ASEAN Should Create an Espionage Agency
"A countries defenses should not
wait until they are forced"
Austin Cold
Investigative blogger
Cosmic Journalist
na na na naaaa
A dispute is like 10 20 miles at the most. However, when the law is 200 nautical miles and they are 600-800 miles off their coast claiming and banging. Thats an invasion that means you speak to them clandestinely. As a matter of fact as the real dispute is between ASEANIC and they have a Democracy Union to work it out. And Chine is the interloper invading. Then I am sure if you hit one of China;s ships like North Korea hits South Korean ships. They will get the point and back off. As who are they going to blame it on. If three countries are disputing with them. As a matter of fact. I know France loves to hit folks in clandestine manners for the hell of it. You ask them properly they might do it for free cause those legionaries are great folks when it comes to taken down bullies.
ASEANIC needs to look into the mirror and say I am a bad mama jama. I do not care if you are President, scary crew, Senator, foreign espionage agent, you do not speak to me like that. I am ASEANIC and boy do I understand clandestine languages. Speak at em. tell em how you feel.
As a matter of fact they said this to the USA:
China Funding the Darfur Atrocities?
Chinese Billions fund Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka
"A countries defenses should not
wait until they are forced"
Austin Cold
Investigative blogger
Cosmic Journalist
na na na naaaa
The area is a pride to the USA. A system in which a free nation like the USA. Has been able to stop the Communist Chinese from taken over completely. This is because we where also able to stop the Russians from taken over Europe completely. However, this was not because European Countries did not stand up and take a stance against the Soviets. The WTO and UN where completely against the Russian's taken over the European nations. As they moved forward to invade and control more territories after the world wars. This seems to be what the Communist Chinese are doing today. The last time the Communist Chinese expanded was on land. They took over Uigur, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and then forced through genocide all Chinese nationalists to a rock. Today this decade we see them moving towards invasion of ocean territories. Which is very similar to what they did on land. This is something that has been predicted. As the areas they claim are not under the law. But purely under the guise of the idea of a single world ownership and control by the Chinese political elite. Where all smaller nations will be controlled by them.
The USA of course is against that. As we love freedom and Democracy. We think all cultures should be free to own their own sovereign nations and lands. Therefore, I find it problematic, when I read that Vietnam and India are working with Chinese PLA with regards to pirates. As the PLA is illegally through military invasion taken lands and territories on the ocean floor and sea that is not theirs, as per well documented law. This is the same thing where the PLA invaded Uigur and other areas near India. Which the Chinese never owned or had any claim to before the invasion. Now the PLA constantly creates proxy agents or terrorist to attack Indian security forces in those areas. While in Vietnam, the Chinese are still constantly funding very hard core Chinese pro proxy agents or terrorist. Which are still fighting with the Vietnamese people for their own country. We also see in the Philippines a direct contact between the Chinese MSS espionage and clandestine units to the Maoist guerrillas who are constantly attacking the Philippines economic structures. Which seem to work at perfect timing with regards to Chinese SASAC centralized economic commission on specific industrial moves in the area.
It would be my suggestion to start your own clandestine units. Which would combat the Chinese clandestine unts. Much like Europe had to do against the Soviet Union who wished to invade their lands and territories and take them over for the Russians. Things like Insurgents, Raiders and Bandits are How Masters of Irregular Warfare Have shaped the world. That is a book. Which is a well written book. That explains ancient and near times on how Countries fund pirates or terrorist to gain economic footholds for their state or national economics. This is something that Communist Chinese does very well. As per the Book written by two PLA colonials and the economic funding of Hamaz, Al Queada and other major communist terrorist. The Chinese openly admit to funding these people with their SASAC centralized committee. It upsets me when I hear that ASEANIC will be more worried about the USA or European crisis. When the currently invasion by the Chinese is going unwielded. I have not seen one clandestine maneuver against the MSS clandestine units that are attacking ASEANIC's citizens, military and basic sovereign right to their own coastal waters that are not 200 nautical miles off the coast of Communist China. Please just do not let them take over like you did the land invasions. The world help create your own foundation of Union so as to stop the major bullies in the areas from further doing this. Small countries can survive. England was able to defeat Spain which is much much bigger. Basically by using Pirates and proxy agents or what the opposition would call terrorist. For example, the Communist Chinese fund Hamaz. They do not call them terrorist they call them proxy agents. They also fund communist terrorist in the Philippines. They do not call them terrorist they call them proxy agents or proxy warriors. This is well documented on my website collection against the new threat to world small country sovereignty. I plead to you to create your own clandestine units to defend against the Communist Chinese clandestine units. Which are attacking you as per facts and admission. Be-careful about those that would direct your attention away from this atrocity. To the west that does not need your help except to allow in exports for us to grow and stop the Chinese bully SOE and Sovereign Wealth funds dominance over its neighbors as a strategic import strategy for ASEANIC. To empower the US and west to keep us at a power level that stops the Chinese. I would love to see ASEANIC start making maneuvers like I see the MSS making in Vietnam, Philippines, and India. Where they constantly attack the area for weakening of economic industries that coincide with the Chinese SASAC's strategies to take over industrial issues.
