know the dark pyramid of the USA is being destroyed while the Communist Chinese MSS grids are being enriched.
To Master Son's it is a hive point of view and the hives need to remember  There are the local espionage Master Son's and the foreign. Local weed out and watch and allow so long as not here to hurt in mass. Foreign just want to control and counter intel the local so that they can take over and control. Best move again is to analogize the old KGB style realization during the 1970-80's and early 90's. Everybody is still acting like the US is the intelligence superpower like the mid to late 90's. Not anymore Communist China since 911 has graduated more controllers, puppeteer's and Master social structures.

Especially since ephedrine is monopolized to the Chinese resources. When they see homemade that does not need to touch their resource bases for control and allowance of knowing where the labs are. They come in and start looking and gridding. If they are not making major sales to the US. As orders where to get off the monopoly mineral from them. As it allows them to watch and know our root grid bases of wolf packs. Then they are hear to stop it or take it over.

The MSS are the biggest dealers of the mineral for the basic most inherant viking drug. Which is to go fast and not sleep and become very indetail. They took over the resource mines in the late 90's right before the 911 hit and the master socio espionage gridding they have in a mapped out grid. They do not like not being able to know where the Viking wolf packs are getting their food from so they can watch them.

Every producer and lab that produces pure spike in human speed conditions. Has to currently buy from the Communist Chinese MSS. Which allows them to root into the basic structure. Thus counter production of other substances that do not need that mineral where placed into order. So as to stop the funding and allowance of the MSS to control from the bottom up. Which allows our guys to allow in their military planes, personnel and allows them to become buddy buddy with them. It is like the cocaine wars in Columbia with the Coffee farm economic warfare cover up against the KGB. However, the US is losing massively in the control issue.

From what I was watching Mr. Lewis was a big part of the counter intelligence program to remove monopolized control of MSS on that industrial what is known in the grey industry as a party favor. Espionage agents use it a lot when on duty. If I had to guess it was probable a hit by the MSS to find out where as a first interrogation tactic. As it is tell tale sign of the old KGB style chemical industrial espionage agent controller moves to throw off buildings. That is my guess from his profile. It is just sad that nobody listens to the man who gave the order to start counter production units to stop proxy war root creation allowance controls of ours. When I said watch folks for brain manipulation. This man could have been completely set up for a suicidal interrogation hit. As they want the root of the new speed condition industry.

How to track Lewis's possible brain manipulators. Somebody had to call in the espionage move to steal intellectual property. Most likely either an MSS agent or affiliate. If not a normal citizen. But then again even normal citizens can take funds or be pressured to watch for espionage controllers. Areas where Mr Lewis was going and any camera photo's online, traffic, cell phone chatter directly to specific terms of following and directing, in his phones area. Most likely Chinese food places, everybody knows that is ancient Chinese Emperor espionage base. If my conclusion that my direction to stop the ephedrine monopoly reliance from the MSS proxy creators and controllers was followed and this new designer drug is because of that, and if Mr Lewis was doing what I think he was doing. Then most likely it was the MSS. 

Democracy Espionage Agencies Baised against in US Trade with the Communist Chinese Espionage

The idea is to write a partial ex parte application to pressure the President with military force to remove Secretary Chu, Locke and the Federal Contracts Chinese man they use to destroy and specific word other Democracy agency's. As the Communist Chinese MSS get more privileges to our high tech and science than any other Democracy country does. idea.

When the US went to intelligence war against the German's Mexican's or Russians they did not allow any weakness in their high tech stimulus of the technology. Yet Secretary Chu did and lost us the battle by doing so. Which allowed the lasting surving mono racist party power to win majorly  No other Democracy country that is our allied forces are allowed access to create our micro chips for our jets or guided missiles. Yet, the first country that does is Communist China.

