Beijing Chinese Language Schools Brainwash Students Overseas
"Yao said, “Through the teaching material, Beijing propagates its ideology of patriotism for the Communist Party and China, autocratic culture, and nationalism. Almost all Chinese schools in the United States that teach simplified Chinese adopt materials from the Institute.” Yao called it a ‘soft cold war,’ ‘a battlefield without a smoking gun’ because they brainwash people without them knowing it." bans pop songs
"As part of the "regulation of management of Internet culture," music download sites have been told to remove around 100 songs, including 20 foreign songs, or face the consequences, with Lady Gaga leading the list of censored artists with six of her latest album songs, including "Judas."|News|LatestNewsCensorship in the People's Republic of China
"Censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is implemented or mandated by the PRC's ruling party, the Communist Party of China (CPC). Notable censored subjects include but are not limited to, democracy, the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, Falun Gong, ethnic independence movements, corruption, police brutality, anarchism, body shape, gossip, disparity of wealth, food safety, pornography, news sources that report on these issues, religious content, and many other websites."'s_Republic_of_ChinaPropaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the Pres
A great book on those nations that win the persuasion or social consciousness wars usually destroy their oppositions. bans foreign TV shows during prime time
"China's TV broadcasting regulator has announced that foreign TV shows will no longer be aired during prime time, state media report."If this is a cultural war the US is surely not defending itself at all. "The move comes after President Hu Jintao told members of the Communist Party last month that officials should remain vigilant against Western cultural influences." axes 88 popular TV shows: Entertainment programs down by two-thirds
"The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television ordered satcasters in late October to cut back on light entertainment skeins, including dating and talent shows, and programs featuring "emotional stories," in favor of fare that "promote traditional virtues and socialist core values." "The news comes a day after reports that President Hu Jintao had warned that Western culture was out to attack China.",0,6190082.storyBanned Books in Communist China
The thought that Dr Martin Luther King, or Jimmy Hoffa, or any Susian B Anthony or Rosa Parks movie could not be created, is unbelievable in the US. However, the Communist Chinese who are buying the major US cognitional industry do it all the time. Government Bans Western Adult Pop Culture Items
"It seems that any Western culture is being cut off; they’re trying to keep their history and culture as pure as they can, hence needing control over media and therefore people so they can maintain their power." of Communist China declares cultural war but US does not realize
"Hu said his country is in a “cultural war” with the West and that China must battle the “international hostile forces” behind the barrage of foreign culture, which he considers part of a strategic plot of westernizing and dividing China." "Hu, however, did not push hard on homegrown content: banned recently were popular Chinese TV programs such as dating shows and dramas that involve time travel. China might also step up production of films like “Flowers of War.” in the People's Republic of China
"Domestically, this includes censorship of proscribed views and an active cultivation of views that favor the government. Propaganda is considered central to the operation of the Chinese government.[3] The term in general use in China, xuanchuan (宣传) is synonymous with 'publicity'."'s_Republic_of_ChinaCommunist China's wishes for cultural security but destroys worlds cultures
"How the Deal for AMC Entertainment Furthers China's Culture Agenda"
"Taking control of AMC helps Wanda move closer to that government goal." The Communist wish to conquer the world's movie theater industry to secure their own cultures. But destroy the worlds Democracy social consciousness hegemony. "“China is facing a difficult task in protecting ‘cultural security’ and feeling the urgency of enhancing its soft power and the international influence of its own culture.” Chinese censor anything that makes the Communist Party look bad.
"Censors in Beijing cut the latest Hollywood blockbuster, Men in Black 3, by 13 minutes to remove all Chinese baddies from the film." China's Elite take over world social consciousness industry.
"The acquisition creates the world’s largest theater group, the companies said." update is showing that the Communist Chinese have world conquest.
This update shows that the Communist Chinese. If they are to be able to buy AMC outright. Will have the worlds biggest movie theater ownership. That means where once the US was the big Democracy free market hegemonic social consciousness of the world. The Communist elitist who own Wang Corp. Will now be taken over for the Communist Chinese parties ideas of world conquest. The below link shows they are now moving into Europe to further their world monopoly on the movie theaters. is the cite to the interactive map.
This map shows you the amount of cognitional bases the Communist Chinese Espionage theater agency will be buying.
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.
"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves
If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.
