My thoughts on this article:,0,2413473.story
Now you see if the court system sold it. Like that as a package to spread the economic wealth instead of centralize it to the already powerful clogged Democratic economic grid. You might see a fresh batch of investors like the church or Republicans. Who would love to have a centrivical force that will bring a very long investment portfolio for justice, politics and Democracy. While also creating strong holds like the current court system has created for the Democratic party with parking ownership and office spaces. That is how I would sell it so our court system gets unclogged a bit. Rider i
gridder critter 101 mmmm ya.
You know Republican still live down here. I have to try cases you know. Darn it judges need prestigue. There is a whole report set on how we want court houses and courtrooms to majestic. So folks follow the law. As judges are seen as powerful big. If we start sharing them it gets run down. Along with that your a Republican. Its hard enough in this state without one attack our judges. Judges. as a Republican. I am for you having your own rooms and workers too. Its difficult I know babies. I just think that we should build the new one far away from the Democratic hold of parking and office buildings near the church area. So we can have workers that are rightist. As the current hiring trend in LA court rooms is pure Democratic in nature. With very little Republican judicial workers. So thats my plea as the California EWA wiseman and shot caller for the Republican I.
ridereye at 9:13 PM August 19, 2012
For example the current court system is not near Churches or rightist places. It is near the California biggest Communist meeting hall. Where I have had cases heard before and they come out in full fashion. Where my church folks live far away and can't show up for our cases. I think economically this building project is needed. But the current grid system shows favor to enriching about 10 major Democratic party funders. Where a better build for Democracy. Would be to build it across town where the Churches are. So we could have an easy protest jury of peers for the rightist.
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ridereye at 9:10 PM August 19, 2012
For example as a wiseman of So Cal I do not like having any of my cases heard in LA. As it is compeltely held by almost 100% Democratic party wiseman. So any necessary political motive I might have with regards to case. Will be seen as an enemy idea to their grid monopoly.
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ridereye at 9:08 PM August 19, 2012
Personally when I go into the LA court system. I know the economic political grid leans heavily to the left. Almomst pure Democratic economic grid around it. Thus the impact of the judges, and workers that are hired via the local commute. In my legal mind are going to be less likely to give my rightist political mindset a fair chance. However, let's say the new court room is built near the LA church system. Where we have major rightist area owned economically by the right. THen if I can transfer my case there. I will feel as an economic warfare analysts. THat I will be more heard by the jury of my peers. by judge and court room worker. Along with economic control of the grids. Plus I do not have to pay expensive monopolistic parking fees or office fees for my working studios.
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ridereye at 9:06 PM August 19, 2012
As the court system that is what I would have done. As the current centrivical force of the court room system. Will draw the already rich parking, and officer building holders. However, if a new investor is needed. Looking to spread out political court room and break time along with parking and office building spread of political sharing. Would be better to do it that way. As currently the Republic is going to look at it like. Yes tha tis a Democratic party controlled economic area. So the parking owners and officer building ownerrs can raise prices. While the Republican economics get no benefit for any type of fair economic counter area less clogged less monopolistic building strategy.
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ridereye at 9:04 PM August 19, 2012
As a matter of my opinion in a Democracy. As the current court room system is held in a major Democratic Party area. The new one should be built in a Republican area. For proper political and justice for all. Not just for Democratic party economy economic nepotism and control of the court system. As we currently see the majority of La court room workers are pro Democratic party. Due to heavy court room draw of Democratic party memebers in the living quarter areas of that court room. I think as a Republican saying to lose the prestige is a bad Republicn strategy. The better one would be build the new one in a Republican area. To be fair and to stop clogging the already overburdened system. This would also stop monopolistic parking fees and building court room fees. As via anti trust and Democracy economics. The other courtroom would spread ownership of oiffices and parking. Creating a cheaper more competitive court room centrivical economic force.
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ridereye at 9:01 PM August 19, 2012
Another issue is that if they go along with the plan to centralize the Federal employee campus. You get that idea that the areas becomes even more clogged. So the better idea would be to spread out the campus for less clogging. As there is no need to have the campuses so close together. Except for burecratic control of break time watching. The better plan would be to look at engineering, spread the campuse to different areas of LA. So as to declogg the massive already overburdened system. Then look to the macro engineering of people conglomeraiton based on greedy political profiteering breaking of laws by LA political and racist members of the community.
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ridereye at 8:59 PM August 19, 2012
The reality is that the Judges have their own courtrooms. This is for specific issues. That court cases just do not have hearings. They also have back office's and the front offices. That are used for clerical work. This would mean if we did have a specific issue with sharing courtrooms. We would then have to create new office space for the workers working on classified to secret court room case. So either way we are looking at a need for more space. As the LA system is one of the worst court room systems in the US. As the system LA builders do things like keep pressing public transport to create more jobs in LA. Instead of expanding trade to other counties where room is more available and space is not so impacted. The reality of this problem would be. To stop the impacted city from concentrating more human citizens there and force engineering of spreading the trade out. However, the argument that share court rooms is still the issue of needed workers. Every court room has about 6 workers that are in the offices attached to them. Its not just a hearing place. I am also a Republican. But I am very familiar with the court system as I am a Republican worker. Maybe it would be cheaper to use the court rooms and buy an existing building. But then you lose the prestige of justice as per the need to have judges be judges and not parlor room, gun on top of barrel decission makers.
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