Ex Parte Quirin to remove Chu Locke and the Federal Contract's player in the destruction of our high industries. Pressure placed on the brow of hte President to remove them by gun in military tribunal. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Productive Traction

The ability to spend your life moving forward grounds on things your soul desires to work on. This also included being able to build one a nice living quarters and style for life. I used to have criminal justice teacher that used to say all the time that when we where wrong we where just spinning our wheels there is not traction to your theory of explanation to my question. What is the in depth analyst. To me am I a productive tractionist? Its weird. I can say yes and I can say no. I can say I have built a major following of elders that once I get in a position of empowerment they are willing to help me. So is that being productive. I would say hell yes. For example, I have built a cite that can be used to stop a major threat to world's, wars, humanitarian issues and be used for muti billion dollar issues. Which I have seen my cite and my thought be used from the top on down. Which is my counselling advice.

So is that productive. Well in a world where the projected enemy to Democracy and worlds most powerful economy will be the Communist Chinese. I think my little hobby will prove to be a very productive root knowledge and understanding in the future career of a Master Economists and hopeful JD Competitive MBA Degree bar acquirer  The issue then becomes that one has to be willing to compete against the Communist Chinese market place. Instead of be devoured by it. Which currently only Indian business are still wholly willing to and able to do such a thing. However, as time goes on it is predicted by me that the same cycle of hate and anguish in the market place will become similar to European trade with the Soviet Union. Everybody will get tired of Communist Party control and bullying and search for a hero of ideas.

The ultimate in productive traction. Is when I go back to school and look for a friend in the website development area of school. To help me make this a quick and fast library of periodicals for my research. Instead of drawn out control F searching that takes days to search my library. Like if it was in some Spanish American war wine basement that goes for miles and has dead alien brain skulls in the sides of the ancient concrete (tested by a collegiate student with a borrowed tool) My ultimate goal is the magazine look. Where it is like a sliding library that all articles of major thoughts can be searched fast or like a subjugated filing system of multiple areas. Which would be nice. As currently to go through my library it takes me a long time. I would like a collection cite done professional with knowledge of many website collection designs that are very high tech that could also spur my own secret mysterious persona to a desire of coolness. Instead of this mass mess of just crowing. But I am not a website designer and have no degree as such in that education. So I am lost to it and have tried researching it. But it takes to much time from my passion of anti Communist Partyism.

I have been to a lot of collection cites. And none of them imagine what I imagine. Which is a Mac cd online collection style magazine look. With specific libraried areas as books of articles pulled up. Which is cooler looking than the current collection technology of websites and much faster for just thumbing through if bored on specific issues.

Rider I

Informational Warfare on Invasion of ASEANIC and Japan

Asia Com Informational Warfare Department:
Currently today the Chinese English State Owned Media out numbers the Japanese English Owned Media sites. So in the world that practically is Japanese as they are part of the west as per Democracy and our allied contracts to protect the lands that are being invaded more than 200 nautical miles off the Communist Parties legal lands. Which are in the Japanese 200 Nautical Mile legal zones. The Japanese need to start an informational warfare in all Western Languages to let them know the legalities and that Japanese citizens are upset.

The Communist Chinese are using things like domestic mapping, of resources, reef's, outlines gridding major name placements in world order island name chains, along with filing for international acceptance for mining. While the Japanese are literally as per a person who is constantly on western English media are doing nothing. At least or are being completely crushed in the media of the west with what ever they are doing. The Japanese need to come up with a better informational war strategy win the hearts and minds of the west to help them stop the invasion. As during the invasion of Tibet, Uygur, India, Pakistan, Mongolia and Parts of Russia and North Korea. The Communist Chinese did major news articles and massive information warfare to just bland out any opposition thoughts of the media of the countries that where being invaded. So when they finally moved to invade with their mining operations first. They had crushed the abilities of the local mining operations to operate as per fear just based on pure informational warfare dominance.

It is my suggestion the Japanese and American forces as we are contractually obliged to fight for those lands inside of the Japanese 200 Nautical mile zone and way outside of the Communist Chinese nautical mile zones. That they both get together and figure out a better telecommunications and information mapping and light grid in the international movement of pushing for use of the land permits strategies. What the Japanese and US bases in that area telecommunications, signal corps and informational warfare units are doing. I do not know but I can tell you from what I read each day they should be fired based on the Communist Party movements to invade Democracy lands as per the Democracy lands movements to counter the Communist informational warfare movements in the minds of the world voters.