Wruckers room
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Letter to Mitt Romney the Future Republican President and or US President
Dear Republican Presidential Candidate,
Today the president is using his African American Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service and other officers, to rodeo votes. He is doing this by attacking a republican viewpoint that voters should be identified. He is gathering over 100 African pastors at a conference. Where he states he believes that over 10 million voters will be spoken to through those 100 pastors. The basic idea of that is that he will be making the Republican look like we are trying to stop African American votes. However, in reality every state and federal law states you have to have an identification when you leave your home. For police matters, credit cards, welfare, buying a gun, buying a home, renting a home. So what the DOJ and IRS is doing is preaching criminal laws. And ways for them to break the law. While making the Republic look like the boogie man. Now here is the funny part. President Obama allowed the Black Panther's to illegally register votes and block off whole voting polls. That was a major issue. So much so that when he took power. He had his newly appointed DOJ secretary send out letters seeking that nobody press charges on the Black Panthers for blocking polls. There was not re-vote. This time I am guessing they will do it again. The problem then becomes. Is that they are preaching illegalities and are being very unfair. We saw with President Bush. Who had to recount. As the Black Panthers during that election illegal used dead people's votes. We saw it again in President Obama's election. However, nobody recounted. And I am 100% sure we will see the Black Panthers doing it again. My suggestion is that who every you are going to chose as your DOJ admin secretary. For the love of god, I can give you a list of folks that he appointed that should be removed for espionage violations. That they need to prepare a proper Republican Party side DOJ matter investigation to all polls in areas that the Black Panthers are known to block off and violate voter registration laws by using dead folks or elderly people's names. Along with that who ever you plan to appoint to the FBI, or any major military also needs to start working on the campaign trail as a defense ministery issue. That is my suggestion. President Obama stated that he believed if we did bust the Black Panthers the Preachers he is going to carole would do like the African's did in Los Angele's. Where is to preach riots and cause disorder. Which from a Republican's point of view. Let them, and prepare very good contractors from the Republica to go in and build it back up. While also preparing the National guard for proper cheater liers and thugry response to a fair game.
Rider I
By the way I need a job. I am a good analysts of Communist Chinese influence.
P.s. This will be posted on my research cite.
Second Request from the new Republican President, and or US President,
Third Request from the The Republican Presidential Candidate,
Your defense's team first objective is to stop the Black Panther voter Identification fraud or any local street terrorist voter identification fraud. Second is to get your team to reach out to the Pastor's all 100 of them. If you can. Have your African American Republican team's prepare a counter conference and gain the social conscious of those 100 pastors. Especially on laws of how to help get donations to help their clergy to gain proper identification so they are not breaking the law. Third your team's are to prepare a proper response to the Latino community on the African American populace in our espionage was selling weapons to leftist in Latin America. The third one is a belief can't prove it of course. However, I am sure we can prove it.
Rider I
Your teams objectives to start.
Dear Dr. Romney,
The main thing in my points as I fumble through my notes here is. That we need to defuse the African American 100 pastor's being allowed to meet with the IRS and DOJ. To make it seem ok that they actually will preach destruction if President Obama will not win. I am most sure if we sit in their meeting. Like I hope African American Republican Preachers will and tape it. That we will hear the basic root cognitional feelings that African American's have been oppressed and feel the vigor of destruction and rioting being placed into their minds. This thus means. We need to counter defuse with a Republican meeting with the same pastors. So they know the Republic was the one who saved the slaves from the Democrats, was the one who helped the African's stay personally armed in their areas while fighting for rights. And is now the one who is trying to help them gain legal rights to every day life, by teaching them how to prepare for a proper voter id. If you buy a home, a gun, or rent you have to have an identification. However, would we want Al Queada coming here and not having to use an identification to buy homes, to vote in an Al Queada president or even to walk around daily with no police identification. I do not think so. However, we need to defuse that. So if we do stop Black Panthers from voter registration fraud like they do every time. Then we can recount peacefully as the Republica will also have the core minds of the 100 pastors the DOJ and IRS African's are trying to prepare for cognitional warfare.
Rider I
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Letter to my local Youth Conservative party
Today, in the my local county, we see major Democratic movements of journalism. Everything from the local Democratic liberal rag writing articles about our secret elder's economic conglomeration to fight against Al Queada and Communist financial warfare. All the way to basic ideas of destroying the Chairman of the Republican Parties last days. Which no respect was paid by them. However, we do not see a real conservative bases of journalism in the my local area, for young Republicans. We have the a paper outlet, which is somewhat conservative. However, it is not really that cool or interesting. As its topics do not divulge into ideas of recreation, sports, dancing food and stay up with trends of exciting topics. They never speak on 4x4ing events, shooting, drinking contest, frat party events, or anything that young conservatives would love to read about and have a draw too. That means the young conservatives are being drawn to the liberal rag.
