This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

Monday, April 30, 2012

Letter to the elders on Communist China's Predatory Development lending

Dear President Obama and Senator McCain,

Today the US has gone through major financial domestic competitive regulations. Which where issued based on the idea of unfair advantage of the banks over the clients. This issue was and is known as predatory lending. It seems as the US leads in world trends on a lot of things, not all of course. That again the US needs to take a domestic regulation trend and apply it to the international macro perspective. As today, we see the Communist Chinese doing predatory lending to help develop areas of the world.

When a country does it to another country it is not competition. Then it is known as financial warfare. As the Communist Chinese are using predatory lending tactics to implement their state owned enterprise and party control of the new developing countries economy. I do believe the world bank has laws against this. As the British I believe did this once. As the issue is can a bank give you a loan based on the idea that a business it owns has to own part of your business. Then if the issue is based on the idea of development. Which places this issue at a higher issue or predatory actions. Then we see that it seems to fit closely into the concept of the US's new set of predatory lending laws. Where if somebody was to get a loan for a bank but the poor area could only get loans if the bank forced them to allow a business to own 50% of their home. It would be illegal. I think that the US should apply these new regulation sets to this issue of developing the world.

Rider I

Agency for International Development
Michael G. Carroll, Acting Inspector General
Main Phone Number: (202) 712-1150
Mailing Address: 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20523
Hotline Number: (202) 712-1023; (800) 230-6539
Hotline Email:

Predatory Development Loans: Communist China's Oppressive Dragon

International Predatory Development Loans, a legal thought on Communist China's loans that force joint Communist Owned Enterprises in the old Soviet Party owned and oppressed areas.,

A History of Soviet State Owned Non Market Areas during the Cold War

Communist China's new development law forcing EU to develop through Communist Party SOE's (shorten this)

Common laws of government predation,

international laws on development loan being used for oppression or bullying

Solution and proposed action against the communist chinese party financial warfare starategy to re instate communist party soe's in those previously exposed affected areas of non market soe control.


Chinese Capitalism Incorporating More Free-Market Traits

My comments for news for you:

Your article is written without stats. The Stats show that the Communist Chinese are moving more towards a state owned centralized non market economy. As the last generation of leaders did not really free the market. They just allowed their families and friends in the party elite to own it instead of allowing more party control or state to take the income, but it is still communist party owned. The SASAC reports that the Communist Chinese have increased State owned enterprise numbers substantially past the free market enterprises. Then we have the fact that the majority of US business doing business in Communist China are Forced into joint ventures with the communist party state run enterprises. Not to mention the Communist are currently on an agricultural land grab in their own country taking lands from farmers for major state owned agricultural enterprises. Your article is off, on the facts. Communist China has spread more state owned enterprises in the world than they have free market enterprises. Not to mention that they development loans like the one they create for the EU. Has the detrimental issue to your conclusive statement of moving away from non markets. That all that take the loans have to be part of Communist Party state owned enterprises. Nice try though, I can see that you are like the rest, very uneducated on the matter, and think that non market economies that have 75% state run enterprises by the central committee the SASAC, and the other 25% owned by the communist party elite, or forced joint ventures with foreign companies. Statements regarding communists China's non market economy like free market, moving towards a non state economy, miracle, are not factual and are based on noninclusive evidence. They are just a communist non market economy. There is nothing that has changed except now the rich elite communist party members can own the business to take more profits, and foreign enterprises are let in if they are forced into joint ventures with states. While the state non market economy spreads through the world. Where we have seen Communist party owned enterprises or as the communist party is the state, state owned enterprises expand everywhere in the world. Doing damage to free market movements like what we saw in New Zealand. Where a major Communist entity conglomerated 16 free market agricultural entities to monopolize the islands agricultural price floor and ceiling setting abilities. 

Rider I

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Almost 22 years since Anti Communist Lectures where heard throughout California

Today, we see the view of the world as communism. The basic ideological principle that wishes to destroy everything and implement a culture that the mass majority believe is good for society; without any care for culture, individual ownership or allowance for political affiliation. There are Communist campuses all over the US. Where the once terrorist symbol that today would be recognized similar to Al Qeada's symbols, even though the Communist Party killed more and destroyed more cultures than Al Qeada could ever hope too. These symbol halls are in our biggest  cities in the USA. Where secret communist covenants meet on everything from destroying the US. To getting our military to destroy counter cultures for us. For example, a specific covenant that a rapper known as The Coupe was deemed working with Al Qeada during the time the PLA wrote the book directing Osama Bin Laden to attack the US. So as to drive the US into a proxy war. Very similar to what Charlie Wilson did to the Soviets to implode their country through intelligence direction away from economics, and spread of major master espionage issues.