Rider I
outline of needed refutation:
1. Permits to use in international courts and politics.
2. Media counter watch each time the Communist media moves the Japanese media needs to counter article.
3. Mapping and gridding the lands with planes college students and tourists.
4. A myriad of things that signal corps and telecommunications along with informational warfare dominance should be doing. Yet somehow when we need the real information dominance for an invasion that we could stop if we win the informational warfare. I do not see a darn thing being done from Japanese or American forces in that area. What are they doing sitting around working on middle eastern issues when their bases are in the Asian Democracy lands.
5. Counter draws form the MSS and Communist Chinese brain drain direction. By seeing the root causes of any minor information warfare that is stopping them from the bigger picture of world votes for Japanese small island lands as compared to massive country invasion for more resources.
6. Information grid of soft power battles needs to be completed and outlined so the battle can rage on to win it before it goes physical. As we can easily do and have done for small countries and islands. When the Russians where trying to do the same thing. And say the world is the communist parties cause we have more central control and thus we can dominate it.
7. The Communist Party trades with Canada, the USA and the EU. We are all pro Democracy and pro Japan Democracy. So they listen to us we do not listen to them. As we could destroy their country like we did the Soviets if they keep it up. All we have to do is tariff their countries exports. Which helps lift the Western Democracies out of deficit as our people get more jobs building and producing and trading with India and Brazil and Russia. And the Communist Chinese are not longer the world market or proxy war invaders. As they have expanded more than any other country with its territory by 1000% times its starting size in the last 60 years. That is how one would dominate through informational warfare. And thus project that as the truth the Soviet style Communist one world take over slow expansion of economic clout then bully to take over small countries resources not for Democracy helping to pay back for set up but for pure control by mono party. We have done it before it worked great against Russia. They actually became a Democracy when we stood up to them and said no more. 

Guerrilla Warfare Planning

Guerrilla Warfare Planning
Preying Upon the Weak to 
Create Strength 

The Study of Social Welfare Bases.
First a guerrilla needs to become familiar with the proxy data bases in their own areas and state. For example Hugo Chavez became very familiar with the child and welfare, pregnant woman who had no father's so he could birth a new generation of youth as their father. While also the places of high individual brain manipulation drug intake. The places for guerrilla proxy data base collection include government cites of individuals or families that are at the low end of the pyramid of life, or are just mental insane a tad bit, areas thus where these people live are more likely to have corrupted grids of political and enforcement.Therefore,
then one must create a guerrilla most create a cult like following. This is usually done through politics the unemployed college students and those college students who are very close to proxy data base collection cites. This proxy data base cites are located in schools and college and high schools. Where databases are kept of the children or students on welfare and food, along with disciplined records.

The Study of Collection of Social Welfared Brain Wave Weaknesses.
Ways of collecting from the proxy warrior data bases. Are of course cell phone usage. A simple cult follower in a low level low month to month payment of the lower grid cell phones. Can give you access to your list of proxy data base collected individuals. So you can hear their personal on goings and prepare mental brain grids or cognitional masses that hit with all of them to collect faster or to empower certain individuals with heavier networks to control proxy data base grids. Other ways to do it is involvement in racist organizations Mecha, Black Panther's, Nazi's, Asian Pride organizations. These individuals are the most easiest to manipulate. As they are easily pushed one way or another by skin color. They may never join your cult but can become your best proxy war actors and enforcers and they will not even know it. They can also be cattle drivers if you prode the dogs the proper way on certain more sheep like proxy herds.

