Dear Strategic Perception Inc.,
I was wondering if you have seen the little media war going on between, Color of Change and ALEC. It seems that Color of Change as a tight grip on attacks while ALEC can barely place the where the attacks are coming from. So far I believe that ALEC has lost 7 major corporate funders. While Color of Change goes on a massive harassment and threatening economic blockade to ALEC. While ALEC seems not able to attack back against them. I have read articles that Color of Change have asked 80,000 and received around the same amount to call into corporations and harassment about their funding ALEC. However, I have not seen a rebuttal against Color of Change.
For example, if I was hired onto do a challenge to Color of Changes attack on ALEC as a credibility attack. I would do a specific media burst about how Van Jones the Co Founder of Color of Change praised Al Qeada's attacks the day after 911 during a major anti American rally. Where furthermore, I would run another burst on how Van Jones, was part of a green tech administration that specifically directed the government to strand US green tech business and give 80% of our green tech stimulus to foreign countries. This is mainly because Van Jones has ties to the Communist Party of the USA. Which in last weekends political statements. Stated they are working on how to create more economic crisis to drive herds of more, citizens to the leftist side of state owned enterprise. If I was ALEC I do not understand why they would not attack these people back. The Corporations that stopped funding them do not gain these people's market's anyways. As they are against corporation and capitalism and Democracy. So it makes no sense for them to go with the threat and be bullied into stop funding ALEC. A group of good god fearing loving American's.
I was just curious if you have seen this little war. As it seems Kaytlin Buss is inable to deal with the media war as a solider and seems to be acting more like a wet stinky but that wants it more from the back end. Just wondering.
Rider I
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