"May the Swartz be with you" a once powerful meaning to many anti communist in the USA. A well known documented idea that Professor Swartz's knew his stuff and his teachings and lectures drew the anti communist people and culture together against the forces of the Communist genocide of their culture and every other culture. But today the Swartz report has retreated into the woods barely surviving in an area where the idea of a cognition is like if a bear poos in the wood and no one was around to hear it did the bear poo. As the once powerful anti communist in the major areas and cities around the USA. Where cognition's and culture's and trends are made have retreated to the middle of no where Colorado. Where they are now just seen as another hill billy cult like the rest in Colorado.

The years have gone by. People like the Norway Killer have no Professor to look to anymore on how to fight peacefully and actually make a different. The Anti Communist culture has grown desperate. The once powerful community of elders and business men are no so caught up in being taken over by Communist Party State Owned Enterprises as their CEO's know nothing about Communist Party's or their constitution. That not one institution will even fund a small anti communist library anymore. Let alone the funding that the Swartz once received to fight the Communist Party and their massive amount of lecturer strategies and cognitional attacks against Democracy and free markets.

The time has come for a new leader to emerge in the community of anti communist. Not the Tea Party who believe that unions are marxist and buy into a counter intelligence cognitional game book written by a KGB unit that infiltrated the Republic. Which states that Unions are Marxist. But the old core of anti communist. That see the Labor Unions to the salvation of Democracy and free markets. As a noble well payed worker is a noble worker making plans to own their own individual business someday. As opposed to oppressed workers with no rights and inabilities to fight is a worker that the Communist Party wants so they can destroy individual ownership and take power for themselves by creating sympathy for their cause. A leader who is no more liberal than he is conservative. Somebody who knows the bounds of the streets, the laws, the ivory towers, the rich elitist clubs, the poor satire clubs, and everything in-between. The Anti Communist culture needs well somebody that has spent two years collecting everything he could on anti Communism to create the worlds biggest anti communist website. The culture needs me. The only problem is, that me, as I, can't do this without funding.

I live in the worlds most trendy place for cognitional trends, from music, to icon's to basic simple counter cultural trends that evolve out of mass cultural influence. I am well suited to direct a cognitional research library. As I have used my website directions to direct many legislative matters, wars, and specific issues on how to stop the Communist Chinese from expanding and re enriching the genocidal cultural issues of Marxism. Along with that I have already worked with classified to secret material's. Where I have had my hands on documents that if leaked could seriously impact our national security and the entities that I worked for abilities to compete.  Now the only thing that the culture has to do is to find a leader and thus enrich that leader. Whether it is me or not is not a matter to me. However, what is a matter is that a a culture calling itself anti communist and attacking Unions not lead the anti communist culture. As any studied anti communist who is not just sucking of the rich man's sleeve that is giving them funding. Can tell you that anti communist are Unionist. From the days when the 13 colonies unionized against the feudalistic communist King of Britain, to the days when Abraham Lincoln used labor unions, to create militia orders to fight the genomic communist of the South, all the way to the Republicans heavily wielding in international issues against the Soviets major labor Unions who wished to gain good pay so they could own their own lands and business.

I believe I am the guy, not to conservative not to liberal, not to good not to bad, I believe that goldy lux's who ever she may be has found her bed. Now all she has to do is get the bears to believe her and then lay down in the bed I have made.

Rider I

And I do not have a sled dog mentality I have a lead dog mentality. You through me my food, you give me my ability to lead the pack and I will work and prove it to you. However, you whip me, try and tell me how to run my pack, or force me to gain food because you do not like my pack leading ways, youll have no pack leader and as you do now a bunch of folks running around screaming at the Unions who saved us from the Soviets. Where instead of trying to take the Unions over as we did during the cold war for the views of individualism. They force more people who hate individual ownership from the serious non leadership of the sled dogs attacking them without any direction at all.

Letter to Local Conservative Party: Requesting counter culture library to the every growing Communist Cultural centers in the US.