Pack Herding and Placement
Thus the proxy data base collection and simple ways of collecting specific sociopath data on their issues that leave them vulnerable for wolf packing. Is simplicated. For example, lets say one goes to Lebanon or Portugal. There are many children there that are heavy abused by their parents. These kids alone can be classified as heavy negative energy holding on the inside. So when one arrives. All they have to do to start a collection. Is find the weakest predator parent who is preying upon their children. Then show a force to a group of them. Then you can start your first heard who should be the cognitional intelligence collegiate type. As brains is needed to infiltrate specific further data collection for more. Then all one has to do is set up a grid of funding and infrastructure. From music, to entertainment, to journalism, all the way to party throwing and help for those like them in their same positions. Thus then it will create a drawing light grid for all those affected tortured souls to join your forces. Once the light grids are collected. Then one can literally begin to sing or pipe to them. As in the Scottish days certain melodies had certain affects on disaffected populations that could allow a real life piper to play a song to gain the dance out of fields when a specific land lord would act a certain way. As directed by the energy creation of the craftsmen. To prepare for such things as foreign invasion, or just for an enrichment of the craft by music and song dance that sabbath after church. Today this is known as electronic music or bands with dj's and computer screen players. As they can use sound waves based on the mass collection of in need of leadership tortured souls. To get them to be directed to specific things. For example, specific preemption of sound waves can be placed in the mind at coffee shops, schools through a set of computers with at least three in a triangular shape around the school. That can vibe through through the whole school and create a calling to a specific song. They may hear on a boom box or car radio with somebody sitting around that folks ask about and a flyer can be handed.

The Study of Sociological Psychology. 
After you have gathered enough tortured souls by their elements in what ever area of weakness they have. Which will predict their place in the pack. Usually children of preyed upon parents make better sympathy type job infiltration. As they are able to use their hurt feelings to gain its ok deception through their real actions. While those boys with just a mother make the best security and physical operations. As they are the ones with no understanding of male dominance and will not head to any man. While those men or boys with no mother are more likely able to be able to recruit woman who are rich or have funds for them to provide for businesses or otherwise. As they care not for any woman or how they feel. As their mothers have hurt them by leaving them somehow and thus they can operate with impunity for care of the female nature. Then you have those rich kids who where given everything and went off the deep end into social public entertainment of major political cults icons. Which are left to the trash and remember being very popular. They are the ones most likely to be your lead mouthpieces. This can go on based on socio criminal paths as per over 2000 years of demonological studies or what is today known as criminal traits and precursors to mental instabilities.

Using An Outcast Outfit to Gain Legal Empowerment. 
Then when one is done with the grid enrichment and pack placement. They must then work on moving forward with the ability to gain market shares for them to operate on. This includes finding the most greediest members of society, the weakest and the most socially hated like racist or those not with the major religion of the day. Then one can create a economic grid much like one had to create a welfare base grid of tortured souls. However, this can be done with areas of the industrial sectors that do not have strong leadership in them. For example industries with no connections to senators, or economic government positions. While also those industries with no ties to foreign countries with similar basket cases of your specific pack herd's cognitional mass. So that they can connect and trade. Thus then to destroy the economies of these individuals. All you have to do is start your own microcosm. Which will still collect based on the strength of the pack's unity central core tortured souls to join. However, once it becomes trendy then those with no negative comparatively to welfare base collections in their souls. Will want to join the market enrichment too. This can be as easy as passing out free t shirts to fellow college students who are poor. And will wear the t shirt and love it. All the way to the motherless men creating packs of horny atheist woman to follow them around and enjoy the manliness of the motherless men pack while dancing. A lot of rich atheist woman follow men with six packs and abs that use the proper testosterone mix in their cologne without asking any questions and will do as they are told as they are femine and horny. This then creates the best economic enrichment. As the boys who want to be with those girls that are attractive and at their peek estrogen pheromone production. Will want to follow them following the pack leader, who does not care about them or what they do. Which for a lot of non faithful atheist woman is a turn on as they are tired of folks telling them what to do as they care for them. Once this is done you can literally through one dance and make over a million dollars in sales. Which then can be used purely for the group enrichment process and main goal for what ever guerrilla purpose it has. Helping tortured souls, stopping greed, gathering disaffected youth to fight for more state help to stop foreign state take over. etc. However, one most not let their own personally family know of the wealth that you have gained the ability to direct on. As it will disaffect the populace you direct as what is known in ancient times as the light source or lantern, Lucifer, or leader. As the mystery behind the leader can't be seen through. As the illusion of still being a tortured soul must still exist no matter how much one gains riches, wealth or the healing of friends and gatherings of sound and dance. It is the mystery behind the product of cognitional gathering and focal groups like guerrillas of the leader or the icon of the group. That causes it to survive. Once that mystery is lifted it makes them easy sheep and prey for another herder. Other ways to create funds. Are to use a sonic player attached to a mini computer device that will radiate the sounds of the basic cords of your best musical players songs. So when the targeted souls get out of their slaving to mental cognition's or physical conditions in mass groves. They can hear it in their heats and subconscious hearing. Thus when they hear it in loud they will run to it. As it feels like they are free again.