The idea would be then to start producing local conservative journalist. This would do two things. First it would bring more people to the party to be involved. As they would want to receive proper training on how to become professional journalist against the left wing. While it would also bolster the eyes and ears of the Republican party. There is a specific journalist society that has a 12 week program. That teach's young conservatives how to be journalist against their liberal counter parts. This is known as the Young American Foundationb As in the majority of colleges the journalistic classes are being taught towards liberal journalism. Therefore, I am sure they would love to expand their campuses to a satellite position in my local area. Where I am sure that our elder Republican's in in this area would love to fund a local satellite program. Especially since the local Democratic Rag destroyed a secret Conservative financial warfare meeting of our elder's against Al Queada and the Communist financial terrorist. Which in time after fee's and proper balance of books could become a satellite program that is funded and paid on its own.
I currently believe today that is the problem with the right wing parties. As I see major journalist that are winging left in our eye's and ears. However, I see little to no conservative spread of journalistic centers for young Republicans to meet together and speak on matters of youth and exciting journalist adventures. Especially like espionage of the left, with regards to the Communist Chinese and Al Queada. As the left did to the right's secret meetings. Which where against the terrorist.
Rider I
Communist China's Bullying Laws; The Dragon's Approach to burning Countries Economies
Communist China's Bullying Laws; The Dragon's Approach to burning Countries Economies
"Centralized Economies create laws
based on State Owned Control.
Communist China uses State Control,
military and espionage laws
to dominate free market economies"
a recital of MSS, PLA and SASAC laws created in cadence to destroy free markets. This one is going to take some time. Last one on Confuscism took three days to collect from my own cite. Yet years to collect as a thought process.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Communist China's Confucius Religion in United States Public Grammar Schools.
"The violation of Separation of Church and State
is a major deal to Christians in the USA. Many
Churches and church goers would love to see
the Philosophy of Christ in our public grammar
schools. However, President Obama has
allowed Communist China's Confucius religious
philosophy into our public grammar
schools, but not his own"
Austin Colt
Journalistic Blogger
The Separation of Church and State is based in Democracies constitutions. The United States constitution does not directly state that. However, the Constitution in the First Amendment does state "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This backbone of the United States's 200 years of cognitional teachings. Has thus been created through social morals of individual consciousness. The Pilgrims fled European religious persecution. As they wished to worship God in their own way. While John Locke who was a very influential scholar in the United States cognitional foundations documents. Bases the fact that states where not able to properly deal with religion in a manner fit for non persecution. This is the idea of individual consciousness is discriminated against once religions and state are entangled. Thomas Jefferson reiterated the same idea's. Which was thus placed in our constitution.
The United States Supreme Court also states that Seperation of Church and state is the right of individual conciousness. In Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947) the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional to force other tax paying religions to reimburse a catholic established public grammer school program. Furthering the individual conscious right set by our social and constitional values,
Engel v. Vitale, 82 S. Ct. 1261 (1962) found that any kind of prayer sponsorship in a public school was unconstitutional government sponsorship of religion. While in Epperson v. Arkansas, 89 S. Ct. 266 (1968) the court decided that it is unconstitutional to favor a religion to stop a teaching of evolution. Then in Lemon v. Kurtzman, 91 S. Ct. 2105 (1971) the US Supreme Court sets out a three part test to regulate the First Amendments separation of church and state clause. Which is defined as:
"1) the government action must have a secular purpose;
2) its primary purpose must not be to inhibit or to advance religion;
3) there must be no excessive entanglement between government and religion."
The social morals of our country along with the cognitional law set by our Supreme Court. Shows that the allowance of religion in our public schools violates the basic right of individual consciousness. As the allowance of one religion will cause discrimination against another religion. As we currently see today with the laws respecting Communist China's Confucianism. Which is being allowed into our public grammar schools. As today we see local governance laws respecting Confucius over any other religion. We see the religion of Confucius being treated in public grammar schools like William Winsor Elementary Schools in Greenville Road Island. Where the respecting local laws allow the public grammar school to have a myriad of religions philosophy books in their libraries and lectures While Christian, Muslims, Buddhism, Jewdaism, or Paganism have laws prohibiting the exercise of their religion in our public grammar schools. Especially, in Winsor Elementary School. That school does not have a educational area for the cultures of the Middle East's philosopher Mohammad, or Europe's philosopher of Jesus. That is just one of a myriad of local and international violations of religious Democracies. As President Obama's administration religiously persecutes other religions in favor of the leftist leaning worlds religion of Confucius. As shown with the First lady meeting with public grammar schools that are going through the religious indoctrination of Confucius. However, the First Lady, nor any of President Obama administration meets with public grammar school indoctrination for any other deity that calls for sacrifice or prayer.