Dear Conservative Party,

It seems not that long ago when the US was at war with a major centralized economic threat known as the Soviet Union. Which was a centralized economic country run by the Communist Party of Russia. In those days, the Conservative Party had anti communist research institutions, Professors and very vibrant anti communist culture everywhere. The research was done helped the kids of the world understand the threat of Marxism and its genocidal mono cultural political dictatorship desires.

Today, however, there is no more anti communist research institutions or let alone cultural libraries. Where kids can go to find a specific conglomeration of books and researchers who press against the threat to Democracy and free markets the Communist Chinese. Today, we see massive Communist cultural centers like that in LA, along with massive Communist Cultural centers like the Promethium Library in New York City. Not to mention that communist party is working to also make it look like the theory that states that all religion has to be destroyed for all to be enslaved to the mono culture system. Has also created a massive movement to make Christianity look like Marxism. As we have seen with the Communist Party funding this years movie Jesus was a Communist.

The reality of the loss of the anti communist culture is a major one. Again in the world we can see that a single political entity in the world is causing the majority of the worlds problems. Everything from the Communist Chinese Party, and their military the PLA funding Al Qeada to attack the US at 911. As per their Written Statements in the book written by the PLA Unconventional Warfare. All the way up to intelligence that stated they where funding Al Qeada, along with working with them on espionage and counter Democracy iniatives in the middle eastern area. Along with the worlds economic wows. Where we can see after 30 years the Communist Party has still not become a market economy. As 75% of their economy is still controlled by a centralized economic mono party run institution known as the SASAC. While the other 25% is either forced into joint ventures with the SASAC,or is owned outright by high ranking Communist Party officials or their families. Just as the Soviet centralized economy was.

It is my belief that today it is time again to start an anti communist research core. Where the Democracy citizens and the free market believers that there is no better away to spread power and wealth than individual ownership and political Democracy, should restart the core cognitional research and presentation attacks against the Communist movement. Today the Communists Culture is trillions of dollars more powerful than than the Democracy and Free Market Movements. While the Anti Communist culture that saw the last Communist centralized world destroyer stopped,is dying and almost non exsitance. Where the word has become an fnord. As if allowing freedom of speech, political affiliation, and individual ownership destruction was a good thing. This area used to be at one time a power house for Anti Communism. With John Bircher Society funding many anti communist research projects, and Professor Swartz creating a major anti communist coalition.

It is my belief with such atrocities to free markekts, as the Communist Chinese Party forcing all US free enterprise turbine and engine creators to be party owned by the Communist Chinese Party in Joint Ventures, to the Communist Chinese now forcing monopolized centralized development loans to the Balakan's and old Soviet satellite countries to again be forced into Joint Venture State Owned Communist Party before they can develop. That the world needs another anti communist push.

It is my belief in the long run that the library could lead to another Congress for Cultural Freedoms. Just like Mccarthy started to stop the Communist Party from destroying cultural individuality and ability for cultures to own their own markets and economies. As we have seen the Communist Chinese Party due in Africa with forced State Owned Enterprise Joint Ventures,to the newly destroyed economic zone of New Zealand where the Communist Chinese just monopolized New Zealand's dairy and cattle farms to the Communist Chinese Party.

If there is any help for my culture please send me an email on how I could start to work on starting an anti communist library. As today,the Communist Party of the USA, has libraries and cultural centers across the USA. Where there is no rebuttal to their idea of social enslavement to the state leaderships control of economy, culture,religion and who can affiliate politically with who.

My current abilities that would allow me to be a great director of research and libary activities. Is, that I have 6 College Degrees, where I was active for around 4 years in Speech and Debate, while I also worked in a very high powered Law Firm dealing with issues of major conflict with cities, space and military issues. Along with that I know run a website where after two years I have collected the worlds biggest anti communist collection of intelligence against the Communist Chinese party. Where I would like to now become a professional with a physical library to draw scholars, business folks, and cultural citizens to come and learn with all the work I have done. I figure it has cost me around $300,000 - $400,000 with my work paid at a livable $25 an hour normal research cost.

Please help my culture stop another German Socialist Nationalization of economy to statized Soviet style economic warfare strategies.

Rider I

The non professional desiring to go professional
Anti Economic Warfare

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jackson–Vanik amendment: My argument to opening the US further to non market economies.

President Obama wishes to destroy the key legislation that helped destroy the Soviet non market Bloc of Communist Party control.

Key interest of the main legislation.

