Today we have an issue with CISEN. We saw them make a major play and push using the Civility tribe of the USA the Democrats. They used a major espionage ring to push the idea that a law being paralled through federal law to state law. Like almost every single law is. That the law was racist. However it stated that if somebody where to commit a crime that they could get checked fro their immigrant status. Mayor Padilla then during this came out as a CISEN operator. As he used a major espionage ring of CISEN grow dealers. To operate a political sabotage of our security appartus. Along with that we have major CISEN grows in the USA. Which amounts to an invasion of our lands. Humboldt is a Federally protected grow area. SO is Sinoala and the other one. Therefore if the US is not allowed to sell or grow in Mexico. Due to heavy militarization of their grow fields. Then the US needs to look to President Reagan strategies towards CISEN.
President Reagan used our underground bases. Where we have massive amounts of storage and major industrial back ups. This includes the brain manipulation industry. Which CISEN currently controls. Thus we can place a pressure play on them. The idea is that CISEN should operate in Mexico and Hombolt operates in the USA. I know we know where every grow field is. As when I was in my hay day. I created a satellite program. That could use the oxygen and carbon intake and output of plants to direct the satellite where my competition was. Thus I then turned it over to the Federal bureau of lands who protects our own grow industry.
So we can easily place pressure on CISEN to one give up the seat that was burnt. Does not have to be to a Republican. But Mayor Padilla needs to move on. As we cant allow a espionage infiltrate to burn himself for a move. Then stay in power. As that is overpower. I therefore plea that Mayor Padilla steps down. As he sanctioned a whole state. As they where making laws to stop CISEN from monopolizing our brain manipulation chemical industry. The law was upheld by the supreme court as legal. Where the officers of this land and agents of this land. Can ask you for id and if you do not have it can seek illegal status.
It is not our fault that the Mexican government does not have a better program for their immigrants. TO reunite their families with jobs school and housing. The majority of the US immigrants from CISEN as eighty percent of all US immigranst come from CISEN flows. Are living on US welfare programs. Thus it is not fair to the US citizens that Mexico does not create a better civil program for its citizens we send back. As the only moral reason the President has to side with CISEN. Is that families that have lived here will be torn apart. A good working relationship. Would be when the US catches illegal criminals. They send them back to Mexico and they then place them in school reunite their families and help them find jobs. It is not the US job to create Statized housing for illegal immigrants and then create laws to not deal with criminals.
So my plea is two fold. That we tell CISEN to back off our grow fields in the US. So Humbolt can not have to deal with Militarized industrial units in our lands. WHile alos that Mexico pushes a better civil program for those illegal immigrant that CISEN used for its land gran movement called Nuestro Zone. So that the only moral thing that the President has to stop the massive CISEN invasion of immigranst will be gone. As currently CISEN espionage takes up eighty percent of all of US immigrants. At this number CISEN will genomically and culturally own the US in another thirty years. As they currently own half of the Southern political and cultural and genomic material of the USA.
Furthermore, my rebuttal to any attacks for my cognition by the militarized industrial zones of Sinaola or the other one. Is we have missiles pointed at your billion dollar fields if you attack our mediators or fair court clandestine units.
My only other choice is to redirect CISEN resources to their boarders as their neighbors land grab. Then CISEN will allow in PLA General directing resources to get us to go to war with Iran. So can we please court this as fair.
Another plea to the court itself and not to the opposition of countries. Is that we re look into the quota system. Before CISEN was able to fund out the quota system of immigrants. As currently with the illegal immigration holding CISEN cultural ties to 80% of all US immigrants are from their direction. The legal quota system should not allow in any CISEN Mexican directs. Which would place force on their government to deal with that issue. As their citizens would want legal citizen ship.
Major fact. Mexico has 1% immigrants in their country. Very tight on their Southern boarders. the US has 16% immigrants in their country.
notes on this matter:
33m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
head of intellegence sure I am not maybe no way of course whaaat
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34m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
ok I have to go back to quiet times. THis open stuff gets me fired from my cover positions of minium wage jobs. Darn poorness.
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34m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
smoochy smooochy
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34m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
kissing Ryans butt are we boys.
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35m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
then the .... is happening and nobody still gets it.