The Allowance of Confuscism seems to be a discriminative move by a leftist leaning President to place a leftist country on a pedastal of friendships. Much like the deities statute and ideograms that is prayed to by Confucius Church and religious followers. This is very appalling to the Christian community and other religious or cultural philosophies communities. That are not allowed into public grammar schools. We see hundreds of Confucius churches not only in the USA! To name a few: confucius-church-of- sacramento-sacramento But, also in Communist China and throughout the world. With over, 6, million, world citizens considering Confucius to be a religion. The Deity is Confucius. Thus the religious dimensions of Confucianism more then meet Federally Defined Laws on Religion and Church. While the As the Confucius Churches have prayer areas, as do any church. While the deity has been a religious icon, since the begging of Confucius as "at the order of the Duke Ai of the State of Lu, who commanded that the Confucian residence should be used to worship and offer sacrifice to Confucius." In furtherance, many scholars have written books on how Confucsim is a religion.
Today our secular public school system has become "excessive[ly] entanglement between government" with a leftist religious state sponsored religion and our public grammar schools This is because the leftist Communist Chinese have sold the religion as a communist philosophy and not as a religion. Then this passed President Obama's Administrative Educational Legal Department and Harvard Cultural Friends. As all the Communist Chinese Party members go Harvard. As the government actions see the religion as secular. However, it is not secular as a secular cultural institution would not have used the deities name Confucius, nor the temple ideograms, shrines, or prayer alters in the cultural teachings in our public grammar school classes. Religion has been implemented into our public schools. As our own culture of Christianity is not allowed to place prayer hands, the deity of Jesus nor his name, let alone the ideograms of our churches or pews. Which are represented in Confucius books and lectures in our public grammar schools.
The primary purpose of these government funded religions programs from Communist China. Is to advance leftist leaning religion in our public schools. The programs do not teach Chinese culture. They teach Confucius deistism and prayers. When they teach their writing skills, it is of the deities Confucius thoughts. Along with that when they teach their heritage it is of the ancient deities prayer rituals or chants of thoughts. While other religions can't get any public cultural or philosphy time to teach religious democracy children. These confucisious programs that use a Chinese Emprorers professed deity. Much like Roman Emperor Constantine professed Jesus to be a deity or the Persian Emperor Professed Mohammad to be a deity. Seem to have a substantial entangelment into our public school systems and local politics, of goverance. Where many schools have taken large amounts of dollars and given specific allotment of children's time and conscious thought to the religions deity of Confucius.
In the US is it is a wonder that no one has made an outright legal claim, for their own culture or religion. As President Obama's leftist leaning entanglement with the Communist Chinese funded religious programs Confucius. Has received many laws by the State Department, Education Department, Department of Justice respecting the religious deity of Confucius. That religion is something that has a deity, a church, a follower group, and usually a bases of teaching along with chants, praise and rituals. Confucius meets every single requirement to be a religion. Along with that if the program wanted to secular it would not have used a religious ancient deities iconic name. President Obama's administration has violated the most sacred of ancient United States rights. Which is to have individual consciousness in our public schools. So one religion or philosophy with a cultural deity that one prayers to, sacrifices too, and follows ones teachings, religiously, is not placed over another. President Obama has violated the first amendment!
Today the United States has not changed much over 200 years with regards to teaching religion in its schools. The only change we have seen is President Obama and his administration violate social, legal, and equatable rights of every citizen. Today, thousands of persecuted religious individuals run from their countries to come to the United States of America. To practice religion freely without persecution or involvement from the public state sector. However, President Obama and his administration have found it their will to make laws respecting the religious groundwork of Confucius. While equatable prohibiting every other religion that wishes to do the same thing. Thus showing the administrations discrimination to non leftist leaning religions.
"The violation of Separation of Church and State
is a major deal to Christians in the USA. Many
Churches and church goers would love to see
the Philosophy of Christ in our public grammar
schools. However, President Obama has
allowed Communist China's Confucius religious
philosophy into our public grammar
schools, but not his own"
Austin Colt
Journalistic Blogger
The Separation of Church and State is based in Democracies constitutions. The United States constitution does not directly state that. However, the Constitution in the First Amendment does state "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This backbone of the United States's 200 years of cognitional teachings. Has thus been created through social morals of individual consciousness. The Pilgrims fled European religious persecution. As they wished to worship God in their own way. While John Locke who was a very influential scholar in the United States cognitional foundations documents. Bases the fact that states where not able to properly deal with religion in a manner fit for non persecution. This is the idea of individual consciousness is discriminated against once religions and state are entangled. Thomas Jefferson reiterated the same idea's. Which was thus placed in our constitution.