When you are speaking at a bigger country you need to learn to speak clandestinely. For example, when the USA and China speak the constantly speak clandestinely. For example, the USA was trolling near Taiwan for underwater resources as per the Taiwanese request and the Chinese blew up a tow cable from a US military ship. Or when Japan was upset about the Chinese rare earth resource quotas stopping the deliver to their green tech car plants. The Chinese spoke back with flying steal helicopters of Japanese vessel's. Japan however, was not smart enough to know how to speak back to them. This is an issue today. Smaller countries once knew very well how to speak to such countries. For example, the first time a Chinese military ship crossed into waters that are ASEANIC's and legally as per international law way out of the Chinese territory. ASEANIC should have spoken back clandestinely. By doing what North Korea does to South Korea. North Korea has blown up ships in the South, used proxy warriors to invade the South and a whole lot of clandestine speaking going on. However, ASEANIC still seems very unorganized when it comes to clandestine speeches. Towards those who are bullying them and wishing to take what legally as per international treaties, laws and practice say is not theirs. You should learn to speak the lanuage. I am sure the USA, France, Germany and England are more than willing to teach you the language.
ASEANIC needs to look into the mirror and say I am a bad mama jama. I do not care if you are President, scary crew, Senator, foreign espionage agent, you do not speak to me like that. I am ASEANIC and boy do I understand clandestine languages. Speak at em. tell em how you feel.
As a matter of fact they said this to the USA:
The Al Qaeda - China Tie -
How Communist China Economic Espionage Units the MSS use proxy agents. Thenafter the economy is destroyed invade via WTO treaty breaking SOE’s to createFree Trade Zones to colonize.How the Communist Chinese Party and their espionage unit fund terrorist and genocidal dictators that oppress world women’s rights.Over four years ago, America suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history, caused by a terrorist group largely known as al Qaeda. About a month after theattack, it was first reported that Communist China bought unexploded American cruise missiles from al Qaeda in order to “reverse engineer” them, i.e., use them to advance its own cruise missile capabilities. That report was just confirmed on Nov. 29. The subsequent silence from mainstream media has been deafening. What gives here? For over four years, as the democratic world has fought the War on Terror, Communist China has managed to stay out of sight and out of mind, despite the information above and immediately below. Even the pro-democracy, anti-Communist movement has largely been quiet on this. This remains a terrible anddangerous mistake. For those new to this topic, what follows is a quick synopsis of Communist China’s actions regarding al Qaeda and the Taliban. 1998: After theAmerican cruise missile attack on al Qaeda, Communist China pays up to $10 million to al Qaeda for unexploded American cruise missiles. 1999: A book by two Communist Chinese colonels presents a battle scenario in which the World Trade Center is attacked. The authors recommend Osama bin Laden by name as someone with the ability to orchestrate the attack. September 11, 2001 (yes, that date is correct): Communist China signs a pact on economic cooperation with the Taliban. Just after September 11, 2001: The Communist press agency makes a video “glorifying the strikes as a humbling blow against an arrogant nation.” Also after September 11, 2001: According to Willy Lam (CNN), the Communist leadership considers al Qaeda to be “a check on U.S. power,” and only decides to back away from it after deciding that “now is not the time to take on the United States.” Also after September 11, 2001: As Pakistan mulls a request from the United States to allow its troops to be based there for operations against the Taliban, Communist China—a 50-year Pakistan ally—announces it would “oppose allowing foreign troops in Pakistan.” Also after September 11, 2001: U.S. intelligence finds the Communist Chinese military’s favorite technology firm—Huawei Technologies—building a telephone network in Kabul, the Afghan capital. November 2001: As U.S. Special Forces and local anti-Taliban Afghans are liberating Afghanistan, Communist China, through public statements and behind-the-scenes actions, tries to prevent what it calls “a pro-American regime” in Kabul. 