Dear Foster's Camp Fire,
In todays world we see a major push for our Hollywood to go extremist leftist. So much so the whole industry is allowing the Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprise studies to start to bully our free enterprise. The first move was for the Communist Chinese to ban 88 western style tv shows everything from Cowboy movies on tv all the way to Democracy voting channels like the Idol. Then after that they placed a ban on all Western Media during prime time tv. After which they came to the US in search of Studios that would like to make more money in Communist Chinese media. However, as they did with rare earth resources, production and supply lines. They did the old mouse trap and forced joint venture with their Communist Chinese media studios.
This is done so they will have less media opposition in the world to their fascist mono State Owned Monopolized style governance and world expansion. As we saw in Tibet, Mongolia, Uigur and are now seeing in Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, and other small island areas they wish to invade and have a star on their flag as they already own them.
I therefore, ask that you get more involved with the Hollywood studios and try and make a better go at a conservative studio that will still produce good movies against Communist mono fascist style governance. For example, the Communist Chinese produced many video games allowing their children and teens to attack US soldiers. Then the US went to reproduce Red Dawn for the new generation of young conservative viewers. However, the Communist Chinese completely used every Hollywood and Democratic tie in that area to stop it from being produced. Along with even some Hollywood video cutting hacking that made it much harder to edit the video.
Somebody needs to help the conservative people. Will you create your own studio to fight against the new Communist State Owned Party forced joint ventures with our major Hollywood studios. There are a lot of young Republicans and Republican actors that find it hard to work in the industry as it is leaning towards becoming a Communist Chinese forced joint venture owned industry.
Please help
Rider I
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