The United States Supreme Court also states that Seperation of Church and state is the right of individual conciousness. In Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947) the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional to force other tax paying religions to reimburse a catholic established public grammer school program. Furthering the individual conscious right set by our social and constitional values,
Engel v. Vitale, 82 S. Ct. 1261 (1962) found that any kind of prayer sponsorship in a public school was unconstitutional government sponsorship of religion. While in Epperson v. Arkansas, 89 S. Ct. 266 (1968) the court decided that it is unconstitutional to favor a religion to stop a teaching of evolution. Then in Lemon v. Kurtzman, 91 S. Ct. 2105 (1971) the US Supreme Court sets out a three part test to regulate the First Amendments separation of church and state clause. Which is defined as:
"1) the government action must have a secular purpose;
2) its primary purpose must not be to inhibit or to advance religion;
3) there must be no excessive entanglement between government and religion."
The social morals of our country along with the cognitional law set by our Supreme Court. Shows that the allowance of religion in our public schools violates the basic right of individual consciousness. As the allowance of one religion will cause discrimination against another religion. As we currently see today with the laws respecting Communist China's Confucianism. Which is being allowed into our public grammar schools. As today we see local governance laws respecting Confucius over any other religion. We see the religion of Confucius being treated in public grammar schools like William Winsor Elementary Schools in Greenville Road Island. Where the respecting local laws allow the public grammar school to have a myriad of religions philosophy books in their libraries and lectures While Christian, Muslims, Buddhism, Jewdaism, or Paganism have laws prohibiting the exercise of their religion in our public grammar schools. Especially, in Winsor Elementary School. That school does not have a educational area for the cultures of the Middle East's philosopher Mohammad, or Europe's philosopher of Jesus. That is just one of a myriad of local and international violations of religious Democracies. As President Obama's administration religiously persecutes other religions in favor of the leftist leaning worlds religion of Confucius. As shown with the First lady meeting with public grammar schools that are going through the religious indoctrination of Confucius. However, the First Lady, nor any of President Obama administration meets with public grammar school indoctrination for any other deity that calls for sacrifice or prayer.
The Allowance of Confuscism seems to be a discriminative move by a leftist leaning President to place a leftist country on a pedastal of friendships. Much like the deities statute and ideograms that is prayed to by Confucius Church and religious followers. This is very appalling to the Christian community and other religious or cultural philosophies communities. That are not allowed into public grammar schools. We see hundreds of Confucius churches not only in the USA! To name a few:
Today our secular public school system has become "excessive[ly] entanglement between government" with a leftist religious state sponsored religion and our public grammar schools This is because the leftist Communist Chinese have sold the religion as a communist philosophy and not as a religion. Then this passed President Obama's Administrative Educational Legal Department and Harvard Cultural Friends. As all the Communist Chinese Party members go Harvard. As the government actions see the religion as secular. However, it is not secular as a secular cultural institution would not have used the deities name Confucius, nor the temple ideograms, shrines, or prayer alters in the cultural teachings in our public grammar school classes. Religion has been implemented into our public schools. As our own culture of Christianity is not allowed to place prayer hands, the deity of Jesus nor his name, let alone the ideograms of our churches or pews. Which are represented in Confucius books and lectures in our public grammar schools.
The primary purpose of these government funded religions programs from Communist China. Is to advance leftist leaning religion in our public schools. The programs do not teach Chinese culture. They teach Confucius deistism and prayers. When they teach their writing skills, it is of the deities Confucius thoughts. Along with that when they teach their heritage it is of the ancient deities prayer rituals or chants of thoughts. While other religions can't get any public cultural or philosphy time to teach religious democracy children. These confucisious programs that use a Chinese Emprorers professed deity. Much like Roman Emperor Constantine professed Jesus to be a deity or the Persian Emperor Professed Mohammad to be a deity. Seem to have a substantial entangelment into our public school systems and local politics, of goverance. Where many schools have taken large amounts of dollars and given specific allotment of children's time and conscious thought to the religions deity of Confucius.
