I think you should fire the man who said that outsourcing for the US is a good idea. That is impossible, we have 45 million people that go starving each year, areas of the state that are run down and no longer have major industrial export areas to bring in fresh treasury. While our new industries can't stay here as we do not have the competitive manufacturing base to keep them. So in what world is allowing economic warfare to take our jobs a good world. That is ridiculous, in a world where countries like India, China, Russia and Brazil have the worlds highest cenralized economies. Then they centralize to create a Bric. I feel this man is totally incompetent in his reserach and ability to represent the conservative values. He sounds like a muti national liberal and not a conservative. You just made all conservatives look very bad by hiding yourself as a conservative in our think tank.
Rider I
.Outsourcing Is Good For America: Cato’s Michael Tanner
Kochy your fired for not dominating this man and making sure our conservative think tanks think about conserving our economy and not selling it to countries that have very heavy non market tarriffs and centralizations. Go look in the mirror and fire yourself for not being the conservatives dominate bull, Kochy.
The golden pooer
The best part about hiring a poor man who is a fighter and knows what it is like to have nothing and appreciates every dollar. Is that I have no ties to hold me down. Except for what the NSA, CIA, Sector Five, and DOD tell me I have to be nice on.
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