The key issue was used to stop the Soviet expansion of spies and espionage agents. Very well. As they where starting proxy wars creating terrorist groups and wished to create a political people's dictatorship throughout the world that they controlled. Today we can see the Communist Chinese doing the same thing that the Soviets did to the Jews to the Falun Gung, along with the same actions of terrorist enrichment and specific state owned espionage at very high level's. President Clinton only normalized trade relations with the Communist Chinese, as an very high espionage agent in the MSS had donated millions to his campaign, and President Clinton sold out highest space tech to them and a navy base to COSCO. That after the congressional hearing was allowed to keep the personal funds he gained and never had to pay them back to the people of the USA for excepting for espionage funds. If it was not for President Clinton Normalizing trade with Communist China. The USA would have a monopoly on world trade, as the Communist Chinese have the worlds highest trade protection laws, strategies and espionage units. While the US is completely open to them.

I do not see how taken this tool off the tool belt will help. President Obama is probable working with Putin to try and get the missile shield in and Putin want's his SOE's to  be able to destroy our market and jobs and suck them away like the Communist Chinese did.

Here is the provision that Putin wishes to destroy by leveraging the President's administration with trade:


(a) Investigation by International Trade Commission; report; publication
(1) Upon the filing of a petition by an entity described in section 2252 (a) of this title, upon request of the President or the United States Trade Representative, upon resolution of either the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives or the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or on its own motion, the International Trade Commission (hereafter in this section referred to as the “Commission”) shall promptly make an investigation to determine, with respect to imports of an article which is the product of a Communist country, whether market disruption exists with respect to an article produced by a domestic industry.
(2) The provisions of subsections (a)(3), (b)(4), [1] and (c)(4) ofsection 2252 of this title shall apply with respect to investigations by the Commission under paragraph (1).
(3) The Commission shall report to the President its determination with respect to each investigation under paragraph (1) and the basis therefor and shall include in each report any dissenting or separate views. If the Commission finds, as a result of its investigation, that market disruption exists with respect to an article produced by a domestic industry, it shall find the amount of the increase in, or imposition of, any duty or other import restriction on such article which is necessary to prevent or remedy such market disruption and shall include such finding in its report to the President. The Commission shall furnish to the President a transcript of the hearings and any briefs which may have been submitted in connection with each investigation.
(4) The report of the Commission of its determination with respect to an investigation under paragraph (1) shall be made at the earliest practicable time, but not later than 3 months after the date on which the petition is filed (or the date on which the request or resolution is received or the motion is adopted, as the case may be). Upon making such report to the President, the Commission shall also promptly make public such report (with the exception of information which the Commission determines to be confidential) and shall cause a summary thereof to be published in the Federal Register.
(b) Affirmative determination
With respect to any affirmative determination of the Commission under subsection (a) of this section—
(1) such determination shall be treated as an affirmative determination made under section 2251 (b) of this title (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988); and
(2) sections 2252 and 2253 of this title (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of such Act of 1988), rather than the provisions of part 1 of subchapter II of this chapter as amended by section 1401 of such Act of 1988, shall apply with respect to the taking of subsequent action, if any, by the President in response to such affirmative determination;
except that—
(A) the President may take action under such sections 2252 and 2253 of this title only with respect to imports from the country or countries involved of the article with respect to which the affirmative determination was made; and
(B) if such action consists of, or includes, an orderly marketing agreement, such agreement shall be entered into within 60 days after the import relief determination date.
(c) Products of Communist countries
If, at any time, the President finds that there are reasonable grounds to believe, with respect to imports of an article which is the product of a Communist country, that market disruption exists with respect to an article produced by a domestic industry, he shall request the Commission to initiate an investigation under subsection (a) of this section. If the President further finds that emergency action is necessary, he may take action under sections 2252 and 2253 of this title referred to in subsection (b) of this section as if an affirmative determination of the Commission had been made under subsection (a) of this section. Any action taken by the President under the preceding sentence shall cease to apply
(1) if a negative determination is made by the Commission under subsection (a) of this section with respect to imports of such article, on the day on which the Commission’s report of such determination is submitted to the President, or
(2) if an affirmative determination is made by the Commission under subsection (a) of this section with respect to imports of such article, on the day on which the action taken by the President pursuant to such determination becomes effective.
(d) Petitions to initiate consultations as provided for by safeguard arrangements
(1) A petition may be filed with the President by an entity described in section 2251 (a)(1) of this title requesting the President to initiate consultations provided for by the safeguard arrangements of any agreement entered into under section 2435 of this title with respect to imports of an article which is the product of the country which is the other party to such agreement.
(2) If the President determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe, with respect to imports of such article, that market disruption exists with respect to an article produced by a domestic industry, he shall initiate consultations with such country with respect to such imports.
(e) Definitions; factors determining existence of market disruption
For purposes of this section—
(1) The term “Communist country” means any country dominated or controlled by communism.
(A) Market disruption exists within a domestic industry whenever imports of an article, like or directly competitive with an article produced by such domestic industry, are increasing rapidly, either absolutely or relatively, so as to be a significant cause of material injury, or threat thereof, to such domestic industry.
(B) For purposes of subparagraph (A):
(i) Imports of an article shall be considered to be increasing rapidly if there has been a significant increase in such imports (either actual or relative to domestic production) during a recent period of time.
(ii) The term “significant cause” refers to a cause which contributes significantly to the material injury of the domestic industry, but need not be equal to or greater than any other cause.
(C) The Commission, in determining whether market disruption exists, shall consider, among other factors—
(i) the volume of imports of the merchandise which is the subject of the investigation;
(ii) the effect of imports of the merchandise on prices in the United States for like or directly competitive articles;
(iii) the impact of imports of such merchandise on domestic producers of like or directly competitive articles; and
(iv) evidence of disruptive pricing practices, or other efforts to unfairly manage trade patterns."