In the US is it is a wonder that no one has made an outright legal claim, for their own culture or religion. As President Obama's leftist leaning entanglement with the Communist Chinese funded religious programs Confucius. Has received many laws by the State Department, Education Department, Department of Justice respecting the religious deity of Confucius. That religion is something that has a deity, a church, a follower group, and usually a bases of teaching along with chants, praise and rituals. Confucius meets every single requirement to be a religion. Along with that if the program wanted to secular it would not have used a religious ancient deities iconic name. President Obama's administration has violated the most sacred of ancient United States rights. Which is to have individual consciousness in our public schools. So one religion or philosophy with a cultural deity that one prayers to, sacrifices too, and follows ones teachings, religiously, is not placed over another. President Obama has violated the first amendment!
Today the United States has not changed much over 200 years with regards to teaching religion in its schools. The only change we have seen is President Obama and his administration violate social, legal, and equatable rights of every citizen. Today, thousands of persecuted religious individuals run from their countries to come to the United States of America. To practice religion freely without persecution or involvement from the public state sector. However, President Obama and his administration have found it their will to make laws respecting the religious groundwork of Confucius. While equatable prohibiting every other religion that wishes to do the same thing. Thus showing the administrations discrimination to non leftist leaning religions.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Anti Trust Violation by Wang and AMC merger.
1. The names of the Communist Elitist I know are a major part of their cultural war for communism, who funded Hamas and Osama.
2. 2. Proof that Sherman Anti trust law violations by merger, A. Wangs current movie theaters, how uncompetitive they will become.
3. the disclaimer of the Communist parties analogy of propaganda and barring of western media in Asia.
Rider I
outline for my report to Republicans and labor Unions still against communist parties and for individual rights.
thoughts and ideas for pathetics and sympathetics. In Communist China the few mergers that have been free enterprises to forced Chinese owned enterprises. The Communist Party retains control and ownership. While they still have entities in their local that are more powerful. AMC Wang merger will become uncompetitive to other movie theaters, while the US is not forcing it into a joint venture or split American, and Communist ownership.
The destruction of the Democracy free market cognitional hegemony in the world. I am not just going to roll over and die on this.
Friday, May 25, 2012
my thoughts on this article:
you sound to be more discriminated than those you are speaking about. I am a conservative. Conservative scholars created reports on carbon dioxide in the air and elements of advancing technology. There are just as many liberals who are against the econ issue as their are conservatives. For example, Communist in the world do not see the environment as a thing until their party has control. Which have you ever heard of the conservancy. It is the literal part of the Conservative party that buys lands to use it as eco bases. While my family who is anciently conservative, against slaves, against non market economies, and pro countries sovereignty. Has for a long time been holders of animal lineage. Like dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, turtles, fishes, cats, monkey silver backs and uprights. Yet liberals on the other hand just do it because they want to be a rebel Conservatives are more worried about our economic devastation because we can't get other communist countries and liberal countries to be as conservative with our econ system as we are. It is not because as you put it they are worried about communist in their lives because of the eco system. They are worried about communist killing our economy. As they do not follow conservancy laws, while we have too.
You seem to be very biased, I am too. I see Communist and liberals as those who are like Hitler. Who grew up liberal and very socialist. Or like Stalin who was again very liberal so liberal he became a communist or fascist. As on the right side it is impossible to become a dictator if you believe in free markets. As the free market alone allows for other folks to be enriched and thus can vote you out or are more powerful than the leader or just as. So liberals and communist are very scary. As they do wish for more state control. however, with regards to eco issues. It is more of a worry of economic competitiveness. In all reality. The eco teams should go internationally. As Communist and liberal countries world wide do more damage each year to the environment than the US ever has.
Furthermore, The beatles where anti communist. Listen to their music they where heavily against stalin and Mao, some of the hardest hitting funders against communist where the beatles.
along with that I am so tired of liberals saying that the right is the racist ones. When we created the labor unions via Abraham Lincoln to fight the south's Democrats who where very pro state economic control and very communist with their slaves. While also the green lanterns where all Republican party members, the underground railroad that the warriors lead to where all run by Republicans. So again, today there are more Republicans standing for multicultural people than there are socialist communist racist Democrats.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Three Professional Articles I will be writing for current news to be published.
My outlines for the
National Journalism Center,
a project of Young America’s Foundation
National Journalism Center,
a project of Young America’s Foundation
1. President Obama and Communist China's Confuciusism in our Public Grammar Schools.
The violation of Separation of Church and State
2. Communist China's Bullying Laws; The Dragon's Approach to burning Countries Economies
3. Communist China's SASAC; The Worlds Most Powerful Cartel
Depending on flow maybe an MSS espionage news article.