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36m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Then it will be these paranoid .... who are freaking out and the open source idiot head intel going do this in public on the news on twittr
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37m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Then shows how hillarious it really is.
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37m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
So the head of the US intellegence goes ok nobody will believe me anyways. I will do it.
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37m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
that would make for a great comedy Ferrell. The President says we are going to have a more open government.
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39m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
he sent the symbol I am not happy. I said mmmm I thought you would have been stupid lol
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40m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst …
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40m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
lol this will be fun.
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41m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
speaking of which. I have to go meet with the head druid field I almost nuked he is not happy about that.
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42m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
So I was like ok. Sure lets do this I will call shot sin public. And say rapper speech protection.
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42m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I will have to go back to sending letters and speaking at secret meetings. The President wanted to try a more open government though.
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45m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst …
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45m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
this guy is the head of the US intel and he is directing death arse whoopings and hard core clandestine tribes.
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45m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
ok that is my request I must now close this down clean up the research cite. So the next slavery does not get a call saying look at this
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46m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
then I could have daily stinky smack but, argue, plus a nice clean house and some kids.
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47m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
lets do a chanty, ( low notes)joby joby $70,000 (high note on that one), joby joby $70,000, etc repeat.
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48m Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
so off to find a new job. As a myraid of static points lost me my last temporary position. as it ended.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
We want folks to be able to here the mediation and listen to fairness. Not full out wars. This is the America's not Middle east.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
You can't genocide the industry on all sides. As then the courts are not listened to and it goes anarchy.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
To the Recionist kid the choice with no experience. I still do not know why us intel's ar enot chosen anymore for leadership
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
you likey likey
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
thats right I am not going to be any normal attorney. I will push cases in agencies, military, and in citizen world. Cause I am good baby
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
And by the way Humbolt is the nicest area you could ever go to. Nobody dies there, very good folks. I love their control center.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
That is my complaint on that matter. Brother please see it through if you can. Do not push to hard of course.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
they may be more militarized than we are. But we can share market shares of course, but not grow lands. Sorry, this is USA lands
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Sinolala and the killer kid. Know we ehave our own federally protected areas too.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
In my complaint direction is to Humbold to retake like it was during CHan Chan. No CISEN resistance.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
which means after my masters degree and then into my jd mba combined I can go complete intel paid master.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I got ten years got about 3 more before I can suit instead of raggies this industry of mine.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
For the racist in power in the DOJ, if you ding my record because of speech I will have to react legally.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Again there is no legal complaint about me. As everything I order is legal under agency or US citizen laws.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
To Eric they might .... on your complaint as we have clandestine that watch every single agency.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
please grant my petition.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
again with me it is legal and proper in the clandestine courts. I plead for the below case to be courted.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I seek the intel courts to battle out my complaint. So it is done legally in the clandestine world.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and by the way when you did that you lit up your whole grid. So anybody that I might have not had I now have gridded.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Your burned Padilla and allowed it. So I can't allow you to let him stay sitting. You must work up another espionage infilitration seat
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
fire bomb missiles placed on billion grow fields if van napping or walk uppers. Fair is fair, I am not being unfair here.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
security defense from crazies stopping prosecution of my complaint in the intel world.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
so that is my complaint. Bargaining of course, speak to the actors of my strings, but that is my wish and plea.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
next up, we worked well on the nuclear mateirals, and jungle boys do not want me back door land grabbing them.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
to look like it was about skin color, when the written law says legal status, not color of skin after a crime was committed.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Here is my strategy and defense, Padilla is a well known puppet of the flow grid, we got that, stupid movement, no carding for crimes, made
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Ok so heres the plea for my complaint Give me Padilla, do not grid in my grow lands, and work with us in our world iniatives again.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I know you are still growing in Russia too. And of course wee have gridded out my old program that is still there.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I swear Wang I already want to place a generals head in your bed if you get involved I will grow in your lands too.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
can I do this. Sure just like i forced CISEN to grow in Soviet Union.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
If you push any temper tantrums on you being gridded out of the USA grow lands. I have two of your neighbors ready to grid in ur hides grows
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Mexico grows know they only have monopoly in Mexico as we work with them to stop their neighbors land grabs.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Where they start enterng Mexico to grow. So you don't push on me I do not push yours.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Jungle boys are cool with it. As I already stated I can work with other countries on their Mexican land grabs too.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
They can't have all Mexico grow lands and then part of the USA grow lands. Hell now they get Mexico and we get the USA.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
by the way CIA pancy ...... the DOD has been built by Mac a great clandestine and intel agency. And we have the most wolf pack control
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
The order is to again grid out all CISEN grows in the USA. Three divisions work on it. Leave our wolves our own grow lands.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
that worked US poppy grows to Saudi Grows in the Muslim areas.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
before you think that it is not cool or fair to back you off our grow lands. I have three divisions comming home working on it.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
we do not grow in your lands. My boys may be surfers riders of bikes and not work closely with their military like you do but papa is watchn
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
its time to get Macro on them.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
the Nuestro Lands Movement civil rights bull.... no carding allowed, then the most CISEn grows in US lands we have ever seen means 1 thing
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
CISEn will back the .... off our wolfs grows and go back to Mexico. Cause Chan is about to have a sit down with generals on Narco terrorism
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
especially now that i see gridded spots so gridded they are taken US wolf pack grows markets from them. So thats going to end.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Spain is need of some help and big boy CISEN could really help them Cause they have learned from Mac.