2002: Raids of al Qaeda hideouts by U.S. Special Forces and allies net large caches of weapons from Communist China, including surface-to-air missiles. This comes weeks after the U.S. government warns that al Qaeda terrorists in the U.S. would try to use said missiles to take down American planes. April 2002: Then-Communist Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, while visiting Iran, rips the U.S. military presence in Central Asia. Late summer 2002: Almost a year after Afghanistan’s liberation, a three-man delegation from the Taliban—led by Ustad Khalil, purported to be Mullah Omar’s right-hand man—spends a week in Communist China meeting with cadres, at their invitation. August 2002: Intelligence from the post-Taliban Afghan government reveals that Communist China has turned a part of Pakistan deemed under its control (most likely “Aksai Chin,” the piece ofdisputed Kashmir that Pakistan gave to its longtime ally in the 1960s) into a safe haven for al Qaeda. May 2004: Media reports expose how the Communist Chinese intelligence service used some of its front companies in financial markets around the world to help al Qaeda raise and launder money for its operations. Yet Communist China continues to claim that it is our friend in the War on Terror, and foolish supporters of “engagement” continue to believe it. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not merely al Qaeda that has received Communist support (for more on Communist China’s extensive ties to terrorists, check out my book on the subject), but given the nearly universal acceptance of al Qaeda as an enemy of the democratic world, one would think that the above information would be enough for a serious and thorough reexamination of our relations with the Communists. After all, Communist China’s reasons for supporting anti-American terrorists are not difficult to ascertain. The U.S. is the main obstacle to the Communists’ plans for conquering Taiwan, replacing Japan as the lead power in Asia, and replacing the U.S. as the lead world power. If Communist China fails in any of these, its reliance on radical nationalism—the regime’s raison d’etre since the Tiananmen Square massacre—will backfire badly. Thus, the Chinese Communist Party sees the United States as the chief threat to its power, and its survival. Yet President Bush has not once demanded that Communist China end its support for al Qaeda—indeed, he has not even acknowledged the existence of that support. Sadly, he is not alone. In fact, those of us who insist on spreading the word about this are in the distinct minority. If we are to win the War on Terror, this must change. The War on Terror is, in fact, part of the Second Cold War—the cold war between Communist China and the democratic world. As such, the War on Terror can not and will not be won unless the free world sees the Chinese Communist Party for what it really is: an enemy. The road to victory in the War on Terror ends not in Kabul, Baghdad, Tehran, or Damascus, but in Beijing. America and her allies will never be secure until China is free. D.J. McGuire is President and Co-Founder of the China e-Lobby, and the author of Dragon in the Dark: How and Why Communist China Helps Our Enemies in the War on Terror.Its time for me to speak back. I figure four countries at it with Communist China perfect time to say the same thing to them.
Insurgents, Raiders, and Bandits: How Masters of Irregular Warfare Have Shaped Our World
Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again
The Black Book of Communism Crimes, Terror, Repression<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y&cbt=y
Chinese State Owned Bank Fund Hama's under SASAC's direction
Dragon in the Dark: How and Why Communist China Helps Our Enemies in the War on Terror
China Funding the Darfur Atrocities?Insurgents, Raiders, and Bandits: How Masters of Irregular Warfare Have Shaped Our World
Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again
The Black Book of Communism Crimes, Terror, Repression<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y&cbt=y
Chinese State Owned Bank Fund Hama's under SASAC's direction
Dragon in the Dark: How and Why Communist China Helps Our Enemies in the War on Terror
Chinese Billions fund Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka
Japan has evidence North Korea mobile missile launchers shipped from China
Why Did China Invade Tibet?
Why did China invade East Turkistan
50 Years of Turmoil in Inner Mongolia
Why Did China Invade Tibet?
Why did China invade East Turkistan
50 Years of Turmoil in Inner Mongolia
Communist China Expedites 50 Jet Airplanes to Pakistan to stop US raids on Al Queada
Communist Chinese military invades Indian lands for valuable flower resource
Communist China Invading India daily
This is the same invasion of Turkestan, Mongolia and Tibet that we have seen before. Based primarily on the need to own resources through the SASAC state owned resource control board. The very same board that set up the last expansion with the Military. Those working personnel are the main espionage target for my research and bugs.
"United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas states that countries have exclusive economic zones in areas within 200 nautical miles of their shores."
"The reef—a doughnut-shaped ring of coral several miles in diameter—is 125 nautical miles west of the Philippine Island of Palawan, and well within the Philippines 200 mile economic zone, and 700 nautical miles from Hainan Island, the nearest piece of China land."