Written by Austin Colt
You must be able to keep a secret friend. Merovingian are a dynasty of lineage that has been genocided from Persian's, to Roman's, to now offense Jews, to Nazi's to Communist. Every major fascist mono culture has tried to genocide the Mery men's n ladies. shhhhhh
Written by Austin Colt
You must be able to keep a secret friend. Merovingian are a dynasty of lineage that has been genocided from Persian's, to Roman's, to now offense Jews, to Nazi's to Communist. Every major fascist mono culture has tried to genocide the Mery men's n ladies. shhhhhh
Monday, May 21, 2012
Letter to ABC Rural
With regards to increasing milk demands in Communist China. That may be true for now. However, the Communist Chinese have just hulled all of their stocks in cows. As their cows where producing substantially less than the US cows. As such, they bought new ones and are through the government re vamping State owned enterprises run and operated by the Communist party. To within five years be the worlds biggest producer of milk. Thus destroying the US's major agriculture. Where they have started doing the same thing to other agricultural areas in the world.
Rider I
anti economic warfare blogpost
How to reroute the worlds immigration pattern's to Communist China
Secret Document for those to need only, if I wrote it publically I would have to hallow cast. just kidding.
Invisible computer ink here for those who seek document but are not of the Is but are in wings and are illuminated to read it.
Rider I
Invisible computer ink here for those who seek document but are not of the Is but are in wings and are illuminated to read it.
Rider I
Communist China's new European Underground immigrant movement.
Today in Communist China we see surpluses of jobs. Where the Communist Party is so good at recapitalizing making company and state debt dissapear. That the jobs just keep rolling into Communist China. So much so that their is literally millions of jobs that go unfilled each year and contracts re-nagged on. However, Communist China does not want to allow foreign beings into China. As that would mean they would bring foreign political ideas and cultural resistance to the communist mono culture. Therefore, pockets in Communist China have become underground railroads for cultures from all over the world.
There are areas, where African's have migrated on cargo ships, Australian's, European's, and even a little America where illegal Latin American's have a small area. Today, however, the Communist Party is feeling the every cultural resistance to its mono han racist policy of controlling the mainland politics. This is not like in America' where our youth 18-30 are 50% unemployed, and highly educated. This is Communist China, where if you want a job all you have to do is go to a factory area and they will work you. So the idea of them not allowing in foreigner's work visa's at a higher rate is a little ridiculous. Which shows their true nature of racism.
The idea that the Democracy underground has had and still has is much like Aztlan has for the USA. However, where Aztlan and Mecha wish to disarm the legal citizens of the USA, so they can then rearm the illegal populations with arms after they have birthed in an Army. With the conspiracy terrorist group being allowed to reach all the way to Legal Judicial Bench's, and Senator's like Senator DeLeon of Los Angele's who is well known to be a friend to criminal organizations. Like his law that stops impounds after crime's for 30 days, as a penal statute. The Democracy underground of China, prepares coyotes from around the world for cultural stopping of the inquisition of the Communist party against cultures. For example, one whole pipeline of European illegal immigrants has brought life to cities that currently today are fighting against communist corruption. Where even though they have to leave their country to find jobs. Their countries political system is still more adequate with dealing with social problems. As it allows for Democracy. Where if one tribe is doing something they do not like they can go to another tribe. However, in Communist China from letters we have received in teh Democracy underground. The European immigrants are finding culture shock. Where the citizens there after they learn the language at primitive level's, express desire to hear the illegal immigrants political ideas. Where in the USA, we express the wish to hear them going home and stop working with the economic warfare terrorist groups known as Mecha and Aztlan. As our youth are now in the street's because their are no jobs, like when my great grandfather had a farm and allowed legal latin's school college kids and his grand kids to work the farms.
The idea then becomes is the world of the Democracy going to look the other way with regards to Communist China's cultural inquisition. Where they specifically will ask anyone who does not look Chinese for legal papers. Or should the Democracy get involved and make a voice for itself. Again, let me distinguish this from Arizona. In Arizona the majority of crime, drugs, stolen children, and gun trafficking is by Latin Illegal immigrant gangs. In Communist China if a illegal immigrant so much as even does something illegal the Triad's kill them on the spot, as they will not deal with a Mecha or Aztlan in Han territory, unlike Viking lands of the USA, that deal with illegal immigrants without killing them. Where even Mecha an organization of illegal immigrants who's flag bares a dynamite stick, who's desire is to disarm the US populace, allow illegal immigrants to birth an army then arm the illegal's as the legal's will be unarmed, causing the world's biggest birthing invasion civil war. The Democracy underground. Just wants to counter, the Chinese cities around the world that the Communist Party has built to hide its espionage spies. Where the majority of countries allow Chinese immigrants to have their own cities, usually known as China's towns. The Communist Chinese, stop at every turn any illegal immigrant town creations.