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1h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
world iniative African genocide of Christians and Democracy tribes. Try and work with Spain and get your boys trade going.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I was sitting their going you boys are really going to show the faces of your highest infilirated positions for this. ok
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
we can check your id and status if you commit a crime.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
sanctions based on law that the Supreme Court upheld.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
to my knights world wide for the Democracy that is my order with Padilla. Its one thing to fight for civil rights. But another thing to do
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Cause CISEN worked with us to stop the nuclear material. And 80's was less nuclear ease today we need their wolf pacts so most I go is half
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
to the US wolves why not just Reagan it again to my elders who remeber Reagan handing it over to them.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
to drive heards. But our boys are comming home and we are operating econ warfare on home soil watch.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I know it would have benefitted to have US troops go back overseas for CISEN. So that is how I found the CIA base that was brain codn
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst …
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
so deal and leave me be I am not Reagan genocider. …
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and yes I have your grows scanned and gridded down to each fields opts where they funds go and whose controlling.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and thats the billyion fields I am talking about. I am to high up to be toyed with.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I swear if I see another CISEN puppet van near me. I will freak out and burn one.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
is what it is. I have all fields locked and scanned. We play nice give me Padilla. And start working on world iniative cabbage patchers.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and CISEN is not even Native American's they are Diego's Spanish Spaniards.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I a mnot mad at that. I am just mad at the Nuestro Lands movement heavy funding by them.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
the 80's where a great time for our wolves. Reagan took great care of the US tribes. Like CISEN is taken good care now.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
..... I can't card you if you break a law. what the .....
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Reagan and Bush both lectured me during the late 80's and early 90's on matters.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
If you don't I love you but I am sorry. That was some bull.... to much power to you. I appreciate if we stay buddies. But you know
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I want CISEN To shut down half of its Nuestro opt's and start spending on world iniatives and work with us hand in hand.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I need you to help me stop Terrorism. Narco terrorism is not .... cause it is controlled by CISEN just like CIA controls the Muslim Database
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
The ride was a show of force that the panzy CIA agents working with you on my native lands. Have no power of the Generals when it comes tome
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Currently right now CISEN gets about a trillion dollars a year in the trade. Surplus
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and so far I am cool with the jungle boys. But CISEN needs to be friendly. Padilla was a show of again some bull .....
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
These President's we are producing these days may not do it. but the (I) still will.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
CISEN's puppets the cartel's and Mexican Special Forces had no choice but to buy from Reagan and NSA hackers and slashers
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
So Reagan said ...... you and our mass stockpile of grows in our underground. Where used to sell to them.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
As Mexico was working closely with the Soviet's to attack the US in econ war grids with CISEN opts and vans in the USA.