To Bring Together 
To Create Actions
One can be a Republican and direct a Communist group. One can be a Communist and direct a anarchist group. It does not matter, as the end game of all guerrilla warfare planning is to bring together to cause actions. These actions can be something as simple as preparing for an invasion and creating a grid of minds and brain waves ready to take up arms from a foreign invasion by a state. All the way to causing a group to act as their primary physical destructive force for opposing economic powers, like narco groups or racist groups end roots which are to enrich the leader's drug crops or slave labor trades. These individuals once they feel at home and with like minded folks properly gridded out in a social network. Will react to the lucifer's directions with ease as it is like programming a computer mother board that is there. For example, any good electronic show has a mental gathering of specific types of souls. The heart and souls, the followers, the I do not known's and those who are their to prey upon them with chemical's, or some kind of marketing sales. These are things that good musicians use when they produce an engine of sound in a cd. As they have to try and gather all of their souls sounds waves. As each different person plays a different part in the festival or souls for dancing and singing. They all must be there to make it work and keep it a fun atmosphere.

Countering Guerrillas Oppositions. 
The best way to counter any Guerrilla operation is to attack their sales people. As the majority of them as most orators that have to sell things are more proned to the souls slipper slopes. As that makes then an easy way to attack their principles and ideas. Make sure to know grid working and see it in opporations. Never hire or work with somebody that is from a racist pack. As they are easily taken to be pawns for the bigger cultist reactors. Know gridding of social networks and the specific elements of life that keep the human psychology and social beings going. Start to notice everywhere you go networks and the things that bind life together. The solid gossiper, the lost wants to float around, the warrior soul who wants to conquer, the female just wanting to make babies with everybody uncontrollable lust, basically the 7 dead sins and the demon's of the human soul. Are what you can see. Once you gain these knowledge. You can basically look at people and already see their inner most souls desires and productions on the body or even their basic features or movements. This is the best way to counter Guerrillas. As then you can easily grid out their network and start to think of it as a welfare base as the begging. Thus reacting to the game and replaying the game that was played upon them over again as a welfare base root. 

An example my directives to re-balance the moderate middles as the Democrats and Republicans are looking the same on spectrum issues with the Tea Party and OWS. Both are ancient Republican ideas I analogized based on old Republican ideas. The party that through the first tea party in Boston became the Republican party and fought both civil wars against the SOE Monarch's as the mono party of the king's enterprises taxing the US to give to a foreign country. mmm Chu. Then the OWS the owl itself is an old Republican guard symbol. It was the bird most used at night for snipers as a trained hawker to find scouts. That is why it is on the dollar bills. As the Owl is an very old symbol for Republican views of non foreign state invasion. Which is what OWS was supposed to be shutting down corporate greed's selling off of our market values to foreign states for single American COE enrichment. While the state and individual go in debt to a foreign state. British Soldiers and Democrat Party soldiers during the free market v state slave civil war. As per allowance of slavery to the state v free market for all on the body and soul. Reported massive heavy following of owls in the trees at night. As in the USA, Hawks and eagles where only used in remote camps where last stand where going to be made. As war birds and not watching birds. I actually have old I patches which where like chevrons for intel officers for the Republic, from The Owl symbol to the lantern to the green lantern to the tree sniper symbols. All the way up to the double question market don't ask don't tell patch. As my family lineage and society the Mac crest is a family court of free souls.

Rider I