It is my belief that we could counter the Communist Parties cultural inquisition. Therefore, using it to create a bigger underground railroad for those cultures seeking inroads to fight against the Communist world inquisition.
Rider I
Speaking of which I have to work on my conspiracies against Aztlan and Mecha Aztec warriors. Really I am an American Indian too but I sure don't want you running these lands as pure your territorial invasion tactics. Course then again one we go mad max you will see who is the dominate.
Airsoft banning, really, so obvious, I thought only the Suns could be so obvious as they could not hold power and speak freely. Come on now it is well documented your connections and Senator you know the V I King ways. Your passed the line. Airsoft banning what? na na na fu fu chana na na
There are areas, where African's have migrated on cargo ships, Australian's, European's, and even a little America where illegal Latin American's have a small area. Today, however, the Communist Party is feeling the every cultural resistance to its mono han racist policy of controlling the mainland politics. This is not like in America' where our youth 18-30 are 50% unemployed, and highly educated. This is Communist China, where if you want a job all you have to do is go to a factory area and they will work you. So the idea of them not allowing in foreigner's work visa's at a higher rate is a little ridiculous. Which shows their true nature of racism.
The idea that the Democracy underground has had and still has is much like Aztlan has for the USA. However, where Aztlan and Mecha wish to disarm the legal citizens of the USA, so they can then rearm the illegal populations with arms after they have birthed in an Army. With the conspiracy terrorist group being allowed to reach all the way to Legal Judicial Bench's, and Senator's like Senator DeLeon of Los Angele's who is well known to be a friend to criminal organizations. Like his law that stops impounds after crime's for 30 days, as a penal statute. The Democracy underground of China, prepares coyotes from around the world for cultural stopping of the inquisition of the Communist party against cultures. For example, one whole pipeline of European illegal immigrants has brought life to cities that currently today are fighting against communist corruption. Where even though they have to leave their country to find jobs. Their countries political system is still more adequate with dealing with social problems. As it allows for Democracy. Where if one tribe is doing something they do not like they can go to another tribe. However, in Communist China from letters we have received in teh Democracy underground. The European immigrants are finding culture shock. Where the citizens there after they learn the language at primitive level's, express desire to hear the illegal immigrants political ideas. Where in the USA, we express the wish to hear them going home and stop working with the economic warfare terrorist groups known as Mecha and Aztlan. As our youth are now in the street's because their are no jobs, like when my great grandfather had a farm and allowed legal latin's school college kids and his grand kids to work the farms.
The idea then becomes is the world of the Democracy going to look the other way with regards to Communist China's cultural inquisition. Where they specifically will ask anyone who does not look Chinese for legal papers. Or should the Democracy get involved and make a voice for itself. Again, let me distinguish this from Arizona. In Arizona the majority of crime, drugs, stolen children, and gun trafficking is by Latin Illegal immigrant gangs. In Communist China if a illegal immigrant so much as even does something illegal the Triad's kill them on the spot, as they will not deal with a Mecha or Aztlan in Han territory, unlike Viking lands of the USA, that deal with illegal immigrants without killing them. Where even Mecha an organization of illegal immigrants who's flag bares a dynamite stick, who's desire is to disarm the US populace, allow illegal immigrants to birth an army then arm the illegal's as the legal's will be unarmed, causing the world's biggest birthing invasion civil war. The Democracy underground. Just wants to counter, the Chinese cities around the world that the Communist Party has built to hide its espionage spies. Where the majority of countries allow Chinese immigrants to have their own cities, usually known as China's towns. The Communist Chinese, stop at every turn any illegal immigrant town creations.
It is my belief that we could counter the Communist Parties cultural inquisition. Therefore, using it to create a bigger underground railroad for those cultures seeking inroads to fight against the Communist world inquisition.
Rider I
Speaking of which I have to work on my conspiracies against Aztlan and Mecha Aztec warriors. Really I am an American Indian too but I sure don't want you running these lands as pure your territorial invasion tactics. Course then again one we go mad max you will see who is the dominate.
Airsoft banning, really, so obvious, I thought only the Suns could be so obvious as they could not hold power and speak freely. Come on now it is well documented your connections and Senator you know the V I King ways. Your passed the line. Airsoft banning what? na na na fu fu chana na na
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