Tibet, Mongolia and Turkestan waited to late to actually start proxy war campaigns to stop the invasion. The Communist Chinese Party had been for some time propagating that the land was theirs and that they would create an adverse action against the country via physical death and military strategies. So today we see the same thing. My advice is ASEANIC and allied countries should start a proxy war campaign to stop them from moving so fast. Which would then redirect their attention to Uigur. As they want to invade other's lands illegally with no good reason or ever seeing the leaving. Unlike the US who invades for a good reason then is leaving and does leave. This Uigur proxy war will cause them to look at their other boarders. Which will then cease and decest the military invasion of over 500 miles of illegally claimed lands. As per the 200 nautical mile law and the land they are claiming being 700 miles from the nearest Chinese territory. Along with that the use of Pirates to attack Chinese merchants in those ships should be deemed legal. As per the use of terrorist that the Chinese fund in Africa, the Middle East and throughout Asia. Your best chances as a small country is realize it is happening and start widling down the enemy to make them smaller and direct their attention before they devour you.
As a matter of fact if you read ancient proxy war strategies and are up on analogical ideas of historical use. The English Navy created an elite group of pirates known as the Pirates of the Caribbean. Which today are famous Pirate character's that the worlds first heavily intelligence firm the Queen's druids used to tell stories to make the Pirates seem cool and gain underground gateways. My first thought is why has not ASEANIC, Mongolia, Turkestan, Turkey and Western countries as they have all been attacked by the Chinese proxy warriors paid and funded and protected. Not created an elite pirate team of the ASEANIC's. That is my advice as the world's biggest collector on Communist Chinese Economic Warfare and historical data with regards to their unrestricted warfare. As this is what Mexico's CISEN had done to the USA. It is what the USA has done to the Soviet Union, it is what Communist China has done to ASEANIC the USA and other western allied forces that stand against their world land grabbing. It is basically intelligence warfare that ASEANIC is very understudied on and not properly reacting to speech by the MSS.
Rider I
Terrorist Sponsors: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China
Communist China Expedites 50 Jet Airplanes to Pakistan to stop US raids on Al Queada
Communist Chinese military invades Indian lands for valuable flower resource
Communist China Invading India daily
China's funded partylist & communist armed rebels in the Philippines
China opens string of spy schoolschina tour
China opens string of spy schools
China opening spy schools to have more intelligence agents
China steps up its intelligence operation with new spy schools
China's Ministry of State Security
Chinese intelligence operations
China's Missile-In A-Box Incident
stratfor on communist terrorist
Chinese military sets up special cyber warfare unit
Cyber Terrorism: Mass Destruction or Mass Disruption?
Why is China a major tourist attraction for the Hamas terrorists?
China saved 3 Pakistan terrorists
China Strings Pearls While US Kills Terrorists
Fears surface over Chinese cable
Worried about China machismo, PM told US
Communist Terrorist Groups
Red Brigades, Italy's Communist Terrorist Group, Threatens Officials
Pakistan's strategy in Occupied Kashmir - 'deny jobs and create terrorists'
Terrorist Sponsors: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China
Terror-Sponsor China Awarded 9-11 Memorial Tower Contract
Bank of China Assists Terrorists?
Is China protecting terrorists in Kashmir?
China Protecting Terrorists From Security Council And USA
West queries China over Pakistan atom ties
China Nurtured Bin Laden And Terrorists
China State Security Ministry is certainly a terrorism organization
Taliban Model Communist Terrorism in Kannur
Communist terrorism
Funding Terrorism in Southeast Asia: The Financial Network of Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah
FBI Confidential -- China's Cyber Terrorism?
China's Secret Cyberterrorism
Chinese cyber-EMP terrorism?
China: Stop Supporting State Sponsored Terrorism in Ethiopia
Defectors Expose the Chinese Communist Party's Crimes of Terrorism and Genocide
Roots of Islamic Terrorism: How Communists Helped Fundamentalists
Communist Terrorism
Stop state-sponsored terrorism in Tibet, Parliamentarians tell China
State-Sponsored Cyberterrorism
Deficit Terrorism" and Economic Warfare
China’s Spies Are Catching Up
‘China helps NE groups with arms’
Communist narcoterrorism entrenched in Colombia's state universities
Defence ministry finds China army profile & Pakistan's take on terrorism as major concerns
China's Double Game on Terrorism
China opens string of spy schoolschina tour
China opens string of spy schools
China opening spy schools to have more intelligence agents
China steps up its intelligence operation with new spy schools
China's Ministry of State Security
Chinese intelligence operations
China's Missile-In A-Box Incident
stratfor on communist terrorist
Chinese military sets up special cyber warfare unit
Cyber Terrorism: Mass Destruction or Mass Disruption?