Putin sees the US was very susceptible to Communist State Owned Enterprise trade wars that stripped the US of all of its mine jobs for production materials, while also manufacturing. While also forcing the US into major deficit due to high job loss to non market economies. As Communist China is still 75% run by the Communist Chinese Party. Which even then the other 25% is the Communist Parties family owned free enterprises that are still run by the Communist Chinese Party.. 

If this provision is wiped out of the US tool belt. What it will do is as the Communist Chinese re enrich the world back to the cold war days. When the Soviets where going around enriching Communist Parties and centralized governments to destroy free enterprises and individual land ownership and Democracy. Where currently today the US government can gain exceptions as President Clinton did for his MSS Communist Chinese buddy, proven in the books written about his administration by Republicans working closely and even one Democrat totally against the espionage the president did. 

This then allows the International Communist party or centralist economies, non market economies, to work together in their new Bloc which is now called a Bric. So each country can work to centralize a part of the worlds trade to them. So long as they are under the Communist Chinese values of centralized government. Thus this one single destruction of a tool could literally close areas of forced research before trading with a Communist Party Controlled country, like Iran, North Korea, Russia, or Communist China. I say Russia as still around 50% of their politics is still hard core Soviet's still wishing to take over the world for their mono culture people's dictatorship. 

I would disagree with the destruction of this tool in our belts. As it has shown very good cause for research against Communist Parties, that historically, like the German Socialist, Soviets and Communist Chinese, have gone to world wars with the free markets, German Socialist  WW I WW II, Soviets Cold War Proxies in Latin America, and North Korea and Vietnam Communist China. Thus the restrictions on Communist Countries should stay in place. Just because the MSS Communist Espionage agents where able to get President Clinton as explained in the book about him called disception. Does not mean we should stop worrying about centralized non market economies. Especially as we have seen what trading with the Communist Chinese has done to the world. It has caused major monopolies and resource shortages, while placing them in line to invade their neighbors again like they have before, while creating major world deficits in free markets as SOE's the basses of Communist economic warfare have centralized the worlds trade to them. Literally, all countries are back to the old silk road, all roads lead and end in Communist China. This is true with regards to everything. We have had almost complete open trade with Communist China for 30 years in the West and Free Markets. Yet today they are still one of the worlds highest most protected markets. I do not think going this same route with Russia, as it seeks to destroy us financially, as per its works with the MSS do destroy Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, while constantly threatening the US with economic warfare. Is a good idea. 

This article in now way is about human rights. As anyone can get a visa for political issues if they are fleeing a country to leave it. However, if you are immigrating from a Communist State like China, Vietnam, Russia 50%, Iran, or North Korea, to attack the West's core values then of course free immigration should not be allowed. Again anyone can come here they just have to go through the right process. As taken this article down does is say that countries like Iran, North Korea, Russia and Communist China are no longer a threat to free markets. Even though, my five website collections, proxy wars in Africa, Asia, and pretty much anywhere you see a Maoist terrorist or Communist China backed Muslim terrorist cell, is them wishing to destroy us. 

Rider I