My responses to this articles comment section:
1. First and foremost the 1% you speak of are those folks whose family or themselves have been socially adapted via economic votes of value to the leadership chair. So if we take Marxist view how would we decide those who lead our economic major issues. Just by basic popularity, education, or through shear family and competitive ideas of capitalism. Deliberately manipulate the Democracy. You mean if you have their own network of cultural value battles between each other yes. But no the top 1% are just like the other 99%. They are different and do not necessarily like each others values and they play fairly with economics they own. For example you say the top 1% run the government and economics. Well Carter, Clinton, Obama, Bush Sr, Reagan and Nixon all came from poor 99% class families that they competed in society to become voted for the best via economic value and political values.
1. First and foremost the 1% you speak of are those folks whose family or themselves have been socially adapted via economic votes of value to the leadership chair. So if we take Marxist view how would we decide those who lead our economic major issues. Just by basic popularity, education, or through shear family and competitive ideas of capitalism. Deliberately manipulate the Democracy. You mean if you have their own network of cultural value battles between each other yes. But no the top 1% are just like the other 99%. They are different and do not necessarily like each others values and they play fairly with economics they own. For example you say the top 1% run the government and economics. Well Carter, Clinton, Obama, Bush Sr, Reagan and Nixon all came from poor 99% class families that they competed in society to become voted for the best via economic value and political values.
I do not believe in marxism. As how would capital and labor and seats be divided. In Marxism it is based on a theory he never solves for. Which is spread of power and wealth. In Democracy and Capitalism it is based on competition of votes by economic abilities to lead and values of social governance the whole like as they can see the top economic competitors compete for what they have earned. Which is the best way to decide who leads in my opinion. Marxism is a genocidal spread of slave labor to those who are the most oppressive and willing to be the most criminal to lead.
Rider i
Anti Economic Warfare Blog Post.
Anti Economic Warfare Blog Post.
Then MY response to
Maura Pennington you would have us believe the government of we the people, by the people and for the collective of we the people of the United States is a Communist, Marxist, Socialist concept. Never mind it has worker so well for Capitalism and making the United States the great prosperous Nation it is.
Communism, Socialism and Marxism propaganda is a call to arms, targets and enlist “suckers” to blindly support special interests under the auspicies of patriotism. The same interests that have undermined the value of labor in America and created employment and grew the economy in Communist China for the benefit of a few and detriment of many here in the United States.
The Founding Fathers and their irk, the Private Sector, oppressed millions with slavery in the United States. It was the Private Sector in America who kidnapped, enslaved, raped, branded, tortured, maimed and murdered tens of millions for generations over two hundred years with impunity.
No other people, nowhere on earth, throughout history oppressed so many for so long and so bad.
The Private sector raped, oppressed, and enslaved for over two hundred years. mmm curious. Your wrong slavery has been around for thousands of years. Where whole socialist governments like Egypt, and many Feudalistic societies based on religious communism, god thus placed you in our leadership you are the best placed there just because. Everyone else labors and is given home, food, entertainment and protection. Feaduism, or slaver as you will. Private sector is a word you seem to think is at the result of slavery. Again wrong. Private sector was the one that ended world slaverly my friend. It went from Full Government socialist enslavements like Egypt to Feudalism where slave dirvers need not be on the property to watch. Then to Democracy where individuals own their own. Slavery again was based on the slavery you so suckerly speak of was because of African socialist governments selling their people as slaves, as did many socialist governments, or fedualist governments did before that. In which, folks like Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and the rest wrote that they are working on destroying slavery with free markets. So all humans can be free and own their own. Again they just used slaverly for a very short time, 200 years is not reality, as maybe the first 50 years then after that slaverly serioulsy started to break up and individuals started the green lantern or what you know as the underground railroad. Which is only dated to a specific time after it was found.
So again friend your wrong we have come from socialist and communism (feudalism) into free markets. The free markets or privatization has almost completely done with slaverly in the world. Thanks to all cultures being able to own their own individual lands, property and weapons, along with political affilations. So my brother, in the guerilla hat. You speaking to a Mac. Private enterprises freed the African’s and the world slaves.
Rider i
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