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2h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
See Reagan took down every single CISEN cell in the USA. Then took down all of Mexico's grows.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
two can play at this. Give me Padilla I stay out of your civility tribes you stay out of mine and we are both in each others muscle tribes.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
See how Mexico likes it when their illegals can't get arrested for crimes. They are harsh on their illegals no civil rights eh
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
as a matter of fact> if they do not give up Padilla I am working my way into a Mexican position to do the same thing.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
mayor to President still got it though a couple steps up in the espionage eh.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
thats like me pulling rank in the Mexicao President position and letting CISEN know they are having to give up Padillia to keep peace.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
but a ...... like that being obviously attacking my national security with their leadership position naaaa dude.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
To high up and to much. I mean I do not mind CISEN that much. They are really relatively cool.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
but that does not mean I do not have backdoors in them. That I can say hey Generals looky here I know of your sub grows.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I owned the satellites at one time. And I may have given over ownership. TO relieve my duty of call.
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11h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
still Chu can't hide as the idea that green tech stimulus went abroad instead of home proves first and second true.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
but I need CISEN so if they do not. I understand but I will take him myself then. Fair game my lands.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
if you spit on the sidewalk that is illegal and you can get a ticket which means a id is necessary and back check.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and I forget some dipshist CISEN agent ran a you can't card me if I commit a crime ......... program.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Padilla Bye Bye Mexico Special forces keep peaceful grows. I retake this moral higher ground of who's land it is.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
The whole planet at some point in time will carbon to high. So we had to know so they used my sats.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Then we did this per each area. To predict the exact year that as per growing numbers of tech and citizens. That we would sufficate.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
whic used that same algorythm to show areas of high or low carbon intake and oxygen output. In a infered system.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
The world has plants they all have a carbon intake and oxygen output. This is the program i Used with a sat com I bought
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Prove it. Without missile inteception. Ok
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
mother ........ I swear i would love to show you that I do have the sat grow system but the jungle boys wanted their grow I want padilla
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
If not I am sending in Sector 5 NSA to hack and slash them all. Can't afford it in my area.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
We had no correspondence of a pick up of sucide in the DOD. Yet they had three hear why?
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I want the DOD to raid the CIA quarters they took that van too. I had three followers from the Ranger battalions on them.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
style cause Reagan did not put up with any CISEN .... at all.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Pick em up fly me vlakry ships over my area for 6 motnsh to watch any crazies they might send in. If necessary underground grows it. Reagan
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
the three terroist they moved from that area that where ebing brain manipulated to drive heards to Iran by bombing. Where in a white van.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
So don't ..... with me and give me Padilla. Cause ..... that arsewhole. Civil rights, you commit a crime you can get carded.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I have ever single brain manipulation grow in this world gridded. And I did the alogy sat scan code when I was Chan.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I can tace every single plant life in this world by the carbon it takes in and out it breathes. gives off heat signatures.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Chan Chan ran the west coast CISEN knows that. I have given it up for law school. But hell if I am going to overlook old school .....
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
so obvious way to much from CISEN. I do not mind the game or the flow. But I do mind obviously ...... .......... ..... like that.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
its the most idiotic thing I have ever heard of. You may not ask folks for their id if they commit a crime.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Give me Padillas arse on a ....... silver platter.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Grab Padilla make him talk I want his CISEN network. Jungle boys said its cool so long as they can keep a good grow in Mexico.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
stupid Move Padilla attacking mac's muscle tribe. You may be from the civility tribe but your nuts if you think you can do that.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
lets see how he likes it when somebody sanctions his arse.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Mayor Padilla is going up for Treason. As per foreign espionage laws and his constant work with CISEN to destroy the US.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
boarder controls. So I took Mexico. We now hold the head office and CISEN folks who worked the intel opt with Padilla are coming clean.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I just took all of Mexico the special forces in the jungle grows said they are cool with me responding to CISEN's intel opt to stop our
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
can't ......... protect my boarders and then ...... like Padilla tell me they sanction our muscle tribe The Repubc
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
fi I ever see another campaign tell me that I can't secure my boarders. I will track every living single cell. ok not mad but overdoing it
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
So I need to represent some things to remind folks. this is magical lands not arsewholes.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
I had folks trying to tell me that I could not secure my boarder through their fundings.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
why am I being a dick. Well CIA is allowing CCP to dominate illegally without playing back.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
and my grows are underground and ready to take over any supply. So be nice.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
do we need to play this again. I am to old for young men games these day snow I use missiles.
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
Do not make me run nucs over your fields again. I am serious. If I go they just start burning. Chan runs this not you
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12h Economic Warfare Ins @EconWarInst
this is my land. I am native american I own the underground native lands with my native tribes and the valuts are mine
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