Why is China a major tourist attraction for the Hamas terrorists?
China saved 3 Pakistan terrorists
China Strings Pearls While US Kills Terrorists
Fears surface over Chinese cable
Worried about China machismo, PM told US
Communist Terrorist Groups
Red Brigades, Italy's Communist Terrorist Group, Threatens Officials
Pakistan's strategy in Occupied Kashmir - 'deny jobs and create terrorists'
Terrorist Sponsors: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China
Terror-Sponsor China Awarded 9-11 Memorial Tower Contract
Bank of China Assists Terrorists?
Is China protecting terrorists in Kashmir?
China Protecting Terrorists From Security Council And USA
West queries China over Pakistan atom ties
China Nurtured Bin Laden And Terrorists
China State Security Ministry is certainly a terrorism organization
Taliban Model Communist Terrorism in Kannur
Communist terrorism
Funding Terrorism in Southeast Asia: The Financial Network of Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah
FBI Confidential -- China's Cyber Terrorism?
China's Secret Cyberterrorism
Chinese cyber-EMP terrorism?
China: Stop Supporting State Sponsored Terrorism in Ethiopia
Defectors Expose the Chinese Communist Party's Crimes of Terrorism and Genocide
Roots of Islamic Terrorism: How Communists Helped Fundamentalists
Communist Terrorism
Stop state-sponsored terrorism in Tibet, Parliamentarians tell China
State-Sponsored Cyberterrorism
Deficit Terrorism" and Economic Warfare
China’s Spies Are Catching Up
‘China helps NE groups with arms’
Communist narcoterrorism entrenched in Colombia's state universities
Defence ministry finds China army profile & Pakistan's take on terrorism as major concerns
China's Double Game on Terrorism
This is the same invasion of Turkestan, Mongolia and Tibet that we have seen before. Based primarily on the need to own resources through the SASAC state owned resource control board. The very same board that set up the last expansion with the Military. Those working personnel are the main espionage target for my research and bugs.
"United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas states that countries have exclusive economic zones in areas within 200 nautical miles of their shores."
"The reef—a doughnut-shaped ring of coral several miles in diameter—is 125 nautical miles west of the Philippine Island of Palawan, and well within the Philippines 200 mile economic zone, and 700 nautical miles from Hainan Island, the nearest piece of China land."
Tibet, Mongolia and Turkestan waited to late to actually start proxy war campaigns to stop the invasion. The Communist Chinese Party had been for some time propagating that the land was theirs and that they would create an adverse action against the country via physical death and military strategies. So today we see the same thing. My advice is ASEANIC and allied countries should start a proxy war campaign to stop them from moving so fast. Which would then redirect their attention to Uigur. As they want to invade other's lands illegally with no good reason or ever seeing the leaving. Unlike the US who invades for a good reason then is leaving and does leave. This Uigur proxy war will cause them to look at their other boarders. Which will then cease and decest the military invasion of over 500 miles of illegally claimed lands. As per the 200 nautical mile law and the land they are claiming being 700 miles from the nearest Chinese territory. Along with that the use of Pirates to attack Chinese merchants in those ships should be deemed legal. As per the use of terrorist that the Chinese fund in Africa, the Middle East and throughout Asia. Your best chances as a small country is realize it is happening and start widling down the enemy to make them smaller and direct their attention before they devour you.
As a matter of fact if you read ancient proxy war strategies and are up on analogical ideas of historical use. The English Navy created an elite group of pirates known as the Pirates of the Caribbean. Which today are famous Pirate character's that the worlds first heavily intelligence firm the Queen's druids used to tell stories to make the Pirates seem cool and gain underground gateways. My first thought is why has not ASEANIC, Mongolia, Turkestan, Turkey and Western countries as they have all been attacked by the Chinese proxy warriors paid and funded and protected. Not created an elite pirate team of the ASEANIC's. That is my advice as the world's biggest collector on Communist Chinese Economic Warfare and historical data with regards to their unrestricted warfare. As this is what Mexico's CISEN had done to the USA. It is what the USA has done to the Soviet Union, it is what Communist China has done to ASEANIC the USA and other western allied forces that stand against their world land grabbing. It is basically intelligence warfare that ASEANIC is very understudied on and not properly reacting to speech by the MSS